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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7409 results
Landslide mapping and monitoring by using radar and optical remote sensing: Examples from the EC-FP7 project SAFER, Casagli, N., Cigna F., Bianchini S., Hölbling D., Füreder P., Righini Gaia, Del Conte S., Friedl B., Schneiderbauer S., Iasio C., et al. , Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Volume 4, p.92-108, (2016)
Larvicidal activity of steroidal saponins from Dracaena arborea on Aedes albopictus, Nya, P.C.B., Moretti Riccardo, Nicoletti M., Calvitti Maurizio, and Tomassini L. , Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Volume 17, Number 12, p.1036-1042, (2016)
LCA of 1,4-butanediol produced via direct fermentation of sugars from wheat straw feedstock within a territorial biorefinery, Forte, A., Zucaro Amalia, Basosi R., and Fierro A. , Materials, Volume 9, Number 7, (2016)
L'economia circolare per il contenimento delle emissioni di gas serra, Cutaia, Laura, Scagliarino Claudia, La Monica Marco, Barberio Grazia, Sbaffoni Silvia, Luciano Antonella, Mancuso Erika, and Brunori Claudia , Energia Ambiente e Innovazione, Issue 1, Number 1, p.46–49, (2016)
Life Cycle Assessment of second generation bioethanol produced from low-input dedicated crops of Arundo donax L., Zucaro, Amalia, Forte A., Basosi R., Fagnano M., and Fierro A. , Bioresource Technology, Volume 219, p.589-599, (2016)
Light Intensity Affects Ozone-Induced Stomatal Sluggishness in Snapbean, Hoshika, Y., De Marco Alessandra, Materassi A., and Paoletti E. , Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 227, Number 11, (2016)
Light remodels lipid biosynthesis in Nannochloropsis gaditana by modulating carbon partitioning between organelles, Alboresi, A., Perin G., Vitulo N., Diretto Gianfranco, Block M., Jouhet J., Meneghesso A., Valle G., Giuliano Giovanni, Maréchal E., et al. , Plant Physiology, Volume 171, Number 4, p.2468-2482, (2016)
Lightweight borohydrides electro-activity in lithium cells, Meggiolaro, D., Farina L., Silvestri L., Panero S., Brutti S., and Reale P. , Energies, Volume 9, Number 4, (2016)
Lithium manganese oxides as high-temperature thermal energy storage system, Varsano, F., Alvani C., La Barbera A., Masi A., and Padella F. , Thermochimica Acta, Volume 640, p.26-35, (2016)
Lo studio del cambiamento globale e della predicibilità climatica in ENEA tramite l’utilizzo di modelli del Sistema Terra, Alessandri, Andrea, and Catalano Franco , Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, Issue 1, (2016)
Long term evolution of heat budget in the Mediterranean Sea from Med-CORDEX forced and coupled simulations, Harzallah, A., Jordà G., Dubois C., Sannino Gianmaria, Carillo Adriana, Li L., Arsouze T., Cavicchia L., Beuvier J., and Akhtar N. , Climate Dynamics, Volume 51, Number 3, p.1-21, (2016)
Long-range transport and mixing of aerosol sources during the 2013 North American biomass burning episode: Analysis of multiple lidar observations in the western Mediterranean basin, Ancellet, G., Pelon J., Totems J., Chazette P., Bazureau A., Sicard M., Di Iorio Tatiana, Dulac F., and Mallet M. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 16, Number 7, p.4725-4742, (2016)
Long-term decline in the trophic level of megafauna in the deep Mediterranean Sea: A stable isotopes approach, Fanelli, E., Cartes J.E., Papiol V., López-Pérez C., and Carrassón M. , Climate Research, Volume 67, Number 3, p.191-207, (2016)
A low-cost gas sensor based on a self-assembled graphene nanoplatelets contact, Micciulla, F., Cataldo Antonino, Bellucci S., and Maffucci A. , 2016 IEEE 2nd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry Leveraging a Better Tomorrow, RTSI 2016, (2016)
LS3MIP (v1.0) contribution to CMIP6: The Land Surface, Snow and Soil moisture Model Intercomparison Project - Aims, setup and expected outcome, van Den Hurk, B., Kim H., Krinner G., Seneviratne S.I., Derksen C., Oki T., Douville H., Colin J., Ducharne A., Cheruy F., et al. , Geoscientific Model Development, Volume 9, Number 8, p.2809-2832, (2016)
Magnetoliposomes: Envisioning new strategies for water decontamination, Petralito, S, Paolicelli P, Nardoni M, Apollonio F, Liberti M, Merla Caterina, Pinto Rosanna, Casadei M.A, and Annesini M.C. , Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 47, p.37-42, (2016)
Management of severe head injury with brain exposure in three loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta, Franchini, D., Cavaliere L., Valastro C., Carnevali Fiorella, Van der Esch Andrew, Lai O., and Di Bello A. , Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, Volume 119, Number 2, p.145-152, (2016)
Mechanochemical Processing of Mn and Co Oxides: An Alternative Way to Synthesize Mixed Spinels for Protective Coating, Masi, A., Bellusci M., Carlini M., McPhail S.J., Padella F., and Reale P. , Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Volume 99, Number 1, p.308-314, (2016)
Med-CORDEX initiative for Mediterranean climate studies, Ruti, P.M., Somot S., Giorgi F., Dubois C., Flaounas E., Obermann A., Dell'Aquila Alessandro, Pisacane Giovanna, Harzallah A., Lombardi Emanuele, et al. , Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 97, Number 7, p.1187-1208, (2016)
Meeting Subalternity, A Constant Challenge in Cuban History, Baracca, A., and Franconi Rosella , SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology, p.11-24, (2016)
Messa in sicurezza post-sisma della parrocchia della Visitazione di Maria Santissima a Reno Finalese (MO), Carpani, Bruno, and Segreto Maria-Anna , COMITATO NAZIONALE PER LA RICERCA E PER LO SVILUPPO DELL'ENERGIA NUCLEARE E DELLE ENERGIE ALTERNATIVE. ENEA-RT/DISP, (2016)
Meteorological and snow accumulation gradients across Dome C, East Antarctic plateau, Genthon, C., Six D., Scarchilli Claudio, Ciardini Virginia, and Frezzotti M. , International Journal of Climatology, Volume 36, Number 1, p.455-466, (2016)
Metodo ed Apparato per la Misura di Intensità di Luce Diffusa da un Materiale, Nenna, G., Fasolino Tommaso, Minarini C., Eugenia Lepera, and De Girolamo Del Mauro Anna , 09/2016, Volume 102016000091073, Number 102016000091073, Italia, (2016)
Microbiome dynamics of a polychlorobiphenyl (PCB) historically contaminated marine sediment under conditions promoting reductive dechlorination, Matturro, B., Ubaldi Carla, and Rossetti S. , Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 7, Number SEP, (2016)
Microchambers for cell exposure: From the design to applications, Denzi, A., Merla Caterina, Casciola M., Hwang J.C.M., Cheng X., Apollonio F., and Liberti M. , Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, Volume 2016-October, p.4232-4235, (2016)