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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7409 results
High-Energy Ball Milling as a General Tool for Nanomaterials Synthesis and Processing, Pentimalli, Marzia, Bellusci M., and Padella F. , Handbook of Mechanical Nanostructuring, Volume 2, p.663-679, (2015)
High-intensity static magnetic field exposure devices for in vitro experiments on biopharmaceutical plant factories in aerospace environments, Lopresto, Vanni, Merla Caterina, Pinto Rosanna, and Benvenuto Eugenio , Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, Volume 2015-November, p.893-896, (2015)
H2 thermal desorption and hydride conversion reactions in Li cells of TiH2/C amorphous nanocomposites, Vitucci, F.M., Paolone A., Brutti S., Munaò D., Silvestri L., Panero S., and Reale P. , Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 645, Number S1, p.S46-S50, (2015)
Holistic approach in invasive species research: the case of the tomato leaf miner in the Mediterranean Basin, Ponti, Luigi, Gutierrez Andrew Paul, and Altieri Miguel A. , Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, Volume 39, Number ja, p.DOI 10.1080/21683565.2014.990074, (2015)
Humans and water in desert “refugium” areas: Palynological evidence of climate oscillations and cultural developments in early and mid-holocene Saharan edges, Mercuri, A.M., Florenzano A., Giraudi C., and Garcea E.A.A. , Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica, Volume 6, Number 2, p.151-160, (2015)
Hydrogen from the high temperature water gas shift reaction with an industrial Fe/Cr catalyst using biomass gasification tar rich synthesis gas, Chianese, S., Loipersböck J., Malits M., Rauch R., Hofbauer H., Molino Antonio, and Musmarra D. , Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 132, p.39-48, (2015)
Hydrogen storage properties of Pd-doped thermally oxidized single wall carbon nanohorns, Giasafaki, D., Charalambopoulou G., Tampaxis Ch., Mirabile Gattia Daniele, Montone Amelia, Barucca G., and Steriotis Th. , Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 645, Number S1, p.S485-S489, (2015)
A Hydrological and geochemical survey of the groundwater resource of Favignana Island, Grillini, M., De Cassan Maurizio, and Proposito Marco , Energia Ambiente e Innovazione, (2015)
A hydrometallurgical process for recovering rare earths and metals from spent fluorescent lamps, De Carolis, R., Fontana Danilo, Pietrantonio Massimiliana, Pucciarmati Stefano, and Torelli G.N. , Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, JUL, Volume 14, Number 7, 71 MANGERON BLVD, IASI, 700050, ROMANIA, p.1603-1609, (2015)
Hypoxia and glucose regulate transcription of the low-affinity glucose transporter gene RAG1 in Kluyveromyces lactis, Santomartino, Rosa, Ottaviano Daniela, Visca Andrea, Soulard Alexandre, Lemaire Marc, Gonzalez James, Gonzalez Alicia, and Bianchi Michele M. , YEAST, Volume 32, p.S110–S111, (2015)
Identification of a distinct population of CD133(+)CXCR4(+) cancer stem cells in ovarian cancer., Cioffi, Michele, D'Alterio Crescenzo, Camerlingo Rosalba, Tirino Virginia, Consales Claudia, Riccio Anna, Ieranò Caterina, Cecere Sabrina Chiara, Losito Nunzia Simona, Greggi Stefano, et al. , Sci Rep, 2015 May 28, Volume 5, p.10357, (2015)
Identification of post-transcriptional regulatory networks during myeloblast-to-monocyte differentiation transition, Fontemaggi, G., Bellissimo T., Donzelli S., Iosue I., Benassi Barbara, Bellotti G., Blandino G., and Fazi F. , RNA Biology, Volume 12, Number 7, p.690-700, (2015)
Il ruolo dell'economia: approcci e modelli di governance dell'ambiente, Poli, T, Scarpitti L, Accanito C, Blasi E, Coduti C, Colosimo A, Cutaia Laura, Felici B, La Monica Marco, and Pancino Barbara , Sostenibilità Ambientale. Un manuale per prendere buone decisioni, Roma, p.519–542, (2015)
Il turismo, Caramis, Alessandro, Ciani Adriano, Cubeddu Francesca, Montani Anna Rosa, Padovani Laura Maria, and Salvatore Rita , La sostenibilità ambientale- Un manuale per prendere buone decisioni, Volume Unico, (2015)
Impatti sulla diversità biologica, Padovani, Laura Maria, Carrabba Paola, Coduti Cinzia, and Foschi Cristiano , La sostenibilità ambientale- Un manuale per prendere buone decisioni, Volume Unico, (2015)
Impiego di antagonisti microbici nella lotta contro i marciumi della frutta in post-raccolta nell'ambito del progetto ORTOFRULOG, Ambrico, Alfredo, Trupo Mario, Balducchi Roberto, Palazzo S., Logroio Tania, Albergo Roberto, Liuzzi Federico, De Bari Isabella, and Canese Stefano , p.57, (2015)
In vitro and in vivo toxicity evaluation of plant virus nanocarriers., Blandino, Agnese, Lico Chiara, Baschieri Selene, Barberini Lanfranco, Cirotto Carlo, Blasi Paolo, and Santi Luca , Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 2015 May 01, Volume 129, p.130-6, (2015)
Indicatori di qualità per la IV gamma, P., Di Carli L. D., Perrotta Gaetano, Bevivino Annamaria, Bianco L., Capodicasa Cristina, Caprioli Raffaela, Carbone F., Dalmastri Claudia, De Rossi P., Di Carli M., et al. , Ingredienti Alimentari, 01/2015, Volume 78, (2015)
Induction and repair of DNA DSB as revealed by H2AX phosphorylation foci in human fibroblasts exposed to low-and high-LET radiation: Relationship with early and delayed reproductive cell death, Antonelli, Francesca, Campa A., Esposito G., Giardullo Paola, Belli M., Dini V., Meschini S., Simone G., Sorrentino E., Gerardi S., et al. , Radiation Research, Volume 183, Number 4, p.417-431, (2015)
Influence of annealing treatments on solution-processed ZnO film deposited on ITO substrate as electron transport layer for inverted polymer solar cells, Morvillo, Pasquale, Diana R., Mucci A., Bobeico E., Ricciardi Rosa, and Minarini Carla , Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 141, p.210-217, (2015)
Influence of ligand exchange on the electrical transport properties of PbS nanocrystals, Borriello, Carmela, Miscioscia Riccardo, Mansour S.A., Di Luccio Tiziana, Bruno A., Loffredo Fausta, Villani Fulvia, and Minarini Carla , Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, Volume 212, Number 12, p.2677-2685, (2015)
Influence of the target tissue size on the shape of ex vivo microwave ablation zones, Cavagnaro, M., Amabile C., Cassarino S., Tosoratti N., Pinto Rosanna, and Lopresto Vanni , International Journal of Hyperthermia, Volume 31, Number 1, p.48-57, (2015)
Influence of welding parameters on microstructure of welded joints SMAW/GTAW steel X10 CrMoVNb 9-1 (P91) [Influenza dei parametri di saldatura sulla microstruttura di giunti saldati SMAW/GTAW di acciaio X 10 CrMoVNb 9-1 (P91)], Barbieri, Giuseppe, Cesaroni M., Ciambella L., Costanza G., and Montanari R. , Metallurgia Italiana, Volume 107, Number 3, p.37-45, (2015)
Innovative technologies for metals recovery and plastic valorization from electric and electronic waste: An integrated approach, Brunori, Claudia, Cafiero Lorenzo M., De Carolis R., Fontana Danilo, Guzzinati Roberta, Pietrantonio Massimiliana, Pucciarmati Stefano, Torelli G.N., Trinca E., and Tuffi Riccardo , Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, JUL, Volume 14, Number 7, 71 MANGERON BLVD, IASI, 700050, ROMANIA, p.1553-1562, (2015)
InSAR Water Vapor Data Assimilation into Mesoscale Model MM5: Technique and Pilot Study, Pichelli, Emanuela, Ferretti Rossella, Cimini Domenico, Panegrossi Giulia, Perissin Daniele, Pierdicca Nazzareno, Rocca Fabio, and Rommen Bjorn , IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Volume 8, Number 8, p.3859 – 3875, (2015)