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Alien species in natural environments: A treath for biodiversity conservation [Le specie esotiche negli ambienti naturali: Una minaccia per la conservazione della biodiversità]

TitleAlien species in natural environments: A treath for biodiversity conservation [Le specie esotiche negli ambienti naturali: Una minaccia per la conservazione della biodiversità]
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsMinciardi, Maria Rita
JournalItalian Botanist

In natural and semi-natural areas, the invasion of alien species is a major source of impact. In order to understand the invasive potential and to identify priorities for a proper action planning, a key step is the realization of detailed risk analyses and forecasts of species distribution. Moreover, it is necessary to assess both fragility and relevance for conservation of habitats and target species. © 2018 Società Botanica Italiana onlus.


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Citation KeyMinciardi2015347