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Reprocessing of eXpendable BathyThermograph (XBT) profiles from the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas over the time period 1999–2019 with a full metadata upgrade,
, Earth System Science Data, Volume 16, Number 12, p.5531-5561, (2024)
Harmonization and mapping of terrestrial gamma dose rate data in Belgium,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 248, (2022)
Increasing the maturity of measurements of essential climate variables (ECVs) at Italian atmospheric WMO/GAW observatories by implementing automated data elaboration chains,
, Computers and Geosciences, Volume 137, (2020)
Validation of a database of mean uranium, thorium and potassium concentrations in rock samples of Portuguese geological units, generated of literature data,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 222, (2020)
How well can we correct systematic errors in historical XBT data?,
, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 35, Number 5, p.1103-1125, (2018)
Mapping potassium and thorium concentrations in Belgian soils,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 184-185, p.127-139, (2018)
The influence of the synoptic regime on stable water isotopes in precipitation at Dome C, East Antarctica,
, Cryosphere, Volume 11, Number 5, p.2345-2361, (2017)
Multi-year record of atmospheric and snow surface nitrate in the central Antarctic plateau,
, Chemosphere, Volume 172, p.341-354, (2017)
Global assessment of heat wave magnitudes from 1901 to 2010 and implications for the river discharge of the Alps,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 571, p.1330-1339, (2016)
Total column water vapour from along track scanning radiometer series using thermal infrared dual view ocean cloud free measurements: The Advanced Infra-Red WAter Vapour Estimator (AIRWAVE) algorithm,
, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 172, p.1-14, (2016)
Log-normality of indoor radon data in the Walloon region of Belgium,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 143, p.100-109, (2015)
Review of tropospheric temperature, absolute humidity and integrated water vapour from the HAMSTRAD radiometer installed at Dome C, Antarctica, 2009-14,
, Antarctic Science, Volume 27, Number 6, p.598-616, (2015)
Semantics-based services for a low carbon society: An application onemissions trading system data and scenarios management,
, Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 64, p.124-142, (2015)
Tidal notches in Mediterranean Sea: A comprehensive analysis,
, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 119, p.66-84, (2015)
Wave climate analysis for the design of wave energy harvesters in the Mediterranean Sea,
, Renewable Energy, Volume 77, p.125-141, (2015)
Homogenity of geological units with respect to the radon risk in the Walloon region of Belgium,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 136, p.140-151, (2014)
New functions for estimating AOT40 from ozone passive sampling,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 95, p.82-88, (2014)
Decadal variability of net water flux at the Mediterranean Sea Gibraltar Strait,
, Global and Planetary Change, Volume 100, p.1-10, (2013)
Water masses and nutrient distribution in the Gulf of Syrte and between Sicily and Libya,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 121-122, p.36-46, (2013)
Benthic diatom assemblages and their response to human stress in small-sized volcanic-siliceous streams of central Italy (Mediterranean eco-region),
, Hydrobiologia, Volume 695, Number 1, p.207-222, (2012)
Comparison of radioactivity data measured in PM10 aerosol samples at two elevated stations in northern Italy during the Fukushima event,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 114, p.105-112, (2012)
Extent of low-accumulation 'wind glaze' areas on the East Antarctic plateau: Implications for continental ice mass balance,
, Journal of Glaciology, Volume 58, Number 210, p.633-647, (2012)
Landslide HotSpot Mapping by means of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry,
, Environmental Earth Sciences, Volume 67, Number 4, p.1155-1172, (2012)
Conclusive remarks. Reliability and comparability of chlorophyll fluorescence data from several field teams,
, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Volume 73, Number 1, p.116-119, (2011)
Large aerosol effects on ozone photolysis in the Mediterranean,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 45, Number 24, p.3937-3943, (2011)