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Produzione Scientifica

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Filters: Keyword is Indium tin oxide  [Clear All Filters]
ITO sputtering study for transparent OLED top electrode, Nunziata, Fiorita, Aprano Salvatore, Liguori Rosalba, Maglione Maria Grazia, Tassini Paolo, and Rubino Alfredo , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 13013, (2024)
Properties of transparent conducting Indium Tin Oxide films deposited by reactive e-beam evaporation on heated glass, Sinno, G., Minarini Carla, Loreti S., Di Francia G., and Salluzzo Antonio , Diffusion and Defect Data Pt.B: Solid State Phenomena, Volume 67, Schwabisch Gmund, Ger, p.249-254, (1999)