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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7413 results
Co-fermentation of corn stover hydrolyzates for bioethanol production by co-cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia stipitis adapted to microbial inhibitors. , Isabella, De Bari, Daniela Cuna, Di Matteo Vincenzo, and Villone Antonio , 14th European Biomass Conference: Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, 10/2005, Paris, p.1224-1227, (2005)
Co-fermentation of cornstover hydrolyzates for bioethanol production by coimmobilized cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia stipitis adapted to microbial inhibitors, Isabella, De Bari, Daniela Cuna, Federico Liuzzi, Francesco Nanna, Antonio Villone, and Giacobbe Braccio , 27th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuel and Chemicals, 05/2005, Denver, Colorado, USA, (2005)
A coiled-coil interaction mediates cauliflower mosaic virus cell-to-cell movement, Stavolone, L., Villani Maria Elena, Leclerc D., and Hohn T. , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 102, Number 17, p.6219-6224, (2005)
Collection and evaluation of grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.) germplasm of central Italy, Tavoletti, S., Iommarini L., Crinò P., and Granati E. , Plant Breeding, 2005///, Volume 124, p.388 - 391, (2005)
Combined capillary force and step and flash lithography, Mele, E., Di Benedetto Francesca, Persano L., Pisignano D., and Cingolani R. , Nanotechnology, Volume 16, Number 4, p.391-395, (2005)
Commercial production of antibodies in cereals: setting up the system, Galeffi, Patrizia, Polidori Gioia Petrighi, Rasi Chiara, Latini Arianna, Cavicchioni G, Palmieri Eleonora, Sperandei Maria, and Cantale Cristina , ICABR 9th International Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology: Ten Years After., Ravello, July 7 - 10, 2005, (2005)
Commutative hypercomplex numbers and functions of hypercomplex variable: A matrix study, Catoni, F., Cannata R., Nichelatti E., and Zampetti P. , Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Volume 15, Number 2, p.183-212, (2005)
Comparative analysis of the pathogenic mechanisms associated with the G8363A and A8296G mutations in the mitochondrial tRNALys gene, Bornstein, B., Mas J.A., Patrono Clarice, Fernández-Moreno M.A., González-Vioque E., Campos Y., Carrozzo R., Martín M.A., Del Hoyo P., Santorelli F.M., et al. , Biochemical Journal, Volume 387, Number 3, p.773-778, (2005)
Comparative profiling of tomato fruits and leaves evidences a complex modulation of global transcript profiles, Carbone, F., Pizzichini Daniele, Giuliano Giovanni, Rosati C., and Perrotta Gaetano , Plant Science, Volume 169, Number 1, p.165-175, (2005)
Comparison of ground-based and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer erythemal UV doses at the island of Lampedusa in the period 1998-2003: Role of tropospheric aerosols, Meloni, Daniela, Di Sarra Alcide, Herman J.R., Monteleone Francesco, and Piacentino Salvatore , Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, Volume 110, Number 1, p.1-12, (2005)
Computational improvement of gravitational mode calculation of basins discretised by orthogonal curvilinear grids, Beltrami, G.M., and Bargagli A. , Ocean Engineering, Volume 32, Number 13, p.1623-1630, (2005)
Continuous flow micro-cell for electrochemical addressing of engineered bio-molecules, Maly, J., Ilie M., Foglietti V., Cianci E., Minotti A., Nardi Luca, Masci A., Vastarella W, and Pilloton R. , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 111-112, Number SUPPL., p.317-322, (2005)
Decapod crustaceans of Tyrrhenian Sea soft bottoms (central Mediterranean), Fanelli, E., Lattanzi L., Nicoletti L., and Tomassetti P. , Crustaceana, Volume 78, Number 6, p.641-651, (2005)
Defect-free zirconia-based materials for orthopaedic implants, Magnani, G., and Beaulardi L. , Materials Forum, Volume 29, p.157-160, (2005)
Designing biodiverse, pest resilient vineyards through habitat management, Altieri, Miguel A., Nicholls Clara I., Ponti Luigi, and York A. , Practical Winery & Vineyard, 2005, Volume 27, p.16-30, (2005)
Destabilization of the thermohaline circulation by transient changes in the hydrological cycle, Lucarini, V., Calmanti Sandro, and Artale V. , Climate Dynamics, Volume 24, Number 2-3, p.253-262, (2005)
Detecting land cover changes through remote sensing and GIS techniques, Catani, F., Ermini L., Kukavicic M., Moretti S., and Righini Gaia , Proceedings, 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, ISRSE 2005: Global Monitoring for Sustainability and Security, (2005)
Detection of cultured and uncultured Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteria naturally occurring in the maize rhizosphere, Pirone, L., Chiarini L., Dalmastri Claudia, Bevivino Annamaria, and Tabacchioni Silvia , Environmental Microbiology, 2005///, Volume 7, p.1734 - 1742, (2005)
Determination of natural vitamin E from Italian hazelnut leaves, Sivakumar, G., and Bacchetta Loretta , Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2005///, Volume 41, p.654 - 656, (2005)
Determination of polar stratospheric cloud particle refractive indices by use of in situ optical measurements and T-matrix calculations, Scarchilli, Claudio, Adriani A., Cairo F., Di Donfrancesco G., Buontempo C., Snels M., Moriconi M.L., Deshler T., Larsen N., Luo B., et al. , Applied Optics, Volume 44, Number 16, p.3302-3311, (2005)
Direct mediatorless electron transport between the monolayer of photosystem II and poly(mercapto-p-benzoquinone) modified gold electrode - New design of biosensor for herbicide detection, Maly, J., Masojidek J., Masci A., Ilie M., Cianci E., Foglietti V., Vastarella W, and Pilloton R. , Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 21, Number 6, p.923-932, (2005)
Discussion and Applications of Slab Models of the Convective Boundary Layer Based on the Turbulent Kinetic Energy Budget Parameterisations, Villani, Maria Gabriella, Maurizi A., and Tampieri F. , 2005/03/01, Volume 114, Issue 3, p.539, (2005)
A disordered carbon as a novel anode material in lithium-ion cells, Bonino, F., Brutti S., Reale P., Scrosati B., Gherghel L., Wu J., and Müllen K. , Advanced Materials, Volume 17, Number 6, p.743-746, (2005)
Distribution of pre- and post-Chernobyl radiocaesium with particle size fractions of soils, Spezzano, Pasquale , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 83, Number 2, p.117-127, (2005)
DNA DSB induced by iron ions in human fibroblasts: LET dependence and shielding efficiency, Esposito, G., Antonelli Francesca, Belli M., Campa A., Dini V., Furusawa Y., Simone G., Sorrentino E., and Tabocchini M.A. , Advances in Space Research, Volume 35, Number 2, p.243-248, (2005)