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Acaricidal activity of the plant sesquiterpenoids α-costic acid and inuloxin A against the cattle ectoparasitic tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus, Freda, F., Masi M., Kashefi J., Cristofaro M., Musmeci Sergio, and Evidente A. , International Journal of Acarology, (2020)
Electrocution and containment methods to reduce the activity of red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus Ferrugineus, OL.), Fedrizzi, M., Pagano M., Guerrieri M., Tomasone R., Musmeci Sergio, Arnone Silvia, Sasso Raffaele, Cristofaro M., Antonucci F., and Santangelo E. , Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, Volume 18, Number 4, p.1-12, (2020)
Genetic analysis of invasive populations of Ventenata dubia (Poaceae): an assessment of propagule pressure and pattern of range expansion in the Western United States, Pervukhina-Smith, I., Sforza R.F.H., Cristofaro M., Smith J.F., and Novak S.J. , Biological Invasions, (2020)
Open field evaluation of Aculodes altamurgensis, a recently described eriophyid species associated with medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae), Cristofaro, M., Roselli G., Marini F., de Lillo E., Petanovic R.U., Vidović B., Augé M., and Rector B.G. , Biocontrol Science and Technology, (2020)
Polyphenolic extracts from the olive mill wastewater as a source of biopesticides and their effects on the life cycle of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera, Tephriditae), Di Ilio, V., and Cristofaro M. , International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, (2020)
Tetramesa amica and its parasitoid eurytoma amicophaga (Hymenoptera, eurytomidae): Two new species associated with medusahead, taeniatherum caput-medusae (poaceae), Lotfalizadeh, H., Rasplus J.-Y., Cristofaro M., and Marini F. , ZooKeys, Volume 2020, Number 1005, p.133-149, (2020)
Grasses as suitable targets for classical weed biological control, Sutton, G.F., Canavan K., Day M.D., A. Breeyen den, Goolsby J.A., Cristofaro M., McConnachie A., and Paterson I.D. , BioControl, (2019)
The host range and impact of Aceria angustifoliae (Eriophyidae), a potential biological control agent against Russian olive, Elaeagnus angustifoliae (Elaeagnaceae) in North America, Weyl, P., Asadi G.A., Cristofaro M., Vidović B., Petanović R., Marini F., and Schaffner U. , Biocontrol Science and Technology, Volume 30, Number 1, p.85-92, (2019)
Phytotoxic Activity and Structure-Activity Relationships of Radicinin Derivatives against the Invasive Weed Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris), Masi, M., Freda F., Clement S., Cimmino A., Cristofaro M., Meyer S., and Evidente A. , Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), Volume 24, Number 15, (2019)
Radicinin, a fungal phytotoxin as a target-specific bioherbicide for invasive buffelgrass (cenchrus ciliaris) control, Masi, M., Freda F., Sangermano F., Calabrò V., Cimmino A., Cristofaro M., Meyer S., and Evidente A. , Molecules, Volume 24, Number 6, (2019)
Synthesis and Herbicidal Activity against Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris) of (±)-3-deoxyradicinin, Marsico, G., Ciccone M.S., Masi M., Freda F., Cristofaro M., Evidente A., Superchi S., and Scafato P. , Molecules, Volume 24, Number 17, (2019)
Three prospective agents instead of one? Cryptic diversity of the biological control agent Psylliodes chalcomera, de Biase, A., Smith L., Brunetti M., Belvedere S., Primerano S., Antonini G., Marca A.L., Audisio P., Biondi M., and Cristofaro M. , Biological Control, Volume 136, (2019)
α-Costic acid, a plant sesquiterpene with acaricidal activity against Varroa destructor parasitizing the honey bee, Cimmino, A., Freda F., Santoro E., Superchi S., Evidente A., Cristofaro M., and Masi M. , Natural Product Research, (2019)
Densities of the arundo wasp, Tetramesa romana (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) across its native range in Mediterranean Europe and introduced ranges in North America and Africa, Marshall, M., Goolsby J.A., Vacek A.T., Moran P.J., Kirk A.A., E. Mendoza Cortes, Cristofaro M., Bownes A., Mastoras A., Kashefi J., et al. , Biocontrol Science and Technology, p.1-14, (2018)
The importance of cryptic species and subspecific populations in classic biological control of weeds: a North American perspective, Smith, L., Cristofaro M., Bon M.-C., de Biase A., Petanović R., and Vidović B. , BioControl, Volume 63, Number 3, p.417-425, (2018)
Insights into the microbes and nematodes hosted by pupae of the arundo leaf miner, lasioptera donacis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), Bon, M.-C., Guermache F., Simone D.D., Cristofaro M., Vacek A., and Goolsby J. , Florida Entomologist, Volume 101, Number 3, p.505-507, (2018)
Last-male sperm precedence in Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier): observations in laboratory mating experiments with irradiated males., Musmeci, Sergio, Belvedere S., Sasso Raffaele, Arnone Silvia, Cristofaro M., Nobili Paola, La Marca A., and de Biase A. , Bulletin of Entomological Research, Jan-02-2018, Volume 108, Issue 01, p.93 - 100, (2018)
A new aceria species (Acari:Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) from west Asia, a potential biological control agent for the invasive weed camelthorn, alhagi maurorum medik. (Leguminosae), Vidović, B., Kamali H., Petanović R., Cristofaro M., Weyl P., Ghorbanali A., Cvrković T., Augé M., and Marini F. , Acarologia, Volume 58, Number 2, p.302-312, (2018)