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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7396 results
Effect of the temperature and of the catalyst on the hollow particle formation in the Mg composites, Montone, Amelia, Aurora A., and Mirabile Gattia Daniele , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 38, Number 27, p.12146-12151, (2013)
Effects of long-term management practices on grassland plant assemblages in Mediterranean cork oak silvo-pastoral systems, Bagella, S., Salis L., Marrosu G.M., Rossetti Ivo, Fanni S., Caria M.C., and Roggero P.P. , Plant Ecology, Volume 214, Number 4, p.621-631, (2013)
Effects of PARP-1 deficiency on Th1 and Th2 cell differentiation, Sambucci, M., Laudisi F., Novelli Flavia, Bennici Elisabetta, Rosado M.M., and Pioli Claudio , The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2013, (2013)
Effects of plant community composition and flowering phenology on honeybee foraging in Mediterranean sylvo-pastoral systems, Bagella, S., Satta A., Floris I., Caria M.C., Rossetti Ivo, and Podani J. , Applied Vegetation Science, Volume 16, Number 4, p.689-697, (2013)
Effetti dell’implementazione della piattaforma regionale di simbiosi industriale in Sicilia: linee di indirizzo e prime osservazioni sul territorio, Cutaia, Laura, Franco S., and La Monica Marco , XXIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE), Ecology for a sustainable blue and green growth, 2013, Ancona, p.152, (2013)
Effetti dellimplementazione della piattaforma regionale di simbiosi industriale in Sicilia, Cutaia, Laura, Franco Silvio, and La Monica Marco , (2013)
An efficient rRNA removal method for RNA sequencing in GC-rich bacteria, Peano, C., Pietrelli A., Consolandi C., Rossi E., Petiti L., Tagliabue L., De Bellis G., and Landini P. , Microb Inform Exp, Volume 3, p.1, (2013)
Electrical transport in carbon black-epoxy resin composites at different temperatures, Macutkevic, J., Kuzhir P., Paddubskaya A., Maksimenko S., Banys J., Celzard A., Fierro V., Bistarelli S., Cataldo Antonino, Micciulla F., et al. , Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 114, Number 3, (2013)
Electricity demand forecasting over Italy: Potential benefits using numerical weather prediction models, De Felice, Matteo, Alessandri Andrea, and Ruti P.M. , Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 104, p.71-79, (2013)
Electricity production by biomass steam gasification using a high efficiency technology and low environmental impact, Molino, Antonio, Giordano G., Motola V., Fiorenza G., Nanna F., and Braccio G. , Fuel, Volume 103, p.179-192, (2013)
Electro-optical limits of organic LED investigated through temperature and applied field dependencies, Nenna, G., De Girolamo Del Mauro Anna, Miscioscia Riccardo, Fasolino Tommaso, Pandolfi G., and Minarini Carla , Polymer Composites, Volume 34, Number 9, p.1477-1482, (2013)
Embryotoxicity and spermiotoxicity of nanosized ZnO for Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, Manzo, Sonia, Miglietta M.L., Rametta G., Buono S., and Di Francia G. , Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 254-255, Number 1, p.1-7, (2013)
Emission properties of polydioctylfluorene and InP/ZnS quantum dots nanocomposites devices, Borriello, Carmela, Bruno A., Nenna G., Maglione Maria Grazia, Pandolfi G., Minarini Carla, and Di Luccio Tiziana , Sensor Letters, Volume 11, Number 8, p.1504-1508, (2013)
ENEA Research and Innovation for the development of new food production and consuming models, Daroda, Lorenza , Energia, Ambiente, Innovazione, Volume n.1-2, (2013)
Enhanced methane production from rice straw co-digested with anaerobic sludge from pulp and paper mill treatment process, Mussoline, W., Esposito G., Lens P., Spagni A., and Giordano A. , Bioresource Technology, Volume 148, p.135-143, (2013)
Environmental drivers of megafaunal assemblage composition and biomass distribution over mainland and insular slopes of the Balearic Basin (Western Mediterranean), Fanelli, E., Cartes J.E., Papiol V., and López-Pérez C. , Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 78, p.79-94, (2013)
Environmental indicators in EpiAir2 project: Air quality data for epidemiological surveillance [Indicatori ambientali nello studio EpiAir2: I dati di qualità dell'aria per la sorveglianza epidemiologica], Gandini, M., Berti G., Cattani G., Faustini A., Scarinzi C., De Donato F., Accetta G., Angiuli L., Caldara S., Carreras G., et al. , Epidemiologia e Prevenzione, Volume 37, Number 4-5, p.209-219, (2013)
Environmental performance and biophysical constrains of Italian agriculture across time and space scales, Zucaro, Amalia, Mellino S., Ghisellini P., and Viglia Silvio , Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, Volume 1, Number 1, p.65-83, (2013)
Epidemiological, clinical, and molecular study of a cohort of Italian Parkinson disease patients: Association with glutathione-s-transferase and DNA repair gene polymorphisms, Cornetta, T., Patrono Clarice, Terrenato I., De Nigris F., Bentivoglio A.R., Testa Antonella, Palma Valentina, Poggioli T., Padua L., and Cozzi R. , Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Volume 33, Number 5, p.673-680, (2013)
Epoxy composites filled with high surface area-carbon fillers: Optimization of electromagnetic shielding, electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties, Kuzhir, P., Paddubskaya A., Plyushch A., Volynets N., Maksimenko S., Macutkevic J., Kranauskaite I., Banys J., Ivanov E., Kotsilkova R., et al. , Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 114, Number 16, (2013)
Epoxy resin/carbon black composites below the percolation threshold, Macutkevic, J., Kuzhir P., Paddubskaya A., Maksimenko S., Banys J., Celzard A., Fierro V., Stefanutti E., Cataldo Antonino, Micciulla F., et al. , Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 13, Number 8, p.5434-5439, (2013)
Eradication of invasive species: Why the biology matters, Gutierrez, Andrew Paul, and Ponti Luigi , Environmental Entomology, Volume 42, Number 3, p.395-411, (2013)
Estimate of surface direct radiative forcing of desert dust from atmospheric modulation of the aerosol optical depth, Di Sarra, Alcide, Fuà D., and Meloni Daniela , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 13, Number 11, p.5647-5654, (2013)
European Hazelnut and Almond Genetic Resources: Safeguard and Traditional Uses., Bacchetta, Loretta, and Di Giovanni Barbara , Resources 2(3), 204-212, (2013)
The Evolving Polymicrobial Composition in the Airways of Patients with Cystic Fibrosis: implications for disease Progression and Clinical Management, Bevivino, Annamaria, and Bragonzi Alessandra , CML – Cystic Fibrosis, 12/2013, Volume 3, p.93–104, (2013)