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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7396 results
Sodium-conducting ionic liquid-based electrolytes, J. Moreno, Serra, Maresca G., Panero S., Scrosati B., and Appetecchi Giovanni Battista , Electrochemistry Communications, Volume 43, p.1-4, (2014)
A software for indoor radon risk mapping based on geology, Tondeur, F., and Cinelli Giorgia , Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, Volume 29, Number SUPPL., p.S59-S63, (2014)
Soil Bacterial Community Response to Differences in Agricultural Management along with Seasonal Changes in a Mediterranean Region, Bevivino, Annamaria, Paganin Patrizia, Bacci Giovanni, Florio Alessandro, M. Pellicer Sampedro, Papaleo Maria Cristiana, Mengoni Alessio, Ledda Luigi, Fani Renato, Benedetti Anna, et al. , PlosOne, 08/2014, Volume 9, (2014)
Solid-state pressureless sintering of silicon carbide below 2000°C, Magnani, G., Sico Giuliano, Brentari A., and Fabbri Paride , Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 34, Number 15, p.4095-4098, (2014)
SOREME: An Eu Life+ project for reducing mercury emissions through the sorption on a carbon sorbent produced from used tyres (Life 11 ENV/IT/109), Buttol, P., and Magnani G. , PROCEDIA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT, Volume 1, (2014)
Source apportionment of particulate matter in a large city of southeastern Po Valley (Bologna, Italy), Tositti, L., Brattich E., Masiol M., Baldacci D., Ceccato D., Parmeggiani S., Stracquadanio Milena, and Zappoli S. , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Number 2, p.872-890, (2014)
Spatial variability in the trophic ecology and biology of the deep-sea shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea in the Mediterranean Sea, Cartes, J.E., Fanelli E., Kapiris K., Bayhan Y.K., Ligas A., López-Pérez C., Murenu M., Papiol V., Rumolo P., and Scarcella G. , Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 87, p.1-13, (2014)
Spermine metabolism and radiation-derived reactive oxygen species for future therapeutic implications in cancer: an additive or adaptive response, Amendola, Roberto, Cervelli Manuela, Tempera Giampiero, Fratini Emiliano, Varesio Luigi, Mariottini Paolo, and Agostinelli Enzo , Amino Acids, Jan-03-2014, Volume 46, Issue 3, p.487 - 498, (2014)
A statistical simulation model for field testing of non-target organisms in environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants, Goedhart, P.W., van der Voet H., Baldacchino Ferdinando, and Arpaia S. , Ecology and Evolution, Volume 4, Number 8, p.1267-1283, (2014)
Stochastic rainfall downscaling of climate models, D'Onofrio, D., Palazzi E., Von Hardenberg J., Provenzale A., and Calmanti Sandro , Journal of Hydrometeorology, Volume 15, Number 2, p.830-843, (2014)
STRANgE, integrated physical–biological–mechanical system for recovery in of the “oil spill” in Antarctic environment, Cappello, S., Mancini G., Pistone A., Azzaro M., Bottino F., Genovese L., Iannazzo D., Luciano Antonella, Mamo A., Neri G., et al. , Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, Volume 13, Number 4, p.369-375, (2014)
Strategie di gestione di un "predatore chiave" in frutteti a conduzione biologica, Letardi, Agostino, Tabilio Maria Rosaria, Nobili Paola, Toth M., Vona S., and Ceccarelli C. , (2014)
STRATEGIE DI GESTIONE DI UN "PREDATORE CHIAVE" IN FRUTTETI A GESTIONE BIOLOGICA, Letardi, Agostino, Tabilio Maria Rosaria, Nobili Paola, and Toth M. , X Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversità, 09/2014, Rome, (2014)
Stratospheric ozone response to sulfate geoengineering: Results from the geoengineering model intercomparison project (GeoMip), Pitari, G., Aquila V., Kravitz B., Robock A., Watanabe S., Cionni Irene, Luca N., Genova G., Mancini E., and Tilmes S. , Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 119, Number 5, p.2629-2653, (2014)
Structure-based design and experimental engineering of a plant virus nanoparticle for the presentation of immunogenic epitopes and as a drug carrier, Arcangeli, Caterina, Circelli P., Donini Marcello, Aljabali A.A.A., Benvenuto Eugenio, Lomonossoff G.P., and Marusic Carla , Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Volume 32, Number 4, p.630-647, (2014)
Struttura Multifunzionale Realizzata con Biomasse Spiaggiate, Cappucci, Sergio, and Maffucci M. , Volume 1424765, Number RM2014A000151, (2014)
A survey of ancient geotechnical engineering techniques in subfoundation preparation, Carpani, Bruno , SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Volume SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, (2014)
Temperature-independent sensors based on perovskite-type oxides, Zaza, F., Frangini S., Leoncini J., Luisetto I., Masci A., Pasquali M., and Tuti S. , AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1603, Rome, p.53-61, (2014)
Temporal variations of zooplankton biomass in the Ligurian Sea inferred from long time series of ADCP data, Bozzano, R., Fanelli E., Pensieri S., Picco P., and Schiano M.E. , Ocean Science, Volume 10, Number 1, p.93-105, (2014)
Ternary hybrid systems of P3HT-CdSe-WS2 nanotubes for photovoltaic applications, Bruno, A., Borriello Carmela, Haque S.A., Minarini Carla, and Di Luccio Tiziana , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 16, Number 33, p.17998-18003, (2014)
Testing the effects of temporal data resolution on predictions of the effects of climate change on bivalves, Montalto, V., Sarà G., Ruti P.M., Dell'Aquila Alessandro, and Helmuth B. , Ecological Modelling, Volume 278, p.1-8, (2014)
Thermal and electrochemical properties of PEO-LiTFSI-Pyr 14TFSI-based composite cathodes, incorporating 4 V-class cathode active materials, Wetjen, M., Kim G.-T., Joost M., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Winter M., and Passerini S. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 246, p.846-857, (2014)
Thermally sprayed nanostructured coatings for anti-wear and TBC applications: State-of-the-art and future perspectives. State-of-the-art and future perspectives., Di Girolamo, G., and Serra Emanuele , Anti-Abrasive Nanocoatings: Current and Future Applications, p.514-541, (2014)
Thermophilic two-phase anaerobic digestion of source-sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste for bio-hythane production: Effect of recirculation sludge on process stability and microbiology over a long-term pilot-scale experience, Giuliano, Antonio, Zanetti L., Micolucci F., and Cavinato C. , Water Science and Technology, Volume 69, Number 11, p.2200-2209, (2014)
Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus-resistant tomato plants expressing the multifunctional N-terminal domain of the replication-associated protein show transcriptional changes resembling stress-related responses, Lucioli, Alessandra, Berardi A., Gatti F., Tavazza Raffaela, Pizzichini Daniele, and Tavazza Mario , Molecular Plant Pathology, 2014, Volume 15, p.31 - 43, (2014)