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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7413 results
Stress Distributions in P91 Martensitic Steel and in AISI 316LN Steel Welds for Gen IV Nuclear Applications, Agostini, P., Barbieri Giuseppe, Coppola R., Moncada M., Ohms C., and Wimpory R.C. , Journal of Surface Investigation, Volume 14, p.S25 – S30, (2020)
Structural characterization of the DRF1 gene of Aegilops speltoides and comparison of its sequence with those of B and other Triticeae genomes, Thiyagarajan, K., Latini A., Cantale Cristina, and Galeffi Patrizia , Euphytica, Volume 216, Number 10, (2020)
Strumenti per la misurazione dell'economia circolare, Beltrani, Tiziana, Sbaffoni Silvia, Servalli Filippo, and Finamore Margherita , (2020)
Strumenti per la misurazione dell'economia circolare - Report 2018, Beltrani, Tiziana, Sbaffoni Silvia, Eboli Fabio, and Cutaia Laura , (2020)
Studies On The Textural Characteristics of Sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon (Southern Coast of Morocco), Tnoumi, A., Angelone Massimo, Armiento Giovanna, Caprioli Raffaela, Crovato Cinzia, De Cassan Maurizio, Montereali Maria Rita, Nardi Elisa, Parrella Luisa, Proposito Marco, et al. , International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), Volume 11, Issue 12, (2020)
Sub-dermal battery-less wireless sensor for the automatic monitoring of cattle fever, Miozzi, C., Panunzio N., Stendardo G., Vivarelli C., Giovannetti A., MacCiantelli G., Midili G., Pagliaroli D., Parrella S., A. Santoro Scioscia, et al. , 2020 33rd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2020, (2020)
Supercritical water gasification of biomass and agro-food residues: Energy assessment from modelling approach, Macrì, D., Catizzone E., Molino Antonio, and Migliori M. , Renewable Energy, Volume 150, p.624-636, (2020)
Supported catalysts for induction-heated steam reforming of methane, Scarfiello, C., Bellusci M., Pilloni L., Pietrogiacomi D., La Barbera A., and Varsano F. , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (2020)
Surface and Aerodynamic Parameters Estimation for Urban and Rural Areas, Sozzi, R., Casasanta G., Ciardini Virginia, Finardi S., Petenko I., Cecilia A., and Argentini S. , Atmosphere, Jan-02-2020, Volume 11, Issue 2, p.147, (2020)
Sussidi ambientali e biodiversità, Pallante, G., and Eboli Fabio , Ecoscienza, Volume 6.2020, (2020)
Sustainability assessment of bioenergy at different scales: An emergy analysis of biogas power production, Spagnolo, S., Chinellato G., Cristiano S., Zucaro Amalia, and Gonella F. , Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 277, (2020)
Symbiosis Users Network - SUN Proceedings of the third SUN Conference. Best practices on industrial symbiosis in Italy and the contribution of regional policies - Rimini, November 7th 2019, Beltrami, Tiziana, and La Monica Marco , (2020)
Synthesis of nanocrystalline ZnS/TiO2 films for enhanced NO2 gas sensing, Laera, Anna Maria, Mirenghi L., Cassano Gennaro, Capodieci Laura, Ferrara Maria Cristina, Mazzarelli S., Schioppa M., Dimaio D., Rizzo Antonella, Penza Michele, et al. , THIN SOLID FILMS, Volume 709, (2020)
Tandem gene duplications drive divergent evolution of caffeine and crocin biosynthetic pathways in plants, Xu, Z., Xu Z., Pu X., Gao R., Demurtas Olivia Costantina, Fleck S.J., Richter M., He C., He C., Ji A., et al. , BMC Biology, Volume 18, Number 1, p.1–14, (2020)
Terrestrial gamma dose rate mapping (Euganean Hills, Italy): comparison between field measurements and HPGe gamma spectrometric data, Cinelli, Giorgia, Brattich E., Coletti C., De Ingeniis V., Mazzoli C., Mostacci D., Sassi R., and Tositti L. , Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Volume 175, Number 1-2, p.54-67, (2020)
Tetramesa amica and its parasitoid eurytoma amicophaga (Hymenoptera, eurytomidae): Two new species associated with medusahead, taeniatherum caput-medusae (poaceae), Lotfalizadeh, H., Rasplus J.-Y., Cristofaro M., and Marini F. , ZooKeys, Volume 2020, Number 1005, p.133-149, (2020)
Thermal biology of Tuta absoluta: demographic parameters and facultative diapause, de Campos, Mateus Ribeiro, Béarez Philippe, Amiens-Desneux Edwige, Ponti Luigi, Gutierrez Andrew Paul, Biondi Antonio, Adiga Abhijin, and Desneux Nicolas , Journal of Pest Science, Jun-10-2020, Volume 94, p.829–842, (2020)
Thermoplastic starch (TPS) films added with mucilage from opuntia ficus indica: Mechanical, microstructural and thermal characterization, Scognamiglio, F., Mirabile Gattia Daniele, Roselli G., Persia F., Angelis U., and Santulli C. , Materials, Volume 13, Number 4, (2020)
Thorough Multianalytical Characterization and Quantification of Micro- and Nanoplastics from Bracciano Lake’s Sediments, Corti, Andrea, Vinciguerra Virginia, Iannilli Valentina, Pietrelli Loris, Manariti Antonella, Bianchi Sabrina, Petri Antonella, Cifelli Mario, Domenici Valentina, and Castelvetro Valter , Sustainability, Volume 12, Issue 878, p.1-19, (2020)
Towards a marine strategy for the deep Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of current ecological status, Danovaro, R., Fanelli E., Canals M., Ciuffardi Tiziana, Fabri M.-C., Taviani M., Argyrou M., Azzurro E., Bianchelli S., Cantafaro A., et al. , Marine Policy, Jan-02-2020, Volume 112, p.103781, (2020)
Towards an integrated approach for red mud valorisation: a focus on titanium, Pietrantonio, Massimiliana, Pucciarmati Stefano, Torelli G.N., D’Aria G., Forte Federica, and Fontana Danilo , International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 07/2020, (2020)
Transport and deposition of microplastics and mesoplastics along the river course: A case study of a small river in central Italy, Gallitelli, L., Cesarini G., Cera A., Sighicelli Maria, Lecce Francesca, Menegoni Patrizia, and Scalici M. , Hydrology, Volume 7, Number 4, p.1-16, (2020)
Transportomics for the Characterization of Plant Apocarotenoid Transmembrane Transporters, Demurtas, Olivia Costantina, R. Francisco de Brito, Martinoia E., and Giuliano Giovanni , Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), Volume 2083, p.89-99, (2020)
Trends in atmospheric humidity and temperature above Dome C, antarctica evaluated from observations and reanalyses, Ricaud, P., Grigioni P., Roehrig R., Durand P., and Veron D.E. , Atmosphere, Volume 11, Number 8, (2020)
Turn climate information into value for the Mediterranean wine sector: the MED-GOLD potential, Dell'Aquila, Alessandro , EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, (2020)