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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7415 results
Influence of seawater temperature on growth bands, mineralogy and carbonate production in a bioconstructional bryozoan, Lombardi, Chiara, Cocito Silvia, Hiscock K., Occhipinti-Ambrogi A., Setti M., and Taylor P. D. , FACIES, Volume 54, Number 3, p.333-342, (2008)
Inhibition of T cell proliferation by cholera toxin involves the modulation of costimulatory molecules CTLA-4 and CD28, Vendetti, S., Riccomi A., Sacchi A., Sciaraffia E., Gatta L., Pioli Claudio, and De Magistris M.T. , Immunology Letters, Volume 115, Number 1, p.59-69, (2008)
Ink-jet printing of PF6 for OLED applications, Burrasca, G., Fasolino Tommaso, Miscioscia Riccardo, Nenna G., Vacca P., Villani Fulvia, Minarini Carla, and Della Sala Dario , AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1042, p.324-326, (2008)
In-situ GISAXS on nanocomposite films of CdS nanoparticles and polymers, Di Luccio, Tiziana, Carbone Daniela, Laera Anna Maria, Peeper K., Mauser C., and Da Como E. , Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 1027, Boston, MA, p.46-51, (2008)
Integrated seismic characterization and reservoir modelling in a structurally complex carbonate field, libyan offshore, Cappanera, F., Cappelletti Andrea, ElAgeli I., Fervari M., Magistroni C., Monesi C., Porrera F., and Rizzetto C. , 70th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2008: Leveraging Technology. Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2008, Volume 4, Rome, p.2373-2377, (2008)
Intelligent monitoring system for long-term control of sequencing batch reactors, Marsili-Libelli, S., Spagni A., and Susini R. , Water Science and Technology, Volume 57, Number 3, p.431-438, (2008)
Intrinsic competition between the parasitoids Eretmocerus mundus and Encarsia formosa in Bemisia tabaci, Moretti, Riccardo, and Calvitti Maurizio , Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 2008///, Volume 129, p.44 - 53, (2008)
Introduction, Catoni, F., Boccaletti D., Cannata R., Catoni V., Nichelatti E., and Zampetti P. , Frontiers in Mathematics, Volume 2008, p.1-3, (2008)
Investigating recombinant protein exudation from roots of transgenic tobacco, Pizzuti, F., and Daroda Lorenza , Environmental Biosafety Research, 2008///, Volume 7, p.219 - 226, (2008)
Isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen of suprabenthic fauna in the NW Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean), Madurell, T., Fanelli E., and Cartes J.E. , Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 71, Number 3-4, p.336-345, (2008)
ITACA (Italian ACcelerometric Archive) : A web portal for the dissemination of Italian strong-motion data, Luzi, L., Hailemikael S., Bindi D., Pacor F., Mele F., and Sabetta F. , Seismological Research Letters, Volume 79, Number 5, p.716-722, (2008)
The Italian network on LCA, Cappellaro, Francesca, Scalbi S., and Masoni Paolo , International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 13, Number 7, p.523 – 525, (2008)
Kinetics of trichloroethene dechlorination and methane formation by a mixed anaerobic culture in a bio-electrochemical system, Aulenta, F., Reale P., Catervi A., Panero S., and Majone M. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 53, Number 16, p.5300-5305, (2008)
La bioindicazione nei fenomeni di cambiamento a scala locale e globale: il caso studio della Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano nella identificazione di aree sensibili al rischio di desertificazione., Menegoni, Patrizia, Trotta Claudia, Iannetta Massimo, and F. Frattarelli Manfredi , 12/2008, (2008)
La Valutazione di Incidenza Ambientale per i siti della rete Natura 2000, CASTORINA, Mario, GIAGNACOVO Germina, SALVADEGO Caterina, BARBATO Fabio, Mini P., and Morgana Josè Giancarlo , Energia, ambiente e innovazione, Volume 54, Number 4, p.52–61, (2008)
A lace bug as biological control agent of yellow starthistle, Centaurea solstitialis L. (Asteraceae): an unusual choice, Paolini, A., Tronci Carlo, Lecce Francesca, Hayat Rustem, Di Cristina F., Cristofaro M., and Smith L. , 2008///, Volume Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, p.361, (2008)
Lakeside cemeteries in the Sahara: 5000 years of holocene population and environmental change, Sereno, P.C., Garcea E.A.A., Jousse H., Stojanowski C.M., Saliège J.-F., Maga A., Ide O.A., Knudson K.J., Mercuri A.M., Jr. T.W. Stafford, et al. , PLoS ONE, Volume 3, Number 8, (2008)
LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of roses and cyclamens in greenhouse cultivation, Russo, G., Buttol P., and Tarantini M. , Acta Horticulturae, Volume 801 PART 1, p.359-366, (2008)
Limits on low energy photon-photon scattering from an experiment on magnetic vacuum birefringence, Bregant, M., Cantatore G., Carusotto S., Cimino R., F. Valle Della, Di Domenico G., Gastaldi U., Karuza M., Lozza V., Milotti E., et al. , Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, Volume 78, Number 3, (2008)
Magnitude of asbestos-related lung cancer mortality in Italy, Marinaccio, A., Scarselli A., Binazzi A., Mastrantonio Marina, Ferrante Paola, and Iavicoli S. , British Journal of Cancer, Volume 99, Number 1, p.173-175, (2008)
Mantenimento della diversità genetica in un allevamento massale della Zanzara Tigre Aedes albopictus finalizzato al controllo mediante la Tecnica dell’Insetto Sterile, Porretta, Daniele, Bellini R., Calvitti Maurizio, and Urbanelli Sandra , XVIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia, Parma 1-3 Ottobre 2008, Parma, (2008)
Measurements of low amounts of precipitable water vapor by millimeter wave spectroscopy: An intercomparison with radiosonde, Raman lidar, and Fourier transform infrared data, Fiorucci, I., Muscari G., Bianchi C., Di Girolamo P., Esposito F., Grieco G., Summa D., Bianchini G., Palchetti L., Cacciani M., et al. , Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 113, Number 14, (2008)
Mediterranean water cycle changes: Transition to drier 21st century conditions in observations and CMIP3 simulations, Mariotti, A., Zeng N., Yoon J.-H., Artale V., Navarra A., Alpert P., and Li L.Z.X. , Environmental Research Letters, Volume 3, Number 4, (2008)
Metabolic engineering of carotenoid biosynthesis in plants, Giuliano, Giovanni, Tavazza Raffaela, Diretto Gianfranco, Beyer P., and Taylor M.A. , Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 26, Number 3, p.139-145, (2008)
Metal distribution in marine sediments of the Mar Piccolo in Taranto (Ionic Sea, southern Italy), Calace, N., Cardellicchio N., Ciardullo S., Petronio B.M., Pietrantonio Massimiliana, and Pietroletti M. , Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Volume 90, Number 3, p.549-564, (2008)