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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7396 results
Source attribution of water-soluble organic aerosol by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Decesari, S., Mircea Mihaela, Cavalli F., Fuzzi S., Moretti F., Tagliavini E., and Facchini M.C. , Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 41, Number 7, p.2479-2484, (2007)
Southern Hemisphere midlatitude atmospheric variability of the NCEP-NCAR and ECMWF reanalyses, Dell'Aquila, Alessandro, Ruti P.M., Calmanti Sandro, and Lucarini V. , Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 112, Number 8, (2007)
Spatial and temporal variability of surface mass balance near Talos Dome, East Antarctica, Frezzotti, M, Urbini S., Proposito Marco, Scarchilli Claudio, and Gandolfi S. , Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, Volume 112, Number 2, (2007)
State knowledge on climatic change: The Fourth Assessment Report as a case study between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) and Africa [Lo stato delle conoscenze sui cambiamenti climatici: Il Quarto Rapporto dell'IPCC e l'Africa come cas, Artale, V., and Danesi I. , Rivista Giurdica dell'Ambiente, Volume 22, Number 3-4, p.477-506, (2007)
Stima del Leaf Area Index da satellite con modelli OLS (Ordinary Least Square) ed ANN (Artificial Neural Network)., Borfecchia, Flavio, Giordano Ludovica, De Cecco L., Trotta Claudia, and Schino Gabriele , Atti della 11a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 6-9 novembre 2007, Torino, (2007)
Strategie innovative di controllo degli insetti dannosi attraverso la incompatibilità citoplasmatica indotta dal batterio simbionte Wolbachia pipientis, Calvitti, Maurizio, Bellini R., and Urbanelli Sandra , Atti-rendiconti 2007 dell’Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia., (2007)
Stress indicators in steers at slaughtering, Micera, E., Dimatteo Salvatore, Grimaldi M., Marsico G., and Zarrilli A. , Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2007, Volume 6, p.457 - 459, (2007)
Structural studies of thin films of semiconducting nanoparticles in polymer matrices, Di Luccio, Tiziana, Piscopiello E., Laera Anna Maria, and Antisari M.V. , Materials Science and Engineering C, Volume 27, Number 5-8 SPEC. ISS., p.1372-1376, (2007)
Studio della vegetazione in aree vulnerabili alla desertificazione mediante telerilevamento: i casi di studio di Monte Coppolo e Bosco Pantano in Basilicata”., Trotta, Claudia , 2007, Volume Dottorato di Ricerca in “Ecologia e Gestione delle Risorse Biologiche” XVIII° ciclo, Viterbo, p.183, (2007)
Studio multidisciplinare su un'area a forte impatto antropico ed ipotesi di ripristino ambientale. Analisi, valutazione e rappresentazione di dati ambientali e socio-economici dei Regi Lagni tramite GIS e cartografia - Decision Support System (DSS), Ferrara, Valeria , Scienze Ambientali, 2007, Volume Laurea Specialistica, Napoli, (2007)
A study of PM2.5 and PM2.5-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at an urban site in the Po Valley (Bologna, Italy), Stracquadanio, Milena, Apollo G., and Trombini C. , Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 179, Number 1-4, p.227-237, (2007)
A study on thermal degradation of organic LEDs using IR imaging, Nenna, G., Flaminio G., Fasolino Tommaso, Minarini Carla, Miscioscia Riccardo, Palumbo Domenico, and Pellegrino M. , Macromolecular Symposia, Volume 247, p.326-332, (2007)
Surface tensions of multi-component mixed inorganic/organic aqueous systems of atmospheric significance: Measurements, model predictions and importance for cloud activation predictions, Topping, D.O., McFiggans G.B., Kiss G., Varga Z., Facchini M.C., Decesari S., and Mircea Mihaela , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 7, Number 9, p.2371-2398, (2007)
The SWIFT-WFD Proficiency Testing campaigns in support of implementing the EU Water Framework Directive, Brunori, Claudia, Morabito Roberto, Ipolyi I., Pellegrino C., Ricci M., Bercaru O., Ulberth F., Sahuquillo A., Rosenberg E., and Madrid Y. , TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 26, Number 10, p.993-1004, (2007)
Synthesis and microstructural analysis of benzylthiol-functionalized Au nanocrystals, Vitale, F., Mirenghi L., Piscopiello E., Protopapa Maria Lucia, Tapfer Leander, Giannini C., Guagliardi A., Cervellino A., Pellegrini G., Trave E., et al. , Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 959, Boston, MA, p.24-29, (2007)
Synthesis of beta silicon carbide powders from biomass gasification residue, Galvagno, Sergio, Portofino Sabrina, Casciaro G., Casu S., d'Aquino Luigi, Martino Maria, Russo A., and Bezzi G. , Journal of Materials Science, Volume 42, Number 16, p.6878-6886, (2007)
Systemin regulates both systemic and volatile signaling in tomato plants, Corrado, Giandomenico, Sasso Raffaele, Pasquariello M., Iodice Luigi, Carretta A., Cascone P., Ariati L., Digilio Maria Cristina, Guerrieri Emilio, and Rao Rosa , Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2007///, Volume 33, p.669 - 681, (2007)
Telescope and instrument robotization at Dome C, Strassmeier, K.G., Agabi K., Agnoletto L., Allan A., Andersen M.I., Ansorge W., Bortoletto F., Briguglio R., Buey J.-T., Castellini S., et al. , Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 328, Number 6, p.451-474, (2007)
Temporal and spatial distribution of three supralittoral amphipod species on a sandy beach of central Italy, Pavesi, L., Iannilli Valentina, Zarattini P., and De Matthaeis E. , Marine Biology, 2007///, Volume 151, p.1585 - 1595, (2007)
Thin film bulk acoustic resonator vapor sensors with single-walled carbon nanotubes-based nanocomposite layer, Penza, Michele, Cassano Gennaro, Aversa Patrizia, Suriano Domenico, Verona E., Benetti M., Cannatà D., Di Pietrantonio F., and Wlodarski W. , Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, Atlanta, GA, p.185-188, (2007)
Three-layer view of transports and hydraulics in the Strait of Gibraltar: A three-dimensional model study, Sannino, Gianmaria, Carillo Adriana, and Artale V. , Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Volume 112, Number 3, (2007)
Tire debris organic extract affects Xenopus development, Mantecca, P., Gualtieri Maurizio, Andrioletti M., Bacchetta R., Vismara C., Vailati G., and Camatini M. , Environment International, Volume 33, Number 5, p.642-648, (2007)
Total and partial digestion of sediments for the evaluation of trace element environmental pollution, Perez-Santana, S., M. Alfonso Pomares, M. Tagle Villanueva, M. Icart Peña, Brunori Claudia, and Morabito Roberto , Chemosphere, Volume 66, Number 8, p.1545-1553, (2007)
Towards an all polymeric electronic nose: Device fabrication and characterization, electronic control, data analysis, De Girolamo Del Mauro, Anna, Burrasca G., De Vito S., Massera E., Loffredo Fausta, Quercia L., Di Francia G., and Della Sala Dario , TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS '07 - 4th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Lyon, p.1011-1014, (2007)
An up-to-date quality-controlled surface mass balance data set for the 90°-180°E Antarctica sector and 1950-2005 period, Magand, O., Genthon C., Fily M., Krinner G., Picard G., Frezzotti M, and Ekaykin A.A. , Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Jan-01-2007, Volume 112, Issue D12, Number 12, (2007)