Produzione Scientifica
Found 7586 results
Monitoring climate related risk and opportunities for wine sector: the MED-GOLD Pilot Service,
, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, (2022)
Morpho-physiological and molecular responses of Lepidium sativum L. seeds induced by bismuth exposure,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 831, (2022)
Motion Magnification Applications for the Protection of Italian Cultural Heritage Assets,
, Sensors, Volume 22, Number 24, (2022)
Moving climate seasonal forecasts information from useful to usable for early within-season predictions of durum wheat yield,
, Climate Services, Volume 28, (2022)
Multi-approach LC-MS methods for the characterization of species-specific attributes of monoclonal antibodies from plants,
, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Volume 216, (2022)
Multi-hazard Analysis and Mapping of Infrastructure Systems at National Level Using GIS Techniques: Preliminary Results,
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 13377 LNCS, p.153-168, (2022)
Multi-laboratory compilation of atmospheric carbon dioxide data for the period 1983-2021; obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.0_2022-10-17,
, 2022/01//, (2022)
Multi-Omic Approaches to Investigate Molecular Mechanisms in Peach Post-Harvest Ripening,
, Agriculture (Switzerland), Volume 12, Number 4, (2022)
Multi-Omics Approaches to Study Molecular Mechanisms in Cannabis sativa,
, Plants, Volume 11, Number 16, (2022)
Natural Bioactives: Back to the Future in the Fight against Human Papillomavirus? A Narrative Review,
, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Jan-03-2022, Volume 11, Issue 5, Number 5, p.1465, (2022)
The new Checklist of the Italian Fauna: Simuliidae.,
, Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography, 08/2022, Volume 37, Issue 2, Number 2, (2022)
New Insights Regarding Hemin Inhibition of the Purified Rat Brain 2-Oxoglutarate Carrier and Relationships with Mitochondrial Dysfunction,
, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 11, Number 24, (2022)
A New Iodine-Based Functional Material for Infectious Diseases Prevention: Germicidal Properties and Potential Applications,
, International Journal on Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, Volume 3, Issue 3, (2022)
A new operational Mediterranean diurnal optimally interpolated sea surface temperature product within the Copernicus Marine Service,
, Earth System Science Data, Volume 14, Number 9, p.4111-4128, (2022)
Nitrogen Budget and Statistical Entropy Analysis of the Tiber River Catchment, a Highly Anthropized Environment,
, Soil Systems, Volume 6, Number 1, (2022)
Non-Hydrostatic Regcm4 (Regcm4-NH): Evaluation of Precipitation Statistics at the Convection-Permitting Scale over Different Domains,
, Atmosphere, Volume 13, Number 6, (2022)
A novel pd-p nano-alloy supported on functionalized silica for catalytic aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol,
, Catalysts, Volume 12, Number 1, (2022)
Occurrence and Characterization of Small Microplastics (<100 μm), Additives, and Plasticizers in Larvae of Simuliidae,
, Toxics, Volume 10, Number 7, p.383, (2022)
Occurrence of the UV-filter 2-Ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnimate (EHMC) in Antarctic snow: First results,
, Microchemical Journal, Volume 183, (2022)
Optimization of machine learning techniques for the determination of clinical parameters in dried human serum samples from FTIR spectroscopic data,
, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Jan-07-2022, Volume 121, p.103408, (2022)
Outdoor Radon as a Tool to Estimate Radon Priority Areas—A Literature Overview,
, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 19, Number 2, (2022)
Out-of-field effects: lessons learned from partial body exposure,
, Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, (2022)
Overview of Radon Flux Characteristics, Measurements, Models and Its Potential Use for the Estimation of Radon Priority Areas,
, Atmosphere, Volume 13, Number 12, (2022)
Oxidative Stress Status in Post Stroke Patients: Sex Differences,
, Healthcare (Switzerland), Volume 10, Number 5, (2022)
Ozone modelling and mapping for risk assessment: An overview of different approaches for human and ecosystems health,
, Environmental Research, Volume 211, (2022)