Produzione Scientifica
Found 7581 results
Comunità ornitica di un parco pubblico napoletano: il Bosco di Capodimonte,
, Gli Uccelli d’Italia, Volume XIX, 1-2, p.45-49, (1994)
Controllo biologico di fitofagi delle colture protette: stima di parametri demografici per un modello matematico tritrofico,
Determination of methylmercury in human hair by capillary GC with electron capture detection,
, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 8, Number 7-8, p.563-570, (1994)
Development and characterization of novel cathode materials for molten carbonate fuel cell,
, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 49, Number 1-3, p.227-243, (1994)
The dynamics of the David Glacier and of the Drygalski ice tongue, Victoria Land, Antarctica [La dinamica del ghiacciaio di sbocco David e della sua lingua galleggiante Drygalski (Terra Vittoria, Antartide)],
, Memorie - Societa Geografica Italiana, Volume 51, p.247-259, (1994)
Effects of nickel on germinating raphanus sativus seeds,
, Giornale Botanico Italiano, Volume 128, Number 2, p.658, (1994)
Energy and Industrial Products from Lignocellulosic Biomass by Steam Explosion and Cellulolytic Treatments. Pisa, Italy, September 23-25,199,
, Atti del X Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, 09/1994, p.244-245, (1994)
Enthalpies of vaporization of a homologous series of n-alkanes determined from vapor pressure measurements,
, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Volume 39, Number 2, p.231-237, (1994)
Environmental monitoring at terra nova bay station from 1989 to 1991,
, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Volume 55, Number 1-4, p.331-340, (1994)
Evaluation of characters related to Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB) resistance in Solanum berthaultii x S.tuberosum derived progenies,
, Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 1994///, Volume 48, p.269 - 276, (1994)
Evaluation of interspecific DNA content variations and sex identification in Falconiformes and Strigiformes by flow cytometric analysis.,
, Cytometry, 1994 Aug 01, Volume 16, Issue 4, Number 4, p.346-50, (1994)
Genetic variability in tomato plants regenerated from irradiated cotyledons,
, Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 1994///, Volume 48, p.281 - 290, (1994)
Genetics of chemical carcinogenesis-II. papilloma induction and malignant conversion in susceptible (car-s) and resistant (car-r) lines of mice produced by bidirectional selective breeding and in their (car-s×car-r) f1 hybrids,
, Carcinogenesis, Volume 15, Number 11, p.2629-2635, (1994)
I materiali lapidei della facciata de Le Monacelle di Ostuni e le loro antiche cave di provenienza,
, La conservazione dei Monumenti nel bacino del Mediterraneo, p.11–17, (1994)
In vivo rodent erythrocyte micronucleus assay,
, Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects, Volume 312, Number 3, p.293-304, (1994)
Influence of storage conditions on the determination of organotin in mussels,
, Analytica Chimica Acta, Volume 286, Number 3, p.329-334, (1994)
Influence of tropolone on voltammetric speciation analysis of butyltin compounds,
, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 8, Number 7-8, p.587-593, (1994)
An investigation of possible processes of radiocaesium release from organic upland soils to water bodies,
, Water Research, Volume 28, Number 4, p.975-983, (1994)
L’isolone del ritano (Vc): Studio geomorfologico territoriale e rapporti con la vegetazione attuale.,
, Giornale Botanico Italiano, Volume 128, Number 1, p.467, (1994)
Latitudinal distribution of stratospheric aerosols during the EASOE winter 1991/92,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 21, Number 13, p.1283-1286, (1994)
Lidar observations of the Pinatubo aerosol layer at Thule, Greenland,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 21, Number 13, p.1295-1298, (1994)
Lista sistematica commentata degli uccelli del rifugio faunistico WWF di macchiagrande di focene (Roma),
, Picus, Volume 20, p.139-154, (1994)
Micronuclei and 3AB index in human and canine lymphocytes after in vitro X-irradiation,
, Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects, Volume 312, Number 1, p.1-8, (1994)
Micronuclei and 3AB index in X-irradiated human lymphocytes in G1 and G1 phases,
, Mutation Research Regular Papers, Volume 311, Number 2, p.231-237, (1994)
Micronuclei and 3AB-index in patients receiving Iodine-131 therapy,
, Journal of Nuclear Biology and Medicine, Volume 38, Number 4, p.586-593, (1994)