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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7415 results
Liouvillian integrability of gravitating static isothermal fluid spheres, Iacono, Roberto, and Llibre J. , Journal of Mathematical Physics, Volume 55, Number 10, (2014)
Lipids from the aerial part of scutellaria ramosissima, Yuldasheva, N.K., Ul'Chenko N.T., Mamadalieva N., Glushenkova A.I., Ovidi E., Triggiani Doriana, and Tiezzi A. , Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Volume 50, Number 1, p.68-71, (2014)
Lipids in Aspergillus flavus-maize interaction, Scarpari, M., Punelli M., Scala V., Zaccaria M., Nobili Chiara, Ludovici M., Camera Emanuela, Fabbri Anna Adele, Reverberi M., and Fanelli Corrado , Frontiers in Microbiology, 2014, Volume 5, (2014)
Logistics and Agro-food Trade, a challenge for the Mediterranean Area-The Supply Chain Integrated Approach for Food Safety Improvement, Daroda, Lorenza, Zappa Giovanna, Iannetta Massimo, and Canese Stefano , Mediterra 2014, (2014)
Long-term trend in substratum occupation by a clonal, carbonate bryozoan in a temperate rocky reef in times of thermal anomalies, Cocito, Silvia, and Sgorbini S. , MARINE BIOLOGY, Volume 161, Number 1, p.17-27, (2014)
Low band gap polymers for application in solar cells: Synthesis and characterization of thienothiophene-thiophene copolymers, Morvillo, Pasquale, Diana R., Fontanesi C., Ricciardi Rosa, Lanzi M., Mucci A., Tassinari F., Schenetti L., Minarini Carla, and Parenti F. , Polymer Chemistry, Volume 5, Number 7, p.2391-2400, (2014)
The Ma-Miss instrument performance, I: Analysis of rocks powders by Martian VNIR spectrometer, De Angelis, S., De Sanctis M.C., Ammannito E., Carli C., Di Iorio Tatiana, and Altieri F. , Planetary and Space Science, Volume 101, p.89-107, (2014)
Mediterranean Quercus suber wooded grasslands risk disappearance: New evidences from Sardinia (Italy), Rossetti, Ivo, and Bagella S. , Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 329, p.148-157, (2014)
A melanoma immune response signature including Human Leukocyte Antigen-E, Tremante, E., Ginebri A., E. Monaco Lo, Benassi Barbara, Frascione P., Grammatico P., Cappellacci S., Catricalà C., Arcelli D., Natali P.G., et al. , Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, Volume 27, Number 1, p.103-112, (2014)
A method for improving reliability and relevance of LCA reviews: The case of life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of tap and bottled water, Fantin, Valentina, Scalbi S., Ottaviano G., and Masoni P. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 476-477, p.228-241, (2014)
A methodology for the safety assessment of protective roofs covering archaeological sites: the case of the “Villa dei Misteri” at Pompeii, Carpani, Bruno, Marghella Giuseppe, Marzo Anna, Candigliota Elena, Immordino Francesco, and Bergamasco I. , SAHC - Structural Analysis of Historical Construction, (2014)
A methodology for the safety assessment of protective roofs covering archaeological sites: the case of the Villa dei Misteri at Pompeii, Carpani, Bruno, Marghella Giuseppe, Marzo Anna, Candigliota Elena, Immordino Francesco, and Bergamasco Immacolata , SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Volume SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, (2014)
A methodology to orient carbon nanotubes in a thermosetting matrix, Lionetto, F., Calò E., Di Benedetto Francesca, Pisignano D., and Maffezzoli A. , Composites Science and Technology, Volume 96, p.47-55, (2014)
Methods for producing phytoextracts from vegetation waters and olive oil pomaces and compositions obtained thereby, Germani, Stefano, Vitagliano Massimo, Pizzichini Daniele, and Pizzichini Massimo , 2014, US, (2014)
Microstructure and mechanical properties of plasma sprayed alumina-based coatings, Di Girolamo, G., Brentari A., Blasi C., and Serra Emanuele , Ceramics International, Volume 40, Number 8 PART B, p.12861-12867, (2014)
Microwave response properties of epoxy resin composites filled with graphitic fillers, Bellucci, S., Bistarelli S., Cataldo Antonino, Micciulla F., Macutkevic J., Kranauskaite I., Banys J., Kuzhir P., Volynets N., Paddubskaya A., et al. , 2014 International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications, NEMO 2014, (2014)
Minor crops exploitation to promote sustainability and healthy food production, Brunori, Andrea, Del Fiore Antonella, De Rossi P., Nobili Chiara, Presenti Ombretta, Procacci Silvia, Tolaini Valentina, and Vitali F. , Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilita, Number 1, p.35-44, (2014)
Minor elements Hydro-geochemistry for cabonate aquifer characterization (Gran Sasso, Central Italy), Carucci, V., Proposito Marco, Manetta M., Tallini M., Angelone Massimo, De Cassan Maurizio, Montereali Maria Rita, and Nardi Elisa , Flowpath 2014, 06/2014, Volume National Meeting on Hydrogeology, (2014)
MIR320 family regulates NOD2/CARD15: A new mechanism for controlling inflammation?, Stronati, Laura, Pierdomenico Maria, Cesi Vincenzo, Costanzo Manuela, Aloi Marina, Oliva Salvatore, Civitelli Fortunata, and Cucchiara Salvatore , Digestive and Liver Disease, Volume 46, p.e82, (2014)
Mirrors array for a solar furnace: Optical analysis and simulation results, Jafrancesco, D., Sansoni P., Francini F., Contento Gaetano, Cancro C., Privato C., Graditi G., Ferruzzi D., Mercatelli L., Sani E., et al. , Renewable Energy, Volume 63, p.263-271, (2014)
Mixed organic compound-ionic liquid electrolytes for lithium battery electrolyte systems, Montanino, M., Moreno M., Carewska M., Maresca G., Simonetti E., R. Presti Lo, Alessandrini F., and Appetecchi Giovanni Battista , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 269, p.608-615, (2014)
Mo1711 MiR320 Family Regulates NOD2/CARD15: A New Mechanism for Controlling Inflammation?, Pierdomenico, Maria, Cesi Vincenzo, Stronati Laura, Costanzo Manuela, Aloi Marina, Oliva Salvatore, Rossi Paolo, Viola Franca, and Cucchiara Salvatore , Gastroenterology, Volume 5, Number 146, p.S–641, (2014)
Modeling and numerical simulation of the forces acting on a sphere during early-water entry, Abraham, J., Gorman J., Reseghetti Franco, Sparrow E., Stark J., and Shepard T. , Ocean Engineering, Volume 76, p.1-9, (2014)
Modelling dispersion of smoke from wildfires in a Mediterranean area, Cesari, R., D'Isidoro Massimo, Maurizi A., Mircea Mihaela, Monti F., Pizzigalli C., and Tampieri F. , International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Volume 55, Number 1-4, p.219-229, (2014)
Modelling heavy metals concentrations over Italy: ComParison with observations and some sensitivity tests, Adani, Mario, Mircea Mihaela, Silibello C., D'Isidoro Massimo, Ciancarella Luisella, Vitali Lina, Piersanti Antonio, Briganti Gino, Cappelletti Andrea, Righini Gaia, et al. , HARMO 2014 - 16th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Proceedings, p.148-152, (2014)