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A method for improving reliability and relevance of LCA reviews: The case of life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of tap and bottled water

TitleA method for improving reliability and relevance of LCA reviews: The case of life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of tap and bottled water
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsFantin, V., Scalbi S., Ottaviano G., and Masoni P.
JournalScience of the Total Environment
KeywordsAir pollution, article, Bottled water, carbon emission, carbon footprint, Comparability, comparative study, Conservation of Natural Resources, controlled study, decision making, drinking water, environment, Environmental impact, environmental management, Environmental monitoring, Global warming, Global warming potential, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gas, life cycle, life cycle analysis, life cycle assessment, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), nonparametric test, priority journal, rank sum test, Reliability, reliability analysis, statistical analysis, Statistical methods, tap water, unclassified drug, Water Purification, Water treatment

The purpose of this study is to propose a method for harmonising Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) literature studies on the same product or on different products fulfilling the same function for a reliable and meaningful comparison of their life-cycle environmental impacts. The method is divided in six main steps which aim to rationalize and quicken the efforts needed to carry out the comparison. The steps include: 1) a clear definition of the goal and scope of the review; 2) critical review of the references; 3) identification of significant parameters that have to be harmonised; 4) harmonisation of the parameters; 5) statistical analysis to support the comparison; 6) results and discussion.This approach was then applied to the comparative analysis of the published LCA studies on tap and bottled water production, focussing on Global Warming Potential (GWP) results, with the aim to identify the environmental preferable alternative. A statistical analysis with Wilcoxon's test confirmed that the difference between harmonised GWP values of tap and bottled water was significant. The results obtained from the comparison of the harmonised mean GWP results showed that tap water always has the best environmental performance, even in case of high energy-consuming technologies for drinking water treatments.The strength of the method is that it enables both performing a deep analysis of the LCA literature and obtaining more consistent comparisons across the published LCAs. For these reasons, it can be a valuable tool which provides useful information for both practitioners and decision makers. Finally, its application to the case study allowed both to supply a description of systems variability and to evaluate the importance of several key parameters for tap and bottled water production. The comparative review of LCA studies, with the inclusion of a statistical decision test, can validate and strengthen the final statements of the comparison. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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Citation KeyFantin2014228