Produzione Scientifica
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Immunogenetic factors in the incidence of experimental tumors [FATTORI IMMUNOGENETICI NELLA INSORGENZA DI TUMORI SPERIMENTALI],
, Annali Italiani di Medicina Interna, Volume 8, Number 2, p.104-107, (1993)
In vivo studies on chemically induced aneuploidy in mouse somatic and germinal cells,
, Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 287, Number 1, p.119-130, (1993)
Interactions between rhizosphere microorganisms under iron limitation,
, Archives of Microbiology, 1993///, Volume 160, p.68 - 73, (1993)
Interphase cytogenetics and flow cytometry analyses of renal tumours,
, Anticancer Research, Volume 13, Issue 6A, (1993)
Laser-driven synthesis of nanocrystalline alumina powders from gas-phase precursors,
, Applied Physics Letters, 1993///, Volume 63, p.1345 - 1347, (1993)
L'avifauna acquatica del Lago di Traiano (Lazio): Ciclo annuale e conteggi invernali (1987-1992),
, Riv. Ital. Orn, Volume 63, p.82-85, (1993)
Localization of seed protein genes on flow-sorted field bean chromosomes,
, Chromosome Research, 1993///, Volume 1, p.107 - 115, (1993)
Melatonin increases antigen presentation and amplifies specific and non specific signals for T-cell proliferation,
, International Journal of Immunopharmacology, Volume 15, Number 4, p.463-468, (1993)
Noscapine does not show aneugenic activity in mouse oocytes,
, Mutagenesis, Volume 8, Number 4, p.311-315, (1993)
PAHs, PCBs, and DDE in the northern Adriatic Sea,
, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 26, Number 10, p.581-583, (1993)
Pedogeochemical evolution and trace elements availability to plants in ophiolitic soils,
, Science of the Total Environment, The, Volume 129, Number 3, p.291-309, (1993)
Peripheral T-cell reactivity to bacterial superantigens in vivo: the response/anergy paradox.,
, Immunological reviews, 1993 Jun, Volume 133, p.105-17, (1993)
Peripheral T-cell reactivity to bacterial superantigens in vivo: The response/anergy paradox,
, Immunological Reviews, Number 133, p.105-117, (1993)
Presenze invernali e status degli Ardeidae lungo la costa del Lazio (1986/1992),
, Riv. Ital. Orn, Volume 63, p.137-144, (1993)
Production and evaluation of Sc-47 for radioimmunotherapy,
, J. Label. Compds. Radiopharm., Volume 32, p.388-390, (1993)
Radiation induced degradation of EPR by IR oxidation profiling,
, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, jul, Volume 42, Number 1-3, p.211-214, (1993)
Regulation of carotenoid biosynthesis during tomato development,
, Plant Cell, Volume 5, Number 4, p.379-387, (1993)
Relationship between structural properties and elastic anomalies in Ag/Ni superlattices,
, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Volume 5, Number 27, p.4611-4622, (1993)
Remobilization of caesium from freshwater sediments,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 19, Number 2, p.109-124, (1993)
Response of seedlings of radish (Raphanus sativus) to osmotic shock and external hydrostatic pressure,
, Physiologia Plantarum, Volume 87, Number 4, p.609-615, (1993)
Retention of radioactive caesium by different soils in the catchment of a small lake,
, Science of the Total Environment, The, Volume 129, Number 3, p.253-266, (1993)
The stability of zinc oxide electrodes fabricated by dual ion beam sputtering,
, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 73, Number 3, p.1143-1145, (1993)
Stress antropogenici ed evolucione di una comunità ornitica in una zona umida artificiale dell'Italia centrale,
, Avocetta, Volume 17, p.23-27, (1993)
Transcriptional regulation of nuclear genes controlling plastid differentiation in tomato,
, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, Volume 7, Number 2, p.51-54, (1993)