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The unit intregrated approch for OFMSW treatment, Andreottola, G., Ragazzi M., Foladori P., Villa R., Langone Michela, and Rada E.C. , UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering, Volume 74, Number 1, p.19-26, (2012)
Updating landslide inventory maps using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI), Righini, Gaia, Pancioli V., and Casagli N. , International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 33, Number 7, p.2068-2096, (2012)
Urban ecosystem services: Tree diversity and stability of tropospheric ozone removal, Manes, F., Incerti G., Salvatori Elisabetta, Vitale M., Ricotta C., and Costanza R. , Ecological Applications, Volume 22, Number 1, p.349-360, (2012)
The use of pKZ1 mouse chromosomal inversion assay to study biological effects of environmen- tal background radiation, Capece, D., and Fratini Emiliano , The European Physical Journal Plus, Jan-04-2012, Volume 127, Issue 4, (2012)
The use of plants for the production of therapeutic human peptides, Lico, Chiara, Santi L., Twyman R.M., Pezzotti M., and Avesani L. , Plant Cell Reports, 2012, Volume 31, p.439 - 451, (2012)
Use of resistant cardoons as rootstocks for the control of verticillium wilt in globe artichoke, Ciccarese, F., Crinò P., Raccuia S.A., and Temperini A. , Acta Horticulturae, 2012///, Volume 942, p.201 - 206, (2012)
The usefulness of combining traditional sperm assessments with in vitro heterospermic insemination to identify bulls of low fertility as estimated in vivo., Puglisi, Roberto, Pozzi Anna, Foglio Luciano, Spanò M., Eleuteri Patrizia, Grollino Maria Giuseppa, Bongioni Graziella, and Galli Andrea , Anim Reprod Sci, 2012 May, Volume 132, Issue 1-2, Number 1-2, p.17-28, (2012)
Validation of Py-C chemical vapour deposition and infiltration process codes, Burgio, F., Pilloni L., Labanti M., Scafè Matteo, Brentari A., Falconieri M., and Sangiorgi S. , ECCM 2012 - Composites at Venice, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, Venice, (2012)
Visual lateralization in wild striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in response to stimuli with different degrees of familiarity, Siniscalchi, M., Dimatteo Salvatore, Pepe A.M., Sasso Raffaella, and Quaranta A. , PLoS ONE, 2012, Volume 7, (2012)
Vitrification of nuclear wastes by complex sol-gel process, Deptuła, A., Miłkowska M., Łada W., Olczak T., Wawszczak D., Smoliński T., Brykala M., Chmielewski A.G., Zaza F., and Goretta K.C. , Advanced Materials Research, Volume 518-523, Hohhot, p.3216-3220, (2012)
Volatile emissions of scented Alstroemeria genotypes are dominated by terpenes, and a myrcene synthase gene is highly expressed in scented Alstroemeria flowers, Aros, D., Gonzalez V., Allemann R.K., Müller C.T., Rosati C., and Rogers H.J. , Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 63, Number 7, p.2739-2752, (2012)
Wastewater treatment in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor, Casu, S., Crispino N.A., Farina R., Mattioli D., Ferraris M., and Spagni A. , Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Volume 47, Number 2, p.204-209, (2012)
Water content evaluation of a human tissue using magnetic resonance imaging: A quantitative benchmarking approach, Cavagnaro, M., Frezza F., Laurita R., Tannino M., Manganaro L., Marini M., Sollazzo P., Stagnitti A., Lopresto Vanni, and Pinto Rosanna , IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, (2012)
Welding of martensitic stainless steels with high resilience for hydrodynamic components of innovative ships: Comparison between traditional and innovative welding technologies [Saldatura di acciai inossidabili martensitici ad elevata resilienza per compo, Barbieri, Giuseppe, Cognini Francesco, Moncada M., and Morabito G. , Rivista Italiana della Saldatura, Volume 64, Number 1, p.21-35, (2012)
Welding of martensitic stainless steels with high resilience for hydrodynamic components of innovative ships: Comparison between traditional and innovative welding technologies, Barbieri, Giuseppe, Cognini Francesco, Moncada M., and Morabito G. , Rivista Italiana della Saldatura, Volume 64, Number 1, p.21 – 35, (2012)
Wolbachia strain wPip yields a pattern of cytoplasmic incompatibility enhancing a Wolbachia-based suppression strategy against the disease vector Aedes albopictus, Calvitti, Maurizio, Moretti Riccardo, Skidmore Amanda, and Dobson Stephen L. , Parasites & Vectors, 11/2012, Volume 5, (2012)
AGRICOLTURA SOSTENIBILE ED ENERGIE RINNOVABILI, Bozzini, Alessandro, Pizzichini Massimo, and Leone Gian Paolo , IA Ingegneria Ambientale, maggio/2011, Volume vol. XL, p.209-218, (2011)
[Air pollution: the environmental factor with the highest health burden]. [Inquinamento atmosferico: il fattore ambientale con il più elevato impatto sulla salute.], Forastiere, F., Faustini A., Stafoggia M., Badaloni C., Zanini Gabriele, Briganti Gino, Cappelletti Andrea, Gandini M., Berti G., and Cadum E. , Epidemiologia e prevenzione, Volume 35, Number 5-6 Suppl 2, p.115-117, (2011)
Air pollution: the environmental factor with the highest health burden, Forastiere, Francesco, Faustini Annunziata, Stafoggia Massimo, Badaloni Chiara, Zanini Gabriele, Briganti Gino, Cappelletti Andrea, Gandini Martina, Berti Giovanna, and Cadum Ennio , EPIDEMIOLOGIA & PREVENZIONE, SEP-DEC, Volume 35, Number 5-6, 2, p.115-117, (2011)
Air quality trends in Europe over the past decade: A first multi-model assessment, Colette, A., Granier C., Hodnebrog Ø., Jakobs H., Maurizi A., Nyiri A., Bessagnet B., D'Angiola A., D'Isidoro Massimo, Gauss M., et al. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 11, Number 22, p.11657-11678, (2011)
Airborne urban particles (Milan winter-PM2.5) cause mitotic arrest and cell death: Effects on DNA, mitochondria, AhR binding and spindle organization, Gualtieri, Maurizio, Øvrevik J., Mollerup S., Asare N., Longhin E., Dahlman H.-J., Camatini M., and Holme J.A. , Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 713, Number 1-2, p.18-31, (2011)
(Alkylsulfanyl)bithiophene-alt-fluorene: π-conjugated polymers for organic solar cells, Parenti, F., Morvillo Pasquale, Bobeico E., Diana R., Lanzi M., Fontanesi C., Tassinari F., Schenetti L., and Mucci A. , European Journal of Organic Chemistry, Number 28, p.5659-5667, (2011)
Analysis of genetic variability in Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Crustacea, Aristeidae) using DNA-ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats) markers, Fernández, M.V., Maltagliati F., Pannacciulli Federica, and Roldán M.I. , Comptes Rendus - Biologies, Volume 334, Number 10, p.705-712, (2011)
Annealing protocols for pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide type ionic liquids, Furlani, M., Albinsson I., Mellander B.-E., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, and Passerini S. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 57, Number 1, p.220-227, (2011)
Application of Product Data Technology Standards to LCA Data, Moreno, Anna, Cappellaro Francesca, Masoni Paolo, and Amato Anna , Journal of Industrial Ecology, Volume 15, Number 4, p.483 – 495, (2011)