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A Planar Antenna with Voltage-Controlled Frequency Tuning Based on Few-Layer Graphene

TitleA Planar Antenna with Voltage-Controlled Frequency Tuning Based on Few-Layer Graphene
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsYasir, M., Savi P., Bistarelli S., Cataldo Antonino, Bozzi M., Perregrini L., and Bellucci S.
JournalIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
KeywordsAntenna measurement, Antenna radiation, Antennas, Applied bias voltage, Bias voltage, Different frequency, Electric Impedance, Electric resistance, Few-layer graphene, Frequency tunability, Graphene, Microstrip antennas, Microstripes, Microwave antennas, Microwave devices, Slot antennas, Tunable microwave devices, Voltage measurement, Voltage-controlled

This letter presents a voltage-controlled tunable planar antenna based on few-layer graphene flakes. The antenna consists of a rectangular patch with a shorted microstrip stub connected to the radiating edge, and a graphene pad located at the input of the stub. The proposed design exploits the variation of the graphene resistance by an applied bias voltage. Without any bias voltage, the graphene pad behaves almost as an open circuit, not allowing any current passing and, thus, voiding the impact of the stub. Increasing the bias voltage reduces the graphene resistance, thus increasing the current passing through the pad into the stub. This results in the patch antenna radiating at a different frequency. A prototype operating at the frequency of 5 GHz has been designed and tested, demonstrating a frequency tunability larger than 10% with a limited gain degradation. © 2002-2011 IEEE.


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Citation KeyYasir20172380