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Performance test of radiation detectors developed for ITER-TBM

TitlePerformance test of radiation detectors developed for ITER-TBM
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsAngelone, Massimo, Pilotti R., Stacchi F., Pillon M., Klix A., Raj P., Loreti S., and Pagano G.
JournalFusion Engineering and Design
KeywordsDiamond detectors, Diamonds, Distributed computer systems, ITER-TBM, Neutron flux, Nuclear detectors, Power detectors, Radiation detectors, TOKAMAK DEVICES, Tritium breeding

The validation of calculation tools used for the nuclear design and analysis of future fusion machines requires the availability of nuclear instrumentation able to measure the nuclear quantities of interest in the harsh environments typical of tokamaks (e.g. ITER) characterized by high radiation level and high temperature. This instrumentation needs to be developed and properly tested under reactor-relevant working conditions. In the EU the activities to develop advanced nuclear detectors for the ITER-TBM are coordinated and supported by F4E and carried out under a collaborative effort between ENEA and KIT performed under the European Consortium on “Nuclear Data and Experimental Techniques”. In this paper the activities carried out at ENEA Frascati to develop nuclear sensors (diamond and self-powered detectors) able to operate “in-core” under the harsh working conditions of the ITER-TBM are discussed. Furthermore, the performance of diamond detectors operated at T >300 °C, as well as the performance of a self-power neutron detector (SPND) made with Cr emitter are presented. The open issues and the technological challenges to be faced to further develop the detectors are also addressed. © 2018 Elsevier B.V.


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Citation KeyAngelone20181386