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Recommendation of RILEM TC249-ISC on non destructive in situ strength assessment of concrete

TitleRecommendation of RILEM TC249-ISC on non destructive in situ strength assessment of concrete
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsBreysse, D., Balayssac J.-P., Biondi S., Corbett D., Goncalves A., Grantham M., Luprano Vincenza A. M., Masi A., Monteiro A.V., and Sbartai Z.M.
JournalMaterials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions
KeywordsCompressive Strength, Concrete strength, Concretes, Hammers, In-situ investigations, Light velocity, Model calibration, Non-destructive technique, Nondestructive examination, Rebound hammers, Strength assessment, Ultrasonic pulse velocity, Ultrasonic testing

This recommendation is written to improve the assessment of the in situ. Compressive strength of concrete in existing structures by combining core strength values and non-destructive measurements. Both average strength and its scatter are considered. Deriving a characteristic strength from the assessment results is not considered here. The recommendation applies for most common techniques (ultrasonic pulse velocity, rebound hammer, pull-out) but also for less common techniques (penetration test, etc.). The recommendation does not apply to situations in which no core has been taken from the existing structure and is limited to situations where NDT is combined with cores. The recommendation introduces the concept of Estimation Quality Level, corresponding to the target of assessment, and which is put in relation with the means and strategy developed for assessing concrete. The text details all steps that must be followed from the data gathering to the checking of the quality of the final estimations. For more clarity, an illustrative example is described for each step of the assessment process. © 2019, RILEM.


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Citation KeyBreysse2019