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A 3-D microdosimetric study on blood cells: A permittivity model of cell membrane and stochastic electromagnetic analysis

TitleA 3-D microdosimetric study on blood cells: A permittivity model of cell membrane and stochastic electromagnetic analysis
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsMerla, Caterina, Liberti M., Apollonio F., Nervi C., and d'Inzeo G.
JournalIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Keywordsblood, Blood Cells, Cell membranes, Cell model, cytology, Dielectric modeling, Dielectric models, Electric field distributions, Electric fields, Electromagnetic analysis, Field polarization, Laplace equation, Micro-dosimetry, Microdosimetric study, Numerical data, Permittivity, Permittivity measurement, Permittivity model, Quasi-static, Stochastic models, Stochastic systems, Three dimensional, Uncertainty analysis

This paper describes a microdosimetric study on erythrocytes in two parts: an assessment of the membrane dielectric model from permittivity measurements of erythrocyte solutions and its uncertainty, and a quasi-static electromagnetic (EM) analysis solving the Laplace equation, both analytically and numerically. To evaluate the role of the estimated uncertainty, a stochastic EM solution has been conducted; our results highlight the fundamental role of the dielectric modeling on the reliability of electric field values in the cell membrane. Numerical data, from 3-D cell models, confirm the dependence of the electric field distribution on the extra-cellular field polarization. © 2006 IEEE.


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Citation KeyMerla2010691