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Evaluation of ammonia emission reduction by nitrogen fertilizer use in Italy

TitleEvaluation of ammonia emission reduction by nitrogen fertilizer use in Italy
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsColonna, Nicola, Correnti A., D'Elia Ilaria, Racalbuto S., Schimberni M., and Vialetto G.
JournalItalian Journal of Agronomy

Ammonia emissions are one of the main causes of acidification and eutrophication processes, and one of the most important contributors to the formation of secondary PM. Recent studies identified ammonia emissions as a major air quality concern whose reduction represents an important goal for atmospheric pollution control. Volatilized ammonia can travel for miles from the site of origin and in Europe Nitrogen compound depositions are higher in areas with intensive agriculture. In this paper the ammonia emission reduction by Nitrogen fertilizer use and in particular by urea consumption has been investigated. Urea is widely used in Italy for its chemical and physical characteristics; at the year 2005 it represented the 44% of the total simple nitrogen fertilizers (ISTAT, 2006). To reduce the Nitrogen fertilizer use three different options, urea substitution, increasing urea use efficiency and decrease volatilization have been compared and evaluated in order to estimate their effects as potential options to mitigate emissions. © 2008 Page Press Publications.


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Citation KeyColonna200881