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Radon and radon daughter evaluation in a natural radioactivity survey indoors

TitleRadon and radon daughter evaluation in a natural radioactivity survey indoors
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1985
AuthorsVenuti, G.C., Risica S., and Antonini Alessandro
JournalScience of the Total Environment
VolumeVOL. 45
Pagination373 - 380
Date Published1985///

An indoor survey in order to estimate the population exposure in five towns of an Italian Region is presented. A particular methology for the campaign was planned and is being applied. Gamma spectrometry of building materials, exposure rate measurements indoor and outdoors and radon concentration measurements indoors were taken with different techniques. A correlation was found between mean gamma exposure rate and mean radon concentration in the houses investigated. An evaluation of mean effective dose equivalents for the inhabitants of the five towns is reported.


Cited By (since 1996): 3Export Date: 26 August 2010Source: Scopus

Citation Key511