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Meeting Internazionali

Congresso BioEM2023

18 June 2023 to 23 June 2023

Dal 18 al 23 giugno 2023, a Oxford (UK), si terrà il secondo meeting annuale del BioEM, organizzazione fondata nel 2021 dalla fusione della Società di Bioelettromagnetismo (BEMS) e l'Associazione Europea Bioelettromagnetica (EBEA).  È un’organizzazione altamente multidisciplinare composta da biologi, ingeneri, fisici e medici, interessati allo studio delle interazioni dei campi elettromagnetici con i sistemi biologici.

3rd Joint workshop of the IMPRESA project

30 May 2023 to 2 June 2023

The  3rd Joint workshop of the IMPRESA project - IMProving RESilience to Abiotic stresses in durum wheat: Enhancing knowledge by genetic, physiological and “omics” approaches and increasing Mediterranean germplasm biodiversity by crop wild relatives-based introgressiomics - will be held in Algeria at Scientific and technical research centre for arid regions omar bernaoui crstra BISKRA.

InnCoCells Consortium meeting and Phytofactories Conference 2023

5 June 2023 to 9 June 2023

Phytofactories 2023 is an international conference on plant molecular farming that will take place on 7-9 June 2023 in Luxembourg.

It is organized by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology -LIST, one of the InnCoCells partners, and will take place immediately after the next InnCoCells consortium meeting  (5-7 June 2023).

GSEW@Italy Workshop: Additive Manufacturing in Space to boost entrepreneurship, sustainability and economic growth - Mesagne (BR), 25 e 26 maggio 2023

25 May 2023 to 26 May 2023

A Mesagne, in provincia di Brindisi, avrà luogo la terza edizione del “Global Space Economic Workshop (GSEW@Italy)” dal titolo “Additive Manufacturing in Space to boost entrepreneurship, sustainability and economic growth” durante il quale saranno discusse le varie opportunità offerte dalla stampa 3D per le attività spaziali e le iniziative a supporto di future collaborazioni industriali e scientifiche dei principali stakeholder europei del settore.

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