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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7409 results
Iron within the erionite cavity and its potential role in inducing its toxicity: Evidence of Fe (III) segregation as extra-framework cation, Pacella, A., Fantauzzi M., Atzei D., Cremisini C., Nardi Elisa, Montereali Maria Rita, Rossi A., and Ballirano P. , Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Volume 237, p.168-179, (2017)
The Italian Fixed-point Observatory Network for marine environmental monitoring - IFON, Ravaioli, M., Bergami C., Riminucci F., Aracri S., Aliani S., Bastianini M., Bergamasco A., Bommarito C., Borghini M., Bozzano R., et al. , IMEKO TC19 Workshop on Metrology for the Sea, MetroSea 2017: Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, (2017)
Joint analysis of deposition fluxes and atmospheric concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and sulphur compounds predicted by six chemistry transport models in the frame of the EURODELTAIII project, Vivanco, M.G., Bessagnet B., Cuvelier C., Theobald M.R., Tsyro S., Pirovano G., Aulinger A., Bieser J., Calori G., Ciarelli G., et al. , Atmospheric Environment, FEB, Volume 151, p.152-175, (2017)
L’impresa della porta accanto, La Monica, Marco, Cutaia Laura, and Franco S. , L’Astrolabio, Issue 115, Number 115, Roma, (2017)
La Prima Piattaforma Italiana per la Simbiosi Industriale, Cutaia, Laura, Barberio Grazia, La Monica Marco, Luciano Antonella, Mancuso Erika, Sbaffoni Silvia, and Scagliarino C. , L’Astrolabio, Issue 114, Number 114, Roma, (2017)
Leptin induction following irradiation is a conserved feature in mammalian epithelial cells and tissues, Licursi, V., M. Guidi Cestelli, Del Vecchio G., Mannironi C., Presutti C., Amendola R., and Negri R. , International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 93, Number 9, p.947-957, (2017)
Linking spatial distribution and feeding behavior of Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) in the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea), Rumolo, P., Basilone G., Fanelli E., Barra M., Calabrò M., Genovese S., Gherardi S., Ferreri R., Mazzola S., and Bonanno A. , Journal of Sea Research, Volume 121, p.47-58, (2017)
Longitudinal metagenomic analysis of the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis to uncover microbial signatures of lung disease progression , , J Cystic Fibrosis, Volume 16, S1, (2017)
Long-Term Monitoring of Dolphin Biosonar Activity in Deep Pelagic Waters of the Mediterranean Sea, Francesco, Caruso, Alonge G., Bellia Giorgio, De Domenico Emilio, Grammauta Rosario, Larosa Giuseppina, Mazzola Salvatore, Riccobene Giorgio, Pavan Gianni, Papale Elena, et al. , Scientific Reports, Jan-12-2017, Volume 7, Issue 1, (2017)
Low clonal propagation in Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata (Octocorallia)., Pilczynska, J, Boavida J., Cocito Silvia, Lombardi C., Peirano Andrea, and Queiroga H. , SCIENTIA MARINA, Volume 81, Issue 1, (2017)
Low pH conditions impair module capacity to regenerate in a calcified colonial invertebrate, the bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana, Lombardi, Chiara, Taylor P.D., Cocito Silvia, Bertolini C., and Calosi P. , Marine Environmental Research, Volume 125, p.110-117, (2017)
Lupinus albus L. denominato "Tennis", Stamigna, Catia, and Chiaretti Domenico , Number 2017/3253, (2017)
Macro-moths as possible assessment endpoints for non-target effects of Bt-maize pollen: A faunistic study in three Italian protected areas, Masetti, A., Arpaia S., Ghesini S., Magagnoli S., Baldacchino Ferdinando, Magarelli Rosaria Alessandra, Neri U., Lener M., Rastelli V., Staiano G., et al. , Bulletin of Insectology, Volume 70, Number 2, p.307-314, (2017)
Mapping uranium concentration in soil: Belgian experience towards a European map, Cinelli, Giorgia, Tondeur F., Dehandschutter B., Bossew P., Tollefsen T., and de Cort M. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 166, p.220-234, (2017)
Measuring non-biological diversity using commonly used metrics: Strengths, weaknesses and caveats for their application in beach litter management, Battisti, C., Bazzichetto M., Poeta G., Pietrelli L., and Acosta A.T.R. , Journal of Coastal Conservation, Volume 21, Number 2, p.303-310, (2017)
Mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of 316l stainless steel honeycomb cellular cores manufactured by selective laser melting, Zaharia, S.M., Lancea C., Chicos L.A., Pop M.A., Caputo G., and Serra Emanuele , Transactions of Famena, Volume 41, Number 4, p.11-24, (2017)
The mechanism of iron binding processes in erionite fibres, Pacella, A., Cremisini C., Nardi E., Montereali Maria Rita, Pettiti I., and Ballirano P. , Scientific Reports, Volume 7, Number 1, (2017)
Medicazione Avanzata che Consente il Monitoraggio della Carica Microbica delle Ferite di Superficie Favorendone il Processo di Cicatrizzazione nonché il Controllo dei Parametri Vitali dei Soggetti sui Quali è Apposta., Aprano, Salvatore, Minarini C., Maglione Maria Grazia, Tassini Paolo, Rosario Valles, and Raffaele Cartiere Carmelo , 05/2017, Volume 102017000047217, Number 102017000047217, (2017)
The Mediterranean Sea heat and mass budgets: Estimates, uncertainties and perspectives, Jordà, G., Von Schuckmann K., Josey S.A., Caniaux G., Garcia-Lafuente J., Sammartino S., Özsoy E., Polcher J., Notarstefano G., Poulain P.-M., et al. , Progress in Oceanography, Volume 156, p.174-208, (2017)
Mesoscopic organization in ionic liquids, Russina, O., F. Celso Lo, Plechkova N., Jafta C.J., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, and Triolo A. , Topics in Current Chemistry, Volume 375, Number 3, (2017)
Metodologia di Water Footprint e sua applicazione nel settore agroalimentare: il caso del Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio DOP, Buttol, P., and Chiavetta Cristian , (2017)
Metrofood-RI: Inventory of the facilities and organization of the physical infrastructure, Alexandre, J., Tangni E.K., Zoani Claudia, Donard O., Zappa Giovanna, and Van Loco J. , 3rd IMEKOFOODS Conference: Metrology Promoting Harmonization and Standardization in Food and Nutrition, p.193-196, (2017)
Microalgae cultivation for lipids and carbohydrates production, Visca, Andrea, Di Caprio Fabrizio, Spinelli Roberta, Altimari Pietro, Cicci Agnese, Iaquaniello Gaetano, Toro Luigi, and Pagnanelli Francesca , Chemical engineering transactions, Volume 57, p.127–132, (2017)
Microchambers and devices for cells exposure: From the design to applications, Apollonio, F., Casciola M., Denzi A., Liberti M., Marracino P., Merla Caterina, and Paffi A. , 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2017, p.1350-1353, (2017)
Micro-scale dispersion modelling with background correction to simulate air quality in Milan, Vitali, Lina, Piersanti Antonio, Ciancarella Luisella, Adani Mario, and Russo Felicita , COMITATO NAZIONALE PER LA RICERCA E PER LO SVILUPPO DELL'ENERGIA NUCLEARE E DELLE ENERGIE ALTERNATIVE. ENEA-RT/DISP, (2017)