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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7581 results
Uncoated SAW delay lines as thermal gas detector, Penza, Michele, Anisimkin V.I., and Vasanelli L. , Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON, Volume 3, Bari, Italy, p.1411-1414, (1996)
Variability in virulence to chickpea of an Italian population of Ascochyta rabiei, Porta-Puglia, A., Crinò P., and Mosconi C. , Plant Disease, 1996///, Volume 80, p.39 - 41, (1996)
Vertical distribution and inventories of 239,240Pu in deep sea sediments of the Mediterranean Sea (Algerian basin, Ionian Sea), Delfanti, Roberta, Papucci C., Testa C., Desideri D., Meli M.A., and Roselli C. , Chemistry and Ecology, Volume 12, Number 4, p.247-251, (1996)
17. Speciation of organotin compounds in environmental samples by GC-MS, Morabito, Roberto, Chiavarini Salvatore, and Cremisini C. , Techniques and Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 17, Number C, p.435-464, (1995)
The accumulation of pgip is correlated with the hypersensitive response in racecultivar interactions, Nuss, Laurence, Clark Anthony J., Desiderio Angiola, Leckie Fiona, Devoto Alessandra, Aracri B., Bellincampi Daniela, Salvi Giovanni, De Lorenzo Giulia, and Cervone Felice , Giornale Botanico Italiano, Volume 129, Number 4, p.1130 – 1131, (1995)
Analisi quantitativa, Carrabba, Paola , Atlante degli Uccelli Nidificanti e Svernanti nella Città di Napoli, Naples, Italy, (1995)
BANCA DATOS BIBLIOGRAFICA, D’Andrea, Armando, di Ciocco Umberto, and Mariani Susanna , p.(DOC.ENEA (93) 378/C.A, (1995)
Breeding for resistance to bacterial canker in Italian tomatoes for fresh market, Crino, P, Veroness P, Stamigna Catia, Chiaretti D, Lai A, Bitti ME, and Saccardo F , I International Symposium on Solanacea for Fresh Market 412, p.539–545, (1995)
Caratterizzazione biologica ed ecologica di due acari (Tetranychus urticae e Phytoseiulus persimilis) interagenti in alcuni ecosistemi agrari, Calvitti, Maurizio , Number RT ENEA /INN/95/28, p.53 pp, (1995)
Caratterizzazione e provenienza di basalti, calcareniti e marmi utilizzati a Tharros, Armiento, Giovanna, and Platania R , THARROS XXI/XXII, Suppl. Riv. St. Fenici, Volume 23, p.121–128, (1995)
Changes in some physiological and biochemical parameters during two subcultures in kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) callus, Sacchi, G.A., Morgutti S., Abruzzese A., Alisi Chiara, Cocucci M., Espen L., Leva A.R., Muleo R., Negrini N., and Cocucci S.M. , Plant Science, Volume 106, Number 1, p.107-113, (1995)
Characterization of thin amorphous silicon films with multiple internal reflectance spectroscopy, Fameli, G., Della Sala Dario, Roca F., Pascarella F., and Grillo P. , Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 78, Number 12, p.7269-7276, (1995)
Cheese whey and cheese factory wastewater treatment with a biological anaerobic-aerobic process, Malaspina, F., Stante Loredana, Cellamare C.M., and Tilch A. , Water Science and Technology, Volume 32, Number 12, p.59-72, (1995)
Clastogenicity of diepoxybutane in bone marrow cells and male germ cells of mice, Adler, L.-D., Kliesch U., Tiveron C., and Pacchierotti Francesca , Mutagenesis, Volume 10, Number 6, p.535-542, (1995)
Conformational properties of random heteropolymers in the folded phase, Struglia, Maria Vittoria , Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Volume 28, Number 6, p.1469 – 1479, (1995)
Considerations on the significance of some post-glacial fault scarps in the Abruzzo Apennines (Central Italy), Giraudi, C. , Quaternary International, Volume 25, Number C, p.33-45, (1995)
Detection of combustible gases by means of a ZnO-on-Si surface acoustic wave (SAW) delay line, Anisimkim, V.I., Penza Michele, Valentini A., Quaranta F., and Vasanelli L. , Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, Volume 23, Number 2-3, p.197-201, (1995)
Determination of PAH in atmospheric particulates in the area of the Italian base in Antarctica: Report on monitoring activities during the last three scientific expeditions, Caricchia, A.M., Chiavarini Salvatore, Cremisini C., Morabito Roberto, Perini A., and Pezza Massimo , Environmental Pollution, Volume 87, Number 3, p.345-356, (1995)
Determinazione di alcuni parametri biologici e indici demografici di Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera Aleyrodidae) su due differenti colture: pomodoro e zucchino, Gargani, Gianni, Buttarazzi Mauro, Urbanelli Sandra, Calvitti Maurizio, and Bellini R. , REDIA, Giornale di Zoologia, Volume LXXVII, p.29-37, (1995)
Development of a TIRF immunosensor: modelling the equilibrium behaviour of a competitive system, Domenici, C., Schirone Antonio, Celebre M., Ahluwalia A., and De Rossi D. , Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 10, Number 3-4, p.371-378, (1995)
Differential effects of gonadectomy on thymic stromal cells in promoting T cell differentiation in mice, Utsuyama, M., Hirokawa K., Mancini C., Brunelli R., Leter Giorgio, and Doria G. , Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, Volume 81, Number 2-3, p.107-117, (1995)
Do human lymphocytes exposed to the fallout of the Chernobyl accident exhibit an adaptive response? 2. Challenge with bleomycin, Tedeschi, B., Caporossi D., Vernole P., Padovani Laura Maria, Appolloni Massimo, Anzidei Patrizia, and Mauro Francesco , Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 1995///, Volume 332, p.39 - 44, (1995)
Do human lymphocytes exposed to the fallout of the Chernobyl accident exhibit an adaptive response? 1. Challenge with ionizing radiation, Padovani, Laura Maria, Appolloni Massimo, Anzidei Patrizia, Tedeschi B., Caporossi D., Vernole P., and Mauro Francesco , Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 1995///, Volume 332, p.33 - 38, (1995)
Effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on mouse spermatogenesis monitored by flow cytometric analysis, de VITA, R., Cavallo D., Raganella L., Eleuteri Patrizia, Grollino Maria Giuseppa, and CALUGI A. , Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 16, Number 5, p.330-334, (1995)
Electron microscopy characterization of Cu-Fe and Ag-Fe alloys obtained by plastic deformation, Angiolini, M., Krasnowski M., Mazzone G., Montone Amelia, Urchulutegui M., and Vittori-Antisari M. , Materials Science Forum, Volume 195, Rome, Italy, p.13-18, (1995)