Produzione Scientifica
Found 7581 results
Uncoated SAW delay lines as thermal gas detector,
, Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON, Volume 3, Bari, Italy, p.1411-1414, (1996)
Variability in virulence to chickpea of an Italian population of Ascochyta rabiei,
, Plant Disease, 1996///, Volume 80, p.39 - 41, (1996)
Vertical distribution and inventories of 239,240Pu in deep sea sediments of the Mediterranean Sea (Algerian basin, Ionian Sea),
, Chemistry and Ecology, Volume 12, Number 4, p.247-251, (1996)
17. Speciation of organotin compounds in environmental samples by GC-MS,
, Techniques and Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 17, Number C, p.435-464, (1995)
The accumulation of pgip is correlated with the hypersensitive response in racecultivar interactions,
, Giornale Botanico Italiano, Volume 129, Number 4, p.1130 – 1131, (1995)
Analisi quantitativa,
, Atlante degli Uccelli Nidificanti e Svernanti nella Città di Napoli, Naples, Italy, (1995)
, p.(DOC.ENEA (93) 378/C.A, (1995)
Breeding for resistance to bacterial canker in Italian tomatoes for fresh market,
, I International Symposium on Solanacea for Fresh Market 412, p.539–545, (1995)
Caratterizzazione biologica ed ecologica di due acari (Tetranychus urticae e Phytoseiulus persimilis) interagenti in alcuni ecosistemi agrari,
, Number RT ENEA /INN/95/28, p.53 pp, (1995)
Caratterizzazione e provenienza di basalti, calcareniti e marmi utilizzati a Tharros,
, THARROS XXI/XXII, Suppl. Riv. St. Fenici, Volume 23, p.121–128, (1995)
Changes in some physiological and biochemical parameters during two subcultures in kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) callus,
, Plant Science, Volume 106, Number 1, p.107-113, (1995)
Characterization of thin amorphous silicon films with multiple internal reflectance spectroscopy,
, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 78, Number 12, p.7269-7276, (1995)
Cheese whey and cheese factory wastewater treatment with a biological anaerobic-aerobic process,
, Water Science and Technology, Volume 32, Number 12, p.59-72, (1995)
Clastogenicity of diepoxybutane in bone marrow cells and male germ cells of mice,
, Mutagenesis, Volume 10, Number 6, p.535-542, (1995)
Conformational properties of random heteropolymers in the folded phase,
, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Volume 28, Number 6, p.1469 – 1479, (1995)
Considerations on the significance of some post-glacial fault scarps in the Abruzzo Apennines (Central Italy),
, Quaternary International, Volume 25, Number C, p.33-45, (1995)
Detection of combustible gases by means of a ZnO-on-Si surface acoustic wave (SAW) delay line,
, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, Volume 23, Number 2-3, p.197-201, (1995)
Determination of PAH in atmospheric particulates in the area of the Italian base in Antarctica: Report on monitoring activities during the last three scientific expeditions,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 87, Number 3, p.345-356, (1995)
Determinazione di alcuni parametri biologici e indici demografici di Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera Aleyrodidae) su due differenti colture: pomodoro e zucchino,
, REDIA, Giornale di Zoologia, Volume LXXVII, p.29-37, (1995)
Development of a TIRF immunosensor: modelling the equilibrium behaviour of a competitive system,
, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 10, Number 3-4, p.371-378, (1995)
Differential effects of gonadectomy on thymic stromal cells in promoting T cell differentiation in mice,
, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, Volume 81, Number 2-3, p.107-117, (1995)
Do human lymphocytes exposed to the fallout of the Chernobyl accident exhibit an adaptive response? 2. Challenge with bleomycin,
, Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 1995///, Volume 332, p.39 - 44, (1995)
Do human lymphocytes exposed to the fallout of the Chernobyl accident exhibit an adaptive response? 1. Challenge with ionizing radiation,
, Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 1995///, Volume 332, p.33 - 38, (1995)
Effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on mouse spermatogenesis monitored by flow cytometric analysis,
, Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 16, Number 5, p.330-334, (1995)
Electron microscopy characterization of Cu-Fe and Ag-Fe alloys obtained by plastic deformation,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 195, Rome, Italy, p.13-18, (1995)