Produzione Scientifica
Found 7557 results
Steam gasification of refuse-derived fuel in a rotary kiln pilot plant: Experimental tests,
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 32, p.337-342, (2013)
Steam gasification of waste tyre: Influence of process temperature on yield and product composition,
, Waste Management, Volume 33, Number 3, p.672-678, (2013)
Structural and electrochemical properties of nanostructured Pd-promoted La(1-x)SRXFEYCO(1-Y)O3-δ cathodes for it-sofcs,
, EFC 2013 - Proceedings of the 5th European Fuel Cell Piero Lunghi Conference, p.219-220, (2013)
A structural, spectroscopic and electrochemical study of a lithium ion conducting Li10GeP2S12 solid electrolyte,
, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 229, p.117-122, (2013)
Studies of seismic microzonation in Latium region (Italy) by experiencing the application of official guidelines in intra-mountain plains,
, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Volume 132, A Coruna, p.35-45, (2013)
A study of heavy metals pollution in Italy with the atmospheric modelling system of the MINNI project,
, E3S Web of Conferences, Volume 1, (2013)
Study of the impact of low vs. high resolution meteorology on air quality simulations using the MINNI model over italy,
, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Volume 137, p.587-592, (2013)
Study of the microstructure of inkjet-printed P3HT:PCBM blend for photovoltaic applications,
, Journal of Materials Science, Volume 48, Number 7, p.2920-2927, (2013)
Sub-optimal topological protection strategy from advanced malware,
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 6983 LNCS, Lucerne, p.81-92, (2013)
Sviluppo di piante per produrre alimenti biofortificati: alcuni casi-studio,
, Sviluppo di piante per produrre alimenti biofortificati: alcuni casi-studio, p.19–38, (2013)
Sviluppo di prodotti funzionali a base di grano saraceno "tartarico",
, 11° Congresso Italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia degli Alimenti - CISETA, (2013)
Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 nanotubes as anodic material in lithium-ion batteries,
, Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, Volume 36, Number 2, p.65-72, (2013)
Synthesis of ceramic nanoparticles by laser pyrolysis: From research to applications,
, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Volume 104, p.461-469, (2013)
Synthesis of highly regioregular poly[3-(4-alkoxyphenyl)-thiophene]s by oxidative catalysis using copper complexes,
, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, Volume 51, Number 20, p.4351-4360, (2013)
Synthesis of substituted thieno[2,3- D ]pyrimidin-4-ones and their testing for evaluation of cytotoxic activity on mammalian cell models,
, Journal of Chemistry, (2013)
A synthesis of the Antarctic surface mass balance during the last 800 yr,
, Cryosphere, Volume 7, Number 1, p.303-319, (2013)
Tecnologie geomatiche integrate di rilievo e rappresentazione per valutazioni interdisciplinari di rischio e resilienza: il piano di ricostruzione post-sisma per il comune di Arsita (Teramo),
, 17° Conferenza nazionale ASITA, (2013)
Ten lessons from biotechnology experiences in crops, livestock and fish for smallholders in developing countries,
, Asian Biotechnology and Development Review, 2013, Volume 15, p.103 - 110, (2013)
Testing of models of stomatal ozone fluxes with field measurements in a mixed Mediterranean forest,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 67, p.242-251, (2013)
Thermal characterization of a cavity receiver for hydrogen production by thermochemical cycles operating at moderate temperatures,
, Solar Energy, Volume 92, p.256-268, (2013)
Thermodynamic stability of domain III from the envelope protein of flaviviruses and its improvement by molecular design,
, Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, Volume 26, Number 6, p.389-399, (2013)
Three-dimensional modelling of arsita town in the framework of the reconstruction,
, Civil-Comp Proceedings, Volume 102, Cagliari, Sardinia, (2013)
Tidal current energy resource assessment: The Strait of Messina test case,
, 4th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power: Renewable Energy Resources Impact, ICCEP 2013, Alghero, p.213-220, (2013)
Tomato below ground-above ground interactions: Trichoderma longibrachiatum affects the performance of macrosiphum euphorbiae and its natural antagonists,
, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Volume 26, Number 10, p.1249-1256, (2013)
Topological protection from the next generation malware: A survey,
, International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, Volume 9, Number 1-2, p.52-73, (2013)