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Produzione Scientifica

Found 28 results
Filters: Keyword is Efficiency  [Clear All Filters]
Analysis and exploitation of resource efficiency potentials in industrial small and medium-sized enterprises – Experiences with the EDIT Value Tool in Central Europe, Dobes, V., Fresner J., Krenn C., Růžička P., Rinaldi Caterina, Cortesi Sara, Chiavetta Cristian, Zilahy G., Kochański M., Grevenstette P., et al. , Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 159, p.290-300, (2017)
Comparative analysis of plant-produced, recombinant dimeric IgA against cell wall β-glucan of pathogenic fungi, Capodicasa, Cristina, Catellani Marcello, Moscetti I., Bromuro C., Chiani P., Torosantucci A., and Benvenuto Eugenio , Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Volume 114, Number 12, p.2729-2738, (2017)
Joint analysis of deposition fluxes and atmospheric concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and sulphur compounds predicted by six chemistry transport models in the frame of the EURODELTAIII project, Vivanco, M.G., Bessagnet B., Cuvelier C., Theobald M.R., Tsyro S., Pirovano G., Aulinger A., Bieser J., Calori G., Ciarelli G., et al. , Atmospheric Environment, FEB, Volume 151, p.152-175, (2017)
Non destructive assessment of in situ concrete strength: comparison of approaches through an international benchmark, Breysse, D., Balayssac J.P., Biondi S., Borosnyói A., Candigliota Elena, Chiauzzi L., Garnier V., Grantham M., Gunes O., Luprano Vincenza A. M., et al. , Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, Volume 50, Number 2, (2017)
Photocatalytic degradation of atenolol in aqueous suspension of new recyclable catalysts based on titanium dioxide, Tammaro, Marco, Fiandra V., Mascolo M.C., Salluzzo Antonio, Riccio C., and Lancia A. , Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 5, Number 4, p.3224-3234, (2017)
Combined effect of double antireflection coating and reversible molecular doping on performance of few-layer graphene/n-silicon Schottky barrier solar cells, Lancellotti, L., Bobeico E., Capasso A., Lago E., P. Veneri Delli, Leoni Enrico, Buonocore F., and Lisi N. , Solar Energy, Volume 127, p.198-205, (2016)
Design of an applicator for nsPEF exposure of newborn mice, Merla, Caterina, Paffi A., Monaco P., Calderaro T., Apollonio F., Marino Carmela, Vernier P.T., and Liberti M. , IFMBE Proceedings, Volume 53, p.228-231, (2016)
Glucose gasification in super-critical water conditions for both syngas production and green chemicals with a continuous process, Molino, Antonio, Migliori M., Macrì D., Valerio V., Villone A., Nanna F., Iovane Pierpaolo, and Marino T. , Renewable Energy, Volume 91, p.451-455, (2016)
High performance inverted polymer solar cells with solution processed metal oxides as electron transport layers: A comparative study, Morvillo, Pasquale, Diana R., Nenna G., Bobeico E., Ricciardi Rosa, and Minarini Carla , Thin Solid Films, Volume 617, p.126-132, (2016)
Highly luminescent colloidal CdS quantum dots with efficient near-infrared electroluminescence in light-emitting diodes, Bansal, A.K., Antolini F., Zhang S., Stroea L., Ortolani L., Lanzi M., Serra Emanuele, Allard S., Scherf U., and Samuel I.D.W. , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Volume 120, Number 3, p.1871-1880, (2016)
ICT applications for improving the generation and distribution efficiency of a small mediterranean island, Beccali, M., Ciulla I., Ippolito M.G., Cascia D.L., Leone Gian Paolo, Brano V.L., Zizzo G., Bommarito C., Di Pietra B., and Monteleone Francesco , EEEIC 2016 - International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (2016)
Insight into the current output of polymer solar cells: A comparison between the standard and inverted architecture, Morvillo, Pasquale, Ricciardi Rosa, Bobeico E., and Minarini Carla , IET Conference Publications, Volume 2016, Number CP704, (2016)
Stoichiometric evaluation of partial nitritation, anammox and denitrification processes in a sequencing batch reactor and interpretation of online monitoring parameters, Langone, Michela, Ferrentino R., Cadonna M., and Andreottola G. , Chemosphere, Volume 164, p.488-498, (2016)
UV treatment for the removal of bromate formed during ozonation of groundwater. Influence of the oxidation process on the removal efficiency, Tammaro, Marco, Fiandra V., Salluzzo Antonio, Patti A., and Lancia A. , Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 4, Number 3, p.3293-3302, (2016)