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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7396 results
Application of anaerobic dynamic membrane bioreactor (AnDMBR) for the successful enrichment of Anammox bacteria using mixed anaerobic and aerobic seed sludge, Saleem, M., Lavagnolo M.C., Concheri G., Stevanato P., Squartini A., and Spagni A. , Bioresource Technology, Volume 266, p.532-540, (2018)
Application of solvent extraction operation to recover rare earths from fluorescent lamps, Innocenzi, V., Ippolito N.M., Pietrelli L., Centofanti M., Piga L., and Vegliò F. , Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 172, p.2840-2852, (2018)
Assessing the potential benefits of the geostationary vantage point for generating daily chlorophyll-a Maps in the Baltic Sea, Bellacicco, M., Ciani D., Doxaran D., Vellucci V., Antoine D., Wang M., D'Ortenzio F., and Marullo S. , Remote Sensing, Volume 10, Number 12, (2018)
Assessment of a Simplified Connectivity Index and Specific Sediment Potential in River Basins by Means of Geomorphometric Tools, Grauso, S., Pasanisi F., and Tebano C. , Geosciences, Jan-02-2018, Volume 8, Issue 2, p.48, (2018)
Assessment of air quality microsensors versus reference methods: The EuNetAir Joint Exercise – Part II, Borrego, C., Ginja J., Coutinho M., Ribeiro C., Karatzas K., Sioumis T., Katsifarakis N., Konstantinidis K., De Vito S., Esposito E., et al. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 193, p.127-142, (2018)
B genome specific polymorphism in the TdDRF1 gene is in relationship with grain yield, Cantale, Cristina, Di Bianco Domenico, Thiyagarajan Karthikeyan, Ammar Karim, and Galeffi Patrizia , Planta, Jan-02-2018, Volume 247, Issue 2, p.459 - 469, (2018)
Bacterial community of industrial raw sausage packaged in modified atmosphere throughout the shelf life, Raimondi, Stefano, Nappi Maria Rosaria, Sirangelo Tiziana Maria, Leonardi Alan, Amaretti Alberto, Ulrici Alessandro, Magnani Rudy, Montanari Chiara, Tabanelli Giulia, Gardini Fausto, et al. , International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 280, p.78 – 86, (2018)
A baroclinic coastal trapped wave event in the Gulf of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea), de Ruggiero, P., Napolitano Ernesto, Iacono Roberto, Pierini S., and Spezie G. , Ocean Dynamics, (2018)
Basamento Antisismico per Strutture Edili di Nuova Costruzione, Battilocchio, Aldo, Famoos Giovanni Paolini, and Clemente Paolo , Number 102018000005642, (2018)
Base Isolation of Buildings with Curved Surface Sliders: Basic Design Criteria and Critical Issues, Saitta, Fernando, Clemente P., Buffarini Giacomo, Bongiovanni Giovanni, Salvatori A., and Grossi C. , Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2018, (2018)
A beam element allowing multiple slope discontinuities for RC structures: An application, Spada, A., Hajidehi M.R., and Giambanco G. , Ingegneria Sismica, Volume 35, Number 1, p.131-150, (2018)
Belowground Microbiota and the Health of Tree Crops, Mercado-Blanco, J, Abrantes I, A Caracciolo. Barra, Bevivino Annamaria, Ciancio A, Grenni P, Hrynkiewicz K, Kredrics L, and Proença DN , Frontiers in Microbiology, 06/2018, Volume 9, Number JUN, (2018)
Bioerosive and bioprotective role of barnacles on rocky shores, Pappalardo, M., Maggi E., Geppini C., and Pannacciulli Federica , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 619-620, p.83-92, (2018)
Biofilm control in cooling towers: the effect of biodispersants on freshwater biofilms developed in flow lanes, Di Gregorio, Luciana, Kuhlicke U, Congestri R, Tandoi V, Rossetti S, Di Pippo F, and Neu T , Biofilms 8 Conference, (2018)
Biofilm diversity, structure and matrix seasonality in a full-scale cooling tower, Di Gregorio, Luciana, Congestri R, Tandoi V, Neu TR, Rossetti S, and Di Pippo F , Biofouling, Volume 34, Number 10, p.1093–1109, (2018)
Biofilm diversity, structure and matrix seasonality in cooling tower systems, Di Gregorio, Luciana, Congestri R, Tandoi V, Rossetti S, Neu T, and Di Pippo F , Biofilms 8 Conference, (2018)
Biofilm growth and control in cooling water industrial systems, Di Pippo, F, Di Gregorio Luciana, Congestri R, Tandoi V, and Rossetti S , FEMS microbiology ecology, Volume 94, Number 5, p.fiy044, (2018)
Biofuel production and phosphorus recovery through an integrated treatment of agro-industrial waste, Siciliano, A., Limonti C., Mehariya S., Molino Antonio, and Calabrò V. , Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 11, Number 1, (2018)
Biofuels and bioenergy from residual biomasses: When a waste becomes a resource, Albo, Laura, Verardi Alessandra, Lopresto Catia Giovanna, Policicchio Maria Francesca, Chakraborty Sudip, Curcio Stefano, and Calabrò Vincenza , Biofuels and Bioenergy from Residual Biomasses: When a Waste Becomes a Resource, Cham, p.1569 - 1571, (2018)
Biofuels production by biomass gasification: A review, Molino, Antonio, Larocca Vincenzo, Chianese S., and Musmarra D. , Energies, Volume 11, Number 4, (2018)
Biogeochemical patterns and microbial processes in the Eastern Mediterranean Deep Water of Ionian Sea, Placenti, F., Azzaro M., Artale V., La Ferla R., Caruso G., Santinelli C., Maimone G., Monticelli L.S., Quinci E.M., and Sprovieri M. , Hydrobiologia, Volume 815, Number 1, p.97-112, (2018)
BIOINFORMATIC ANALYSIS OF DOSE- AND TIME-DEPENDENT miRNome RESPONSES, Babini, G, Tanno Barbara, De Stefano Ilaria, Giardullo Paola, Leonardi Simona, Pasquali Sara, Baiocco G, Ottolenghi Andrea, and Mancuso Mariateresa , Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Jun-12-2018, Volume 183, Issue 1-2, p.151 - 155, (2018)
Bioinspired hybrid eumelanin-TiO2 antimicrobial nanostructures: the key role of organo-inorganic frameworks in tuning eumelanin's biocide action mechanism through membrane interaction, Vitiello, G., Zanfardino A., Tammaro O., Di Napoli M., Caso M.F., Pezzella A., Varcamonti M., Silvestri B., D'Errico G., Costantini A., et al. , RSC Advances, Volume 8, Number 50, p.28275-28283, (2018)
Biological effects of Salvia Officinalis leaf extract on murine myeloma cells, Ovidi, E., Triggiani Doriana, Valeri M., Mastrogiovanni F., Salvini L., Bonechi C., Taddei A., Masci V., and Tiezzi A. , Pharmacognosy Magazine, Volume 14, Number 55, p.S208-S212, (2018)
Boulder coastal deposits at Favignana Island rocky coast (Sicily, Italy): Litho-structural and hydrodynamic control, Pepe, F., Corradino M., Parrino N., Besio G., Presti V.L., Renda P., Calcagnile L., Quarta G., Sulli A., and Antonioli F. , Geomorphology, Volume 303, p.191-209, (2018)