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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7387 results
The characterization of the soybean polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (Pgip) gene family reveals that a single member is responsible for the activity detected in soybean tissues, D’Ovidio, R., Roberti S., Di Giovanni M., Capodicasa Cristina, Melaragni M., Sella L., Tosi P., and Favaron F. , Planta, 2006, Volume 224, p.633 - 645, (2006)
Chromogenic in situ hybridization to detect HER-2/neu gene amplification in histological and ThinPrep®-processed breast cancer fine-needle aspirates: A sensitive and practical method in the trastuzumab era, Vocaturo, A., Novelli Flavia, Benevolo M., Piperno G., Marandino F., Cianciulli A.M., Merola R., Donnorso R.P., Sperduti I., Buglioni S., et al. , Oncologist, Volume 11, Number 8, p.878-886, (2006)
Climatic limits of pink bollworm in Arizona and California: effects of climate warming, Gutierrez, Andrew Paul, d’Oultremont Thibaud, Ellis C.K., and Ponti Luigi , Acta Oecologica, 2006, Volume 30, p.353-364, (2006)
c-Myc phosphorylation is required for cellular response to oxidative stress, Benassi, Barbara, Fanciulli M., Fiorentino F., Porrello A., Chiorino G., Loda M., Zupi G., and Biroccio A. , Molecular Cell, Volume 21, Number 4, p.509-519, (2006)
Comment on "exact analytic solutions of nonlinear boundary value problems in fluid mechanics (Blasius equations)" [J. Math. Phys. 46, 033101 (2005)], Iacono, Roberto , Journal of Mathematical Physics, Volume 47, Number 3, (2006)
Comparative analysis of the effects of locally used herbicides and their active ingredients on a wild-type wine Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, Braconi, D., Sotgiu M., Millucci L., Paffetti A., Tasso Flavia, Alisi Chiara, Martini S., Rappuoli R., Lusini P., Sprocati A.R., et al. , Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Volume 54, Number 8, p.3163-3172, (2006)
Comparative study of the phase transition of Li1+xMn 2-xO4 by anelastic spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry, Paolone, A., Cantelli R., Scrosati B., Reale P., Ferretti M., and Masquelier C. , Electrochemistry Communications, Volume 8, Number 1, p.113-117, (2006)
Concentration measurement in a road tunnel as a method to assess "real-world" vehicles exhaust emissions, Zanini, Gabriele, Berico M., Monforti F., Vitali Lina, Zambonelli S., Chiavarini Salvatore, Georgiadis T., and Nardino M. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 40, Number 7, p.1242-1254, (2006)
Confronto tra metodologie di valutazione dell’esposizione a pesticidi per via dermica degli operatori agricoli, Zappa, Giovanna, Gatti Rosanna, Faraci A., Vita M., and Carconi P. , Number 2006/25/BIOTEC, (2006)
Considerations about the effect of incorporation of two rare LMW-GS in durum wheat in comparison to bread wheat doughs, , p.23-27, (2006)
A contribution to the trophic ecology of the Adriatic Sturgeon, Acipenser naccarii: Morphological observations on mouth and head sensorial equipment, Boglione, C., Cataldi E., Sighicelli Maria, Bronzi P., and Cataudella S. , Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2006///, Volume 22, p.208 - 212, (2006)
Controlled nucleation and growth of CdS nanoparticles in a polymer matrix, Di Luccio, Tiziana, Laera Anna Maria, Tapfer Leander, Kempter S., Kraus R., and Nickel B. , Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 110, Number 25, p.12603-12609, (2006)
Critical flow solution to Gill's model of rotating channel hydraulics, Iacono, Roberto , Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Oct-04-2006, Volume 552, Issue -1, p.381, (2006)
Critical loads for Cd and Pb in the province of Bologna, Morselli, L., Bernardi E., Passarini F., and Tesini E. , Annali di Chimica, Volume 96, Number 11-12, p.697-705, (2006)
CRY-DASH gene expression is under the control of the circadian clock machinery in tomato, Facella, Paolo, Lopez Loredana, Chiappetta A., Bitonti M.B., Giuliano Giovanni, and Perrotta Gaetano , FEBS Letters, 2006///, Volume 580, p.4618 - 4624, (2006)
CTLA-4 and GATA-3, Pioli, Claudio , Modern Aspects of Immunobiology, Volume 19, p.36, (2006)
The cytoskeleton regulatory protein hMena (ENAH) is overexpressed in human benign breast lesions with high risk of transformation and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2-positive/hormonal receptor-negative tumors, Di Modugno, F., Mottolese M., Di Benedetto A., Conidi A., Novelli Flavia, Perracchio L., Venturo I., Botti C., Jager E., Santoni A., et al. , Clinical Cancer Research, Volume 12, Number 5, p.1470-1478, (2006)
Cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects induced by a non terpenoid polar extract of A. indica seeds on 3T6 murine fibroblasts in culture, Di Ilio, V., Pasquariello N., Van der Esch Andrew, Cristofaro M., Scarsella G., and Risuleo G. , Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 2006///, Volume 287, p.69 - 77, (2006)
Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 inhibits GATA-3 but not T-bet mRNA expression during T helper cell differentiation, Nasta, F., Ubaldi V., Pace L., Doria G., and Pioli Claudio , Immunology, Volume 117, Number 3, p.358-367, (2006)
Decadal oscillations in the Mediterranean Sea: A result of the overturning circulation variability in the eastern basin?, Pisacane, Giovanna, Artale V., Calmanti Sandro, and Rupolo V. , Climate Research, Volume 31, Number 2-3, p.257-271, (2006)
Deposition and characterization of Langmuir-Blodgett films of cadmium arachidate/SWCNTs composites, Antolini, F., Di Luccio Tiziana, Serra Emanuele, Aversa Patrizia, Tapfer Leander, and Sangiorgi S. , Surface and Interface Analysis, Volume 38, Number 9, p.1285-1290, (2006)
Desorption behaviour in nanostructured MgH2-Co, Montone, Amelia, Grbović J., Stamenković Lj., Fiorini A.L., Pasquini L., Bonetti E., and Antisari M.V. , Materials Science Forum, Volume 518, Herceg Novi,, p.79-84, (2006)
The determination of the efficiency of energy dispersive X-ray spectrometers by a new reference material, Alvisi, Marco, Blome M., Griepentrog M., Hodoroaba V.-D., Karduck P., Mostert M., Nacucchi Michele, Procop M., Rohde M., Scholze F., et al. , Microscopy and Microanalysis, Volume 12, Number 5, p.406-415, (2006)
Development of a novel GFP-based ratiometric excitation and emission pH indicator for intracellular studies, Bizzarri, R., Arcangeli Caterina, Arosio D., Ricci F., Faraci P., Cardarelli F., and Beltram F. , Biophysical Journal, Volume 90, Number 9, p.3300-3314, (2006)
Development of molecular and biochemical tools to investigate fruit quality traits in strawberry elite genotypes, Carbone, F., Mourgues F., Biasioli F., Gasperi F., Märk T.D., Rosati C., and Perrotta Gaetano , Molecular Breeding, Volume 18, Number 2, p.127-142, (2006)