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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7396 results
Integrating services and tools in an ICT platform to support eco-innovation in SMEs, Buttol, P., Buonamici R., Naldesi L., Rinaldi C., Zamagni A., and Masoni P. , Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Volume 14, Number 2, p.211-221, (2012)
Interaction of environmental B. cenocepacia strains with cystic fibrosis and non-cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial cells in vitro., Bevivino, Annamaria, Pirone Luisa, Pilkington Ruth, Cifani Noemi, Dalmastri Claudia, Callaghan Máire, Ascenzioni Fiorentina, and McClean Siobhan , Microbiology (Reading, England), 2012 Feb 9, (2012)
Interactions between Bt-expressing tomato and non-target insects: the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae and its natural enemies, Digilio, M.C., Sasso R, Di Leo M.G., Iodice L., Monti M.M., Santeramo R., Arpaia S., and Guerrieri E. , Journal of Plant Interactions, Volume 7, Number 1, p.71-77, (2012)
The interphase finite element, Giambanco, G., Scimemi G.F., and Spada A. , Computational Mechanics, Volume 50, Number 3, p.353-366, (2012)
Interpreting last glacial to Holocene dust changes at Talos Dome (East Antarctica): Implications for atmospheric variations from regional to hemispheric scales, Albani, S., Delmonte B., Maggi V., Baroni C., Petit J.-R., Stenni B., Mazzola C., and Frezzotti M , Climate of the Past, Volume 8, Number 2, p.741-750, (2012)
Introduction: Mediterranean climate-background information, Lionello, Piero, Abrantes Fatima, Congedi Letizia, Dulac François, Gacic Miro, Gomis Damià, Goodess Clare, Hoff Holger, Kutiel Haim, Luterbacher Jürg, et al. , The Climate of the Mediterranean Region, p.xxxv–xc, (2012)
Ionic liquid-based electrolytes for high energy, safer lithium batteries, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Montanino M., and Passerini S. , ACS Symposium Series, Volume 1117, p.67-128, (2012)
ITO-free polymer solar cells with inkjet-printed highly-conductive PEDOT:PSS anode, Grimaldi, I.A., De Girolamo Del Mauro Anna, Diana R., Loffredo Fausta, Morvillo Pasquale, Villani Fulvia, and Minarini Carla , AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1459, Number 1, Ischia, p.167-169, (2012)
L’evoluzione dei modelli di consumo e degli stili alimentari tra sostenibilità e benessere, Colucci, Federica, Menegoni Patrizia, Nocenzi Mariella, and Presenti Ombretta , RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA’, Volume II, p.47-67, (2012)
La conservazione on farm, un valido strumento per la tutela di preziose risorse genetiche di nocciolo., Bacchetta, Loretta, and Aramini Maria , Corylus & Co, Volume Anno III numero I, p.29-38, (2012)
La sfida della sicurezza alimentare: sfamare la crescente popolazione mondiale nonostante le minacce ambientali, economiche e sociali, Sonnino, Andrea , Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 01/2012, Volume 41, p.55-64, (2012)
Laboratory and field experimental evaluation of host plant specificity of Aceria solstitialis, a prospective biological control agent of yellow starthistle, Stoeva, A., Harizanova V., de Lillo E, Cristofaro M., and Smith L. , Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2012///, Volume 56, p.43 - 55, (2012)
L'acqua e la sicurezza alimentare, Stamigna, Catia, and Chiaretti D ,, (2012)
The land bridge between Europe and Sicily over the past 40 kyrs: Timing of emersion and implications for the migration of Homo sapiens, Antonioli, F., V. Presti Lo, Morticelli M.G., Mannino M.A., Lambeck K., Ferranti L., Bonfiglio L., Mangano G., Sannino Gianmaria, Furlani S., et al. , Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana, Volume 21, Number PART 2, p.1167-1169, (2012)
Landslide HotSpot Mapping by means of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, Bianchini, S., Cigna F., Righini Gaia, Proietti C., and Casagli N. , Environmental Earth Sciences, Volume 67, Number 4, p.1155-1172, (2012)
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Foreword, D’Amico, A., Di Natale C., Mosiello Lucia, and Zappa Giovanna , Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2012///, Volume 109 LNEE, p.v - vi, (2012)
The LHCBM1 and LHCBM2/7 polypeptides, components of the major LHCII complex, have distinct functional roles in the photosynthetic antenna system of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii., Ferrante, Paola, Ballottari Matteo, Bonente Giulia, Giuliano Giovanni, and Bassi Roberto , The Journal of biological chemistry, 2012 May 11, Volume 287, Number 20, p.16276-16288, (2012)
Life cycle assessment of Italian high quality milk production. A comparison with an EPD study, Fantin, V., Buttol P., Pergreffi R., and Masoni Paolo , Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 28, p.150-159, (2012)
Linee guida per la replicazione del modello DINAMO, Carrabba, Paola, Arena Silvia, Bacchetta Loretta, Cappuccio Angelo, DeMei Massimiliano, Di Giovanni Barbara, Marino Davide, and Padovani Laura Maria , Volume unico, Roma, p.80, (2012)
Long term reproduction data of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus along a Mediterranean coast, Pietrelli, L., and Biondi M. , Wader Study Group Bulletin, Volume 119, Number 2, p.114-119, (2012)
Long-term risk in a recently active volcanic system: Evaluation of doses and indoor radiological risk in the quaternary Vulsini Volcanic District (Central Italy), Capaccioni, B., Cinelli Giorgia, Mostacci D., and Tositti L. , Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 247-248, p.26-36, (2012)
The Lsktm1 locus modulates lung and skin tumorigenesis in the mouse., Galvan, A., Colombo F., Noci S., Pazzaglia Simonetta, Mancuso Mariateresa, Manenti G., Broman K.W., Saran Anna, and Dragani T.A. , G3 (Bethesda, Md.), Volume 2, Number 9, p.1041-1046, (2012)
The lsktm1 locus modulates lung and skin tumorigenesis in the mouse, Galvan, A., Colombo F., Noci S., Pazzaglia Simonetta, Mancuso Mariateresa, Manenti G., Broman K.W., Saran Anna, and Dragani T.A. , G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, Volume 2, Number 9, p.1041-1046, (2012)
Magnesium hydride as a high capacity negative electrode for lithium ion batteries, Brutti, S., Mulas G., Piciollo E., Panero S., and Reale P. , Journal of Materials Chemistry, Volume 22, Number 29, p.14531-14537, (2012)
Magnesium nanoparticles for hydrogen storage: Structure, kinetics and thermodynamics, Pasquini, L., Brighi M., Montone Amelia, M. Antisari Vittori, Dam B., Palmisano V., and Bonetti E. , IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 38, Number 1, Riga, (2012)