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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7393 results
An investigation on the effect of Li+/Ni2+ cation mixing on electrochemical performances and analysis of the electron conductivity properties of LiCo0.33Mn0.33Ni0.33O2, Reale, P., Privitera D., Panero S., and Scrosati B. , Solid State Ionics, Volume 178, Number 23-24, p.1390-1397, (2007)
Ionic liquids in electrochromic devices, Brazier, A., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Passerini S., A. Vuk Surca, Orel B., Donsanti F., and Decker F. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 52, Number 14, p.4792-4797, (2007)
L’Analisi per Attivazione Neutronica nella valutazione dell’omogeneità dei materiali di riferimento di origine naturale, Zappa, Giovanna, Zoani Claudia, and Carconi P. , V Congresso “Metrologia & Qualità” - 14-16 Marzo 2007, Torino, (2007)
L’incertezza delle misure chimiche per la qualità e la sicurezza dei prodotti alimentari: individuazione delle fonti e applicazione delle procedure di calcolo, Zoani, Claudia, Zappa Giovanna, Gatti Rosanna, and Carconi P. , V Congresso “Metrologia & Qualità” - 14-16 Marzo 2007, Torino, (2007)
La sfida delle Biotecnologie, Tirindelli, Donatella, Presenti Ombretta, Donini Marcello, and Porro Danilo , La chimica e l’Industria, Volume n.6 Lug/Ago.07, (2007)
Laser-assisted fabrication of biomolecular sensing microarrays, Gagliardi, S., Rapone B., Mosiello Lucia, Luciani D., Gerardino A., and Morales P. , IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2007///, Volume 6, p.242 - 248, (2007)
Layered SAW gas sensor with single-walled carbon nanotube-based nanocomposite coating, Penza, Michele, Aversa Patrizia, Cassano Gennaro, Wlodarski W., and Kalantar-Zadeh K. , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 127, Number 1, p.168-178, (2007)
LCA of integrated MSW management systems: Case study of the Bologna District, Buttol, P., Masoni P., Bonoli A., Goldoni S., Belladonna V., and Cavazzuti C. , Waste Management, Volume 27, Number 8, p.1059-1070, (2007)
Lentinula edodes: a possible new source of compounds for the control of patulin-producing Penicillium expansum on stored apples, Zjalic, Slaven, Castoria Raffaello, Reverberi Massimo, Ricelli Alessandra, Tolaini Valentina, Fabbri Anna Adele, and Fanelli Corrado , Novel approaches for the control of postharvest diseases and disorders, (2007)
Light emitting polymer nanofibers: Energy transfer, waveguiding and photostability, Camposeo, A., Di Benedetto Francesca, Mele E., Persono L., Cingolani R., and Pisignano D. , Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, Munich, (2007)
Malignant pleural cancers mortality and compensated cases for asbestos related diseases in Lazio municipali ties (1980-2001) [Mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura e casi indennizzati di malattie asbesto correlate nei comuni del Lazio (1980-2001)], Scarselli, A., Binazzi A., Altavista P., Mastrantonio Marina, Uccelli Raffaella, and Marinaccio A. , Medicina del Lavoro, Volume 98, Number 1, p.30-38, (2007)
Marine observing systems from fixed platform in the Ligurian Sea, Picco, P., Bozzano R., Schiano M.E., Bordone A., Borghini M., Di Nallo G., Pensieri S., Schirone Antonio, and Sparnocchia S. , Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Volume 48, Number 3, p.227-239, (2007)
Marker-assisted selection as a tool for genetic improvement of crops, livestock, forestry and fish in developing countries: an overview of the issues, Ruane, John, and Sonnino Andrea , Marker-assisted Selection-Current Status and Future Perspectives in Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fish.-Rome (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)), p.3–13, (2007)
Measuring change of Mediterranean coastal biodiversity: Diachronic mapping of the meadow of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson in the Gulf of Tigullio (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean), Barsanti, Mattia, Delbono Ivana, Ferretti O, Peirano Andrea, Bianchi Carlo Nike, and Morri C , Hydrobiologia, Volume 580, Number 1, p.35–41, (2007)
Measuring, modelling and testing ozone exposure, flux and effects on vegetation in southern European conditions-What does not work? A review from Italy, Ferretti, M., Fagnano M., Amoriello T., Badiani M., Ballarin-Denti A., Buffoni A., Bussotti F., Castagna A., Cieslik S., Costantini A., et al. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 146, Number 3, p.648-658, (2007)
Mesoscopic and microscopic investigation on poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels in the presence of sodium decylsulfate, Mangiapia, G., Ricciardi Rosa, Auriemma F., De Rosa C., Celso F.L., Triolo R., Heenan R.K., Radulescu A., Tedeschi A.M., D'Errico G., et al. , Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 111, Number 9, p.2166-2173, (2007)
Metabolic engineering of carotenoid levels for improvement of plants as food, Diretto, Gianfranco, Fiore Alessia, and Giuliano Giovanni , CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, Volume 2, (2007)
Metabolic engineering of potato carotenoid content through tuber-specific overexpression of a bacterial mini-pathway, Diretto, Gianfranco, Al-Babili S., Tavazza Raffaela, Papacchioli V., Beyer P., and Giuliano Giovanni , PLoS ONE, Volume 2, Number 4, (2007)
Middle atmospheric O3, CO, N2O, HNO3, and temperature profiles during the warm Arctic winter 2001-2002, Muscari, G., Di Sarra Alcide, de Zafra R.L., Lucci F., Baordo F., Angelini F., and Fiocco G. , Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 112, Number 14, (2007)
Millimeter wave spectroscopic measurements of stratospheric and mesospheric constituents over the Italian Alps: Stratospheric ozone, Muscari, G., Cesaroni C., Bianchi C., de Zafra R.L., Di Iorio Tatiana, Fiorucci I., Fuà D., Romaniello V., and Zuccheretti E. , Annals of Geophysics, Volume 50, Number 3, p.469-482, (2007)
Molecular farming for antigen (vaccine) production in plants, Lico, Chiara, Baschieri Selene, Marusic Carla, and Benvenuto Eugenio , Improvement of Crop Plants for Industrial End Uses, p.417-433, (2007)
Nanohybrids for controlled antibiotic release in topical applications, Tammaro, Loredana, Costantino U., Bolognese A., Sammartino G., Marenzi G., Calignano A., Tetè S., Mastrangelo F., Califano L., and Vittoria V. , International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, Volume 29, Number 4, p.417-423, (2007)
Nanometric dispersion of a Mg/AI layered double hydroxide into a chemically modified polycaprolactone, Mangiacapra, P., Raimondo M., Tammaro Loredana, and Vittoria V. , Biomacromolecules, Volume 8, Number 3, p.773-779, (2007)
Nano-micro MgH2 - Mg2 NiH4 composites: Tayloring a multichannel system with selected hydrogen sorption properties, Montone, Amelia, J. Novaković Grbović, M. Antisari Vittori, Bassetti A., Bonetti E., Fiorini A.L., Pasquini L., Mirenghi L., and Rotolo P. , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 32, Number 14, p.2926-2934, (2007)
Nanotecnologie e agroalimentare. Le innovazioni possibili., Presenti, Ombretta, and Colucci Federica , ALIMENTI&BEVANDE, Volume 11/12, (2007)