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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7413 results
Microplastics in bulk atmospheric deposition along the coastal region of Victoria Land, Antarctica, Illuminati, Silvia, Notarstefano Valentina, Tinari Chiara, Fanelli Matteo, Girolametti Federico, Ajdini Behixhe, Scarchilli Claudio, Ciardini Virginia, Iaccarino Antonio, Giorgini E., et al. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 949, (2024)
A Modeling Analysis of Wastewater Heat Recovery Effects on Wastewater Treatment Plant Nitrification, Mattioli, D., Sabia Gianpaolo, Petta Luigi, Altobelli M., Evangelisti M., and Maglionico M. , Water (Switzerland), Volume 16, Number 8, (2024)
Modeling complete and shortcut simultaneous nitrification and denitrification coupled to phosphorus removal in moving bed biofilm reactors, Lanzetta, A., Mattioli D., Di Capua F., Minieri V., Papirio S., and Esposito G. , Journal of Water Process Engineering, Volume 59, (2024)
Molecular Investigations to Improve Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Wheat: An Update Focusing on Multi-Omics Approaches, Sirangelo, Tiziana Maria , Plants, Volume 13, Number 16, (2024)
Mortality from extreme meteorological and hydrogeological events in Italy: a rising health threat connected to climate change, Dalmastri, Claudia, and Uccelli Raffaella , Safety in Extreme Environments, Dec-02-2024, Volume 6, Number 3, p.173-181, (2024)
A Multidisciplinary Approach for the Development of a Supply Chain in Biomass Conversion of Agrifood Waste Mediated by Larvae of Hermetia illucens L.: From Rearing to By-Product Exploitation, De Santis, E., de Iudicibus A., Lecce Francesca, De Mei Massimiliano, Petrazzuolo F., Del Giudice A., Carnevale M., Gallucci F., Beni C., Assirelli A., et al. , Agriculture (Switzerland), Volume 14, Number 7, (2024)
Murine Skin Dosimetry Under Millimeter Wave Exposure, Iakovidis, S., Leonardi Simona, Fratini Emiliano, Pazzaglia Simonetta, Mancuso Mariateresa, and Samaras T. , IEEE Journal of Microwaves, p.1-9, (2024)
New Materials for Thermal Barrier Coatings: Design, Manufacturing and Performance, Di Girolamo, G. , Ceramic Coatings for High-Temperature Environments: From Thermal Barrier to Environmental Barrier Applications, Cham, p.3–36, (2024)
A New Method for Selective Extraction of Torularhodin from Red Yeast Using CO2-SFE Technique, Ambrico, Alfredo, Larocca Vincenzo, Trupo Mario, Martino Maria, Magarelli Rosaria Alessandra, Spagnoletta Anna, and Balducchi Roberto , Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, (2024)
New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related Climate Indicators in 2023, Cheng, L., Abraham J., Trenberth K.E., Boyer T., Mann M.E., Zhu J., Wang F., Yu F., Locarnini R., Fasullo J., et al. , Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, (2024)
New Strategies to Improve the Efficiency of Curcumin-Based Iridium Complexes for OLED Devices, Lino, Valeria, Prontera Carmela Tania, Maglione Maria Grazia, Borriello Carmela, Tassini Paolo, and Manini Paola , European Journal of Organic Chemistry, (2024)
NLR- and mlo-Based Resistance Mechanisms against Powdery Mildew in Cannabis sativa, Sirangelo, Tiziana Maria , Plants, Volume 13, Number 1, (2024)
Northwestern Mediterranean Heavy Precipitation Events in a Warmer Climate: Robust Versus Uncertain Changes With a Large Convection-Permitting Model Ensemble, Caillaud, Cécile, Somot Samuel, Douville Hervé, Alias Antoinette, Bastin Sophie, Brienen Susanne, Demory Marie-Estelle, Dobler Andreas, Feldmann Hendrik, Frisius Thomas, et al. , Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 51, Number 6, (2024)
Ocean surface radiation measurement best practices, Riihimaki, Laura D., Cronin Meghan F., Acharya Raja, Anderson Nathan, Augustine John A., Balmes Kelly A., Berk Patrick, Bozzano Roberto, Bucholtz Anthony, Connell Kenneth J., et al. , Frontiers in Marine Science, May-23-2024, Volume 11, (2024)
Olive mill wastewater as a source of defense-promoting by-products against microbial pathogens, Salvati, Ascenzo, Sciubba Fabio, Diomaiuti Alessandra, Leone Gian Paolo, Pizzichini Daniele, Bellincampi Daniela, and Pontiggia Daniela , Plant Stress, Jan-10-2024, Volume 14, p.100623, (2024)
One-step silver coating of polypropylene surgical mask with antibacterial and antiviral properties, Ferrari, Ivan Vito, Giuntoli Giulia, Pisani Anissa, Cavallo Aida, Mazzetti Paola, Fonnesu Rossella, Rosellini Alfredo, Pistello Mauro, Kayal Tamer Al, Cataldo Antonino, et al. , Heliyon, Volume 10, Number 1, (2024)
Optical investigation of degradation of graphene oxide in alkaline environment: Evidence of two distinct photon-emitting phases in visible region., Burresi, Emiliano, and Protopapa Maria Lucia , Carbon Trends, Volume 17, (2024)
The overall sustainability index (OSI): A suitable way to measure the sustainability of electrical industry in Italy, Carrabba, Paola, Padovani Laura Maria, and Di Giovanni Barbara , Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, (2024)
PARP1 inactivation increases regulatory T / Th17 cell proportion in intestinal inflammation. Role of HMGB1, Vitali, Roberta, Novelli Flavia, Palone Francesca, Cucchiara S., Stronati L., and Pioli Claudio , Immunology Letters, Volume 270, (2024)
Plant-Produced Viral Nanoparticles as a Functionalized Catalytic Support for Metabolic Engineering , Sator, Christian, Lico Chiara, Pannucci Elisa, Marchetti Luca, Baschieri Selene, Warzecha Heribert, and Santi L. , Plants, Jan-02-2024, Volume 13, Issue 4, Number 4, p.503, (2024)
Plastic waste recycling in additive manufacturing: Recovery of polypropylene from WEEE for the production of 3D printing filaments, Spirio, Andrea, Arrigo Rossella, Frache Alberto, Tuccinardi Letizia, and Tuffi Riccardo , Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 12, Number 3, (2024)
Polymer electrolytes based on protic ionic liquids with perfluorinated anions for safe lithium-ion batteries, Souza, Giselle de Araujo, di Pietro Maria Enrica, Castiglione Franca, Martinez Patricia Fazzio Mar, Fraenza Carla Cecilia, Stallworth Phillip, Greenbaum Steven, Triolo Alessandro, Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, and Mele Andrea , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 474, (2024)
Polystyrene nanoplastics as an ecotoxicological hazard: cellular and transcriptomic evidences on marine and freshwater in vitro teleost models, Saraceni, P.R., Miccoli A., Bada A., Taddei A.R., Mazzonna M., Fausto A.M., Scapigliati G., and Picchietti S. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 934, (2024)
Post-Fire Vegetation (Non-)Recovery across the Edges of a Wildfire: An Unexplored Theme, Rossetti, Ivo, Calderisi G., Cogoni D., and Fenu G. , Fire, Volume 7, Number 7, (2024)
Potential of teff as alternative crop for Mediterranean farming systems: Effect of genotype and mowing time on forage yield and quality, Ruggeri, Roberto, Rossini Francesco, Ronchi Bruno, Primi Riccardo, Stamigna Catia, and Danieli Pier Paolo , Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, Jan-09-2024, Volume 17, p.101257, (2024)