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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7352 results
Metabolic engineering of carotenoid levels for improvement of plants as food, Diretto, Gianfranco, Fiore Alessia, and Giuliano Giovanni , CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, Volume 2, (2007)
Metabolic engineering of potato carotenoid content through tuber-specific overexpression of a bacterial mini-pathway, Diretto, Gianfranco, Al-Babili S., Tavazza Raffaela, Papacchioli V., Beyer P., and Giuliano Giovanni , PLoS ONE, Volume 2, Number 4, (2007)
Middle atmospheric O3, CO, N2O, HNO3, and temperature profiles during the warm Arctic winter 2001-2002, Muscari, G., Di Sarra Alcide, de Zafra R.L., Lucci F., Baordo F., Angelini F., and Fiocco G. , Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Volume 112, Number 14, (2007)
Millimeter wave spectroscopic measurements of stratospheric and mesospheric constituents over the Italian Alps: Stratospheric ozone, Muscari, G., Cesaroni C., Bianchi C., de Zafra R.L., Di Iorio Tatiana, Fiorucci I., Fuà D., Romaniello V., and Zuccheretti E. , Annals of Geophysics, Volume 50, Number 3, p.469-482, (2007)
Molecular farming for antigen (vaccine) production in plants, Lico, Chiara, Baschieri Selene, Marusic Carla, and Benvenuto Eugenio , Improvement of Crop Plants for Industrial End Uses, p.417-433, (2007)
Nanohybrids for controlled antibiotic release in topical applications, Tammaro, Loredana, Costantino U., Bolognese A., Sammartino G., Marenzi G., Calignano A., Tetè S., Mastrangelo F., Califano L., and Vittoria V. , International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, Volume 29, Number 4, p.417-423, (2007)
Nanometric dispersion of a Mg/AI layered double hydroxide into a chemically modified polycaprolactone, Mangiacapra, P., Raimondo M., Tammaro Loredana, and Vittoria V. , Biomacromolecules, Volume 8, Number 3, p.773-779, (2007)
Nano-micro MgH2 - Mg2 NiH4 composites: Tayloring a multichannel system with selected hydrogen sorption properties, Montone, Amelia, J. Novaković Grbović, M. Antisari Vittori, Bassetti A., Bonetti E., Fiorini A.L., Pasquini L., Mirenghi L., and Rotolo P. , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 32, Number 14, p.2926-2934, (2007)
Nanotecnologie e agroalimentare. Le innovazioni possibili., Presenti, Ombretta, and Colucci Federica , ALIMENTI&BEVANDE, Volume 11/12, (2007)
Neutronics experiment on a helium cooled pebble bed (HCPB) breeder blanket mock-up, Batistoni, P., Angelone Massimo, Bettinali L., Carconi P., Fischer U., Kodeli I., Leichtle D., Ochiai K., Perel R., Pillon M., et al. , Fusion Engineering and Design, 2007///, Volume 82, p.2095 - 2104, (2007)
New approaches to study the relationship between stomatal conductance and environmental factors under Mediterranean climatic conditions, Vitale, M., Anselmi S., Salvatori Elisabetta, and Manes F. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 41, Number 26, p.5385-5397, (2007)
A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF PHREATOGAMMARIDAE (CALEDONIETTA MARYAE N. GEN. N. SP.) FROM NEW CALEDONIA (CRUSTACEA, AMPHIPODA), Iannilli, Valentina, and Ruffo Sandro , Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Botanica Zoologia, Volume 31, p.23-29, (2007)
New nanohybrids of poly(ε-caprolactone) and a modified Mg/Al hydrotalcite: Mechanical and thermal properties, Pucciariello, R., Tammaro Loredana, Villani V., and Vittoria V. , Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, Volume 45, Number 8, p.945-954, (2007)
Nitrogen removal optimization in a sequencing batch reactor treating sanitary landfill leachate, Spagni, A., Lavagnolo M.C., Scarpa C., Vendrame P., Rizzo Antonella, and Luccarini L. , Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Volume 42, Number 6, p.757-765, (2007)
Nucleation and growth of new particles in Po Valley, Italy, Hamed, A., Joutsensaari J., Mikkonen S., Sogacheva L., Dal Maso M., Kulmala M., Cavalli F., Fuzzi S., Facchini M.C., Decesari S., et al. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 7, Number 2, p.355-376, (2007)
Occupational exposure to antineoplastic agents induces a high level of chromosome damage. Lack of an effect of GST polymorphisms, Testa, Antonella, Giachelia M., Palma S., Appolloni M., Padua L., Tranfo G., Spagnoli M., Tirindelli D., and Cozzi R. , Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Volume 223, Number 1, p.46-55, (2007)
Of chromoplasts and chaperones, Giuliano, Giovanni, and Diretto Gianfranco , Trends in Plant Science, Volume 12, Number 12, p.529-531, (2007)
Organic extract of tire debris causes localized damage in the plasma membrane of human lung epithelial cells, Beretta, E., Gualtieri Maurizio, Botto L., Palestini P., Miserocchi G., and Camatini M. , Toxicology Letters, Volume 173, Number 3, p.191-200, (2007)
Particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions from non-catalysed, in-use four-stroke scooters, Spezzano, Pasquale, Picini P., Cataldi D., Messale F., Manni C., and Santino D. , Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 133, Number 1-3, p.105-117, (2007)
Performance characteristics of a new multiplex NAT screening test for HBV, HCV and HIV. the COBAS TAQSCREEN MPX Test on the COBAS S 201 system, Herman, S., Ohhashi Y., Kyger E., Halait H., Wiedmann M., Zauke M., and Pietrelli L. , Vox Sang, Volume 91, Number 3, p.81, (2007)
Phase evolution in synthesis of manganese ferrite nanoparticles, Bellusci, M., Canepari S., Ennas G., La Barbera A., Padella F., Santini A., Scano A., Seralessandri L., and Varsano F. , Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Volume 90, Number 12, p.3977-3983, (2007)
Pig, F1 (wild boar x pig) and wild boar meat quality, Marsico, G., Rasulo A., Dimatteo Salvatore, Tarricone S., Pinto F., and Ragni M. , Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2007, Volume 6, p.701 - 703, (2007)
Politica locale e biodiversità, Borrelli, Gaetano, Carrabba Paola, Di Giovanni Barbara, Padovani Laura Maria, and Palma Renata , 2007, Roma, p.1-85, (2007)
Possible combined effects of 900 MHZ continuous-wave electromagnetic fields and gentamicin on the auditory system of rats, Parazzini, M., Galloni P, Piscitelli Marta, Pinto Rosanna, Lovisolo G.A., Tognola G., Ravazzani P., and Marino Carmela , Radiation Research, Volume 167, Number 5, p.600-605, (2007)
Potentialities of Vis-NIR spectroradiometry for mapping traffic emissions in urban environments, Salzano, R., Salvatori R., Angelone Massimo, and Casacchia R. , WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 101, Algarve, p.381-390, (2007)