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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7387 results
High-density molecular characterization and association mapping in Ethiopian durum wheat landraces reveals high diversity and potential for wheat breeding, Mengistu, D.K., Kidane Y.G., Catellani Marcello, Frascaroli E., Fadda C., Pè M.E., and Dell'Acqua M. , Plant Biotechnology Journal, Volume 14, Number 9, p.1800-1812, (2016)
Highly luminescent colloidal CdS quantum dots with efficient near-infrared electroluminescence in light-emitting diodes, Bansal, A.K., Antolini F., Zhang S., Stroea L., Ortolani L., Lanzi M., Serra Emanuele, Allard S., Scherf U., and Samuel I.D.W. , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Volume 120, Number 3, p.1871-1880, (2016)
A high-resolution modelling study of the circulation along the Campania coastal system, with a special focus on the Gulf of Naples, de Ruggiero, P., Napolitano Ernesto, Iacono Roberto, and Pierini S. , Continental Shelf Research, Volume 122, p.85-101, (2016)
How to boost shallow geothermal energy exploitation in the adriatic area: The LEGEND project experience, Tinti, F., Pangallo A., Berneschi M., Tosoni D., Rajver D., Pestotnik S., Jovanović D., Rudinica T., Jelisić S., Zlokapa B., et al. , Energy Policy, Volume 92, p.190-204, (2016)
ICT applications for improving the generation and distribution efficiency of a small mediterranean island, Beccali, M., Ciulla I., Ippolito M.G., Cascia D.L., Leone Gian Paolo, Brano V.L., Zizzo G., Bommarito C., Di Pietra B., and Monteleone Francesco , EEEIC 2016 - International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, (2016)
The Identification and Pharmacological Characterization of 6-(tert-Butylsulfonyl)-N-(5-fluoro-1H-indazol-3-yl)quinolin-4-amine (GSK583), a Highly Potent and Selective Inhibitor of RIP2 Kinase, Haile, P.A., Votta B.J., Marquis R.W., Bury M.J., Mehlmann J.F., Singhaus R., Charnley A.K., Lakdawala A.S., Convery M.A., Lipshutz D.B., et al. , Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 59, Number 10, p.4867-4880, (2016)
Identification of airborne radioactive spatial patterns in Europe - Feasibility study using Beryllium-7, Hernández-Ceballos, M.Á., Cinelli Giorgia, Tollefsen T., and Marín-Ferrer M. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 155-156, p.55-62, (2016)
Impact of grid resolution on aerosol predictions: A case study over Italy, Mircea, Mihaela, Grigoras G., D'Isidoro Massimo, Righini Gaia, Adani Mario, Briganti Gino, Ciancarella Luisella, Cappelletti Andrea, Calori G., Cionni Irene, et al. , Aerosol and Air Quality Research, MAY, Volume 16, Number 5, p.1253-1267, (2016)
Impact of sea-land breezes on 210Pb in southern Iberian Peninsula– Feasibility study on using submicron-sized aerosol particles to analyze 210Pb hourly patterns, Hernández-Ceballos, M.Á., Sorribas M., San Miguel E.G., Cinelli Giorgia, Adame J.A., and Bolívar J.P. , Atmospheric Pollution Research, Volume 7, Number 1, p.1-8, (2016)
Impact of stratospheric volcanic aerosols on age-of-air and transport of long-lived species, Pitari, G., Cionni Irene, Di Genova G., Visioni D., Gandolfi I., and Mancini E. , Atmosphere, Volume 7, Number 11, (2016)
Impacts of air pollution on cultural heritage corrosion at European level: What has been achieved and what are the future scenarios, Di Turo, F., Proietti C., Screpanti Augusto, Fornasier M.F., Cionni Irene, Favero G., and De Marco Alessandra , Environmental Pollution, Volume 218, p.586-594, (2016)
Implementing a composite indicator approach for prioritizing activated sludge-based wastewater treatment plants at large spatial scale, Sabia, Gianpaolo, De Gisi S., and Farina R. , Ecological Indicators, Volume 71, p.1-18, (2016)
Improving magnesium based systems for efficient hydrogen storage tanks, Mirabile Gattia, Daniele, Montone Amelia, and Di Sarcina I. , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 41, Number 32, p.14455-14460, (2016)
Improving the enzymatic hydrolysis of Saccharum officinarum L. bagasse by optimizing mixing in a stirred tank reactor: Quantitative analysis of biomass conversion, Verardi, Alessandra, Blasi A., Molino Antonio, Albo L., and Calabrò V. , Fuel Processing Technology, Jan-08-2016, Volume 149, p.15-22, (2016)
An in situ assessment of local adaptation in a calcifying polychaete from a shallow CO2 vent system, Lucey, N.M., Lombardi Chiara, Florio M., DeMarchi L., Nannini M., Rundle S., Gambi M.C., and Calosi P. , Evolutionary Applications, OCT, Volume 9, Number 9, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, p.1054-1071, (2016)
Indication of recent warming process at the intermediate level in the tyrrhenian sea from SOOP XBT measurements, Ribotti, A., Sorgente R., Olita A., Orilia F., Borghini M., and Reseghetti Franco , Mediterranean Marine Science, Volume 17, Number 2, p.467-475, (2016)
The infrared spectrum of bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide revisited: Attractive performances of the PBE0/6-31G∗∗ model, Gatto, S., Palumbo O., Caramazza S., Trequattrini F., Postorino P., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, and Paolone A. , Vibrational Spectroscopy, Volume 82, p.16-21, (2016)
Innovative tunable microstrip attenuators based on few-layer graphene flakes, Yasir, M., Bozzi M., Perregrini L., Bistarelli S., Cataldo Antonino, and Bellucci S. , Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, (2016)
Insight into the current output of polymer solar cells: A comparison between the standard and inverted architecture, Morvillo, Pasquale, Ricciardi Rosa, Bobeico E., and Minarini Carla , IET Conference Publications, Volume 2016, Number CP704, (2016)
Integrative transcriptomic and protein analysis of human bronchial BEAS-2B exposed to seasonal urban particulate matter, Longhin, E., Capasso L., Battaglia C., Proverbio M.C., Cosentino C., Cifola I., Mangano E., Camatini M., and Gualtieri Maurizio , Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987), Volume 209, p.87-98, (2016)
Investigation of model capability in capturing vertical hydrodynamic coastal processes: A case study in the north Adriatic Sea, McKiver, W.J., Sannino Gianmaria, Braga F., and Bellafiore D. , Ocean Science, Volume 12, Number 1, p.51-69, (2016)
Investigation of skin-core joints in aluminium foam sandwich panels by EDS and XPS, Lapi, G., Montanari R., Tata M.E., Barbieri Giuseppe, Balijepalli S.K., and Kaciulis S. , Surface and Interface Analysis, Volume 48, Number 7, p.479-482, (2016)
Investigation of the effects of mechanochemical treatment on NaAlH4 based anode materials for Li-ion batteries, Cirrincione, L., Silvestri L., Mallia C., Stallworth P.E., Greenbaum S., Brutti S., Panero S., and Reale P. , Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 163, Number 13, p.A2628-A2635, (2016)
Investigation on laser welding of Ti-6Al-4V plates in corner joint, Caiazzo, F., Alfieri V., Astarita A., Squillace A., and Barbieri Giuseppe , Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 9, Number 1, (2016)
Ionic liquid electrolytes for safer lithium batteries: I. Investigation around optimal formulation, Moreno, M., Simonetti E., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Carewska M., Montanino M., Kim G.-T., Loeffler N., and Passerini S. , ECS Transactions, Volume 73, Number 1, p.67-73, (2016)