Produzione Scientifica
Found 7581 results
Late Pleistocene Glacial Events in the Central Apennines, Italy,
, Quaternary Research, Volume 48, Number 3, p.280-290, (1997)
Leaf effects of wild species of Solanum and interspecific hybrids on growth and behaviour of the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller,
, Potato Research, 1997///, Volume 40, p.417 - 430, (1997)
Li+ solvation in ethylene carbonate-propylene carbonate concentrated solutions: A comprehensive model,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 107, Number 15, p.5740-5747, (1997)
Lidar observations of polar stratospheric clouds at the South Pole .1. Stratospheric unperturbed conditions, 1990,
, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, JUN 20, Volume 102, Number 11D, p.12937-12943, (1997)
Lidar observations of polar stratospheric clouds at the South Pole 2. Stratospheric perturbed conditions, 1992 and 1993,
, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102, Number D11, p.[d]12,945-12,955, (1997)
Light-dependent regulation of carotenoid biosynthesis occurs at the level of phytoene synthase expression and is mediated by phytochrome in Sinapis alba and Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings,
, Plant Journal, Volume 12, Number 3, p.625-634, (1997)
A lithium plastic battery using a Cr-stabilized manganese spinel cathode,
, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 144, Number 6, p.L138-L140, (1997)
Mechanical alloying in immiscible systems,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 235-238, Number PART 1, p.175-180, (1997)
Mechanical alloying of immiscible elements: Experimental results on Ag-Cu and Co-Cu,
, Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties, Volume 76, Number 4, p.651-662, (1997)
Modelli per lo sviluppo dell’interazione ospite-parassitoide,
, Notiziario sulla Protezione delle piante (A.I.P.P), Volume 7, p.299-309, (1997)
Molecular cloning and expression analysis of dihydroflavonol 4-reductase gene in flower organs of Forsythia x intermedia,
, Plant Molecular Biology, Volume 35, Number 3, p.303-311, (1997)
Morphological and physiological responses of bean plants to supplemental UV radiation in a Mediterranean climate,
, Plant Ecology, Volume 128, Number 1-2, p.127-136, (1997)
Nanocrystalline Al-Fe alloys synthesized by high-energy ball milling,
, Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties, Volume 76, Number 4, p.629-638, (1997)
New ribosome-inactivating proteins with polynucleotide:adenosine glycosidase and antiviral activities from Basella rubra L. and Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd,
, Planta, 1997, Volume 203, p.422 - 429, (1997)
Is nitrate an oligotrophication factor in the Venice lagoon?,
, Marine Chemistry, Volume 58, Number 3-4, p.245-253, (1997)
Observation of non-covalent interactions between beauvericin and oligonucleotides using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,
, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Volume 11, Number 3, p.265-272, (1997)
Optical properties of tropospheric aerosols determined by lidar and spectrophotometric measurements (photochemical activity and solar ultraviolet radiation campaign),
, Applied Optics, Volume 36, Number 27, p.6875-6886, (1997)
Osservazioni bioetologiche sull’Ifantria americana (Hyphantria cunea Drury, Lepidoptera Arctiidae), fitofago esotico emergente in Italia,
, 1997, Perugia, Italy, p.52, (1997)
Paleoseismology of the Fucino Plain (central Italy) [Paleossshologia della piana del fucino (Italia centrale)],
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 10, Number 1, p.27-64, (1997)
Pentacyano(pyridine)chromate(III): Synthesis, Characterization, and Photochemistry,
, Inorganic Chemistry, 1997, Volume 36, p.2279 - 2286, (1997)
Perturbation of maize rhizosphere microflora following seed bacterization with Burkholderia cepacia MCI 7,
, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 1997///, Volume 23, p.183 - 193, (1997)
Ploidy analysis of paraffin-embedded breast fibroadenomas with flow cytometry and fluorescence in situ hybridization.,
, Eur J Histochem, 1997, Volume 41 Suppl 2, p.163-4, (1997)
Population dynamics, production, assimilation and respiration of two fresh water mussels: Unio mancus, Zhadin and Anodonta cygnea Lam,
, Journal of Limnology, Volume 56, Number 1, p.113-130, (1997)
A possible new nepovirus isolated from cucumber fruits in Southern Italy,
, Journal of Plant Pathology, Volume 79, Number 3, p.219-222, (1997)
Post-glacial deposits of the peschio di iorio lower valley (pescasseroli, national park of abruzzo, central Italy): Dating and paleoclimatic interpretation [I depositi post-glaciali della bassa valle peschio di iorio (Pescasseroli, Parco Nazionale D'abruz,
, Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 10, Number 2, p.207-211, (1997)