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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7425 results
Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of fine Fe-Cr-B amorphous particles, Suber, L., Fiorani D., Romero H., De Pamphilis A., Vittori M., Montone Amelia, Dormann J.L., and Maknani J. , Materials Science Forum, Volume 195, Rome, Italy, p.209-214, (1995)
Synthesis of nanocrystalline iron aluminides by mechanical alloying, Cardellini, F., Contini V., Mazzone G., and Montone Amelia , Materials Science Forum, Volume 195, Rome, Italy, p.19-24, (1995)
Synthesis, structural and magnetic properties of amorphous Fe80-XCrXB20 particles, Suber, L., Romero H., Fiorani D., Testa A.M., Montone Amelia, M. Antisari Vittori, Dormann J.L., Maknani J., and Sparvieri N. , Nanostructured Materials, Volume 6, Number 5-8, p.949-952, (1995)
A thin layer, solid-state, primary Li|Ag2CrO4 polymer battery, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Croce F., Moyroud E., and Scrosati B. , Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Volume 25, Number 10, p.987-988, (1995)
Treatment of maize pollen to reduce nuclease activity, Broglia, M., and Corona C.V. , Sexual Plant Reproduction, 1995///, Volume 8, p.187, (1995)
Twentieth century behaviour of the ice fronts in Antarctica: environmental change evidence [Fluttuazioni delle fronti dei ghiacciai galleggianti durante il xx secolo in Antartide: evidenze di cambiamenti ambientali], Frezzotti, M , Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, Volume 18, Number 2, p.271-275, (1995)
Water permeability during the early phase of incubation of Raphanus sativus seeds: Effects of a medium with low water potential and fusicoccin, Cocucci, S.M., Morgutti S., Abruzzese A., Alisi Chiara, and Espen L. , Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Volume 33, Number 1, p.61-69, (1995)
20th century behaviour of Drygalski Ice Tongue, Ross Sea, Antarctica, Frezzotti, M, and Mabin M.C.G. , Annals of Glaciology, Volume 20, p.397-400, (1994)
Acrylamide-induced chromosomal damage in male mouse germ cells detected by cytogenetic analysis of one-cell zygotes, Pacchierotti, Francesca, Tiveron C., D'Archivio M., Bassani B., Cordelli Eugenia, Leter Giorgio, and Spanò M. , Mutation Research Regular Papers, Volume 309, Number 2, p.273-284, (1994)
Agricultural biomass production is an energy option for the future, Sonnino, Andrea , Renewable Energy, 1994///, Volume 5, p.857 - 865, (1994)
Aneuploid cells in benign breast lesions monitored by flow cytometry, de VITA, R., Eleuteri Patrizia, Cavallo D., Forte D., Grollino Maria Giuseppa, Maggi O., and CALUGI A. , Oncology Reports, Volume 1, Number 3, p.513-517, (1994)
Aneuploid cells in benign breast-lesions monitored by flow-cytometry, De Vita, R., Eleuterio P., Cavallo D., Forte D., Grollino Maria Giuseppa, Maggi O., and Calugi A. , Oncology Reports, Volume 1, Issue 3, (1994)
Aneuploid cells in benign breast-lesions monitored by flow-cytometry., DeVita, R, Eleuteri Patrizia, Cavallo D, Forte D, Grollino Maria Giuseppa, Maggi O, and Calugi A , Oncol Rep, 1994 May, Volume 1, Issue 3, p.513-7, (1994)
Backscatter measurements of stratospheric aerosols at Thule during January‐February 1992, Larsen, N., Knudsen B., Jørgensen T.S., Di Sarra Alcide, Fuà D., Di Girolamo P., Fiocco G., Cacciani M., Rosen J.M., and Kjome N.T. , Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 21, Number 13, p.1303-1306, (1994)
Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal in an anaerobic/anoxic sequencing batch reactor with separated biofilm nitrification, Bortone, G., Malaspina F., Stante Loredana, and Tilche A. , Water Science and Technology, Volume 30, Number 6 pt 6, p.303-313, (1994)
Biology and host preference of Oxicesta geographica (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) candidate agent for biological control of Euphorbia esula complex (Euphorbiaceae) in North America, Cristofaro, M., Gassmann A., and Pecora P. , Environmental Entomology, 1994///, Volume 23, p.1006 - 1012, (1994)
Cellular effects of image diagnostic ultrasound on murine spermatogenesis monitored by flow cytometry., De Vita, R, Calugi A, Cavallo D, Eleuteri Patrizia, Fioretti N, Forte D, and Vizzone A , Exp Toxicol Pathol, 1994 Oct, Volume 46, Issue 4-5, Number 4-5, p.297-301, (1994)
Characterization of nanophase powders prepared by laser synthesis, Giorgi, R., Martelli S., Turtù S., Zappa Giovanna, Borsella E., and Botti S. , Surface and Interface Analysis, 1994///, Volume 22, p.248 - 253, (1994)
Combination of anaerobic digestion and dienitrification in a hybrid upflow anaerobic filter integrated in a nutrient removal treatment plant, Tilche, A., Bortone G., Forner G., Indulti M., Stante Loredana, and Tesini O. , Water Science and Technology, Volume 30, Number 12, p.405-414, (1994)
Comparison of 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-DNA Adduction in the Epidermis of Two Lines of Mice Selected for Resistance (CAR-R) or Susceptibility (CAR-S) to Skin Carcinogenesis, Perin, F., Perin O., Barat N., Plessis M.J., Saran Anna, Pioli Claudio, Covelli V., Biozzi G., and Mouton D. , Cancer Research, Volume 54, Number 17, p.4635-4640, (1994)
Comunità ornitica di un parco pubblico napoletano: il Bosco di Capodimonte, Carrabba, Paola, Piciocchi Stefano, and Mastronardi Danila , Gli Uccelli d’Italia, Volume XIX, 1-2, p.45-49, (1994)
Controllo biologico di fitofagi delle colture protette: stima di parametri demografici per un modello matematico tritrofico, Buffoni, Giuseppe, Calvitti Maurizio, Isabella Maestrini, and Di Cola Giulio , CONVEGNO NAZIONALE PROTEZIONE DELLE COLTURE: OSSERVAZIONI, PREVISIONI, DECISION, Pescara- IT, (1994)
Determination of methylmercury in human hair by capillary GC with electron capture detection, Chiavarini, Salvatore, Cremisini C., Ingrao G., and Morabito Roberto , Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 8, Number 7-8, p.563-570, (1994)
Development and characterization of novel cathode materials for molten carbonate fuel cell, Giorgi, L., Carewska M., Patriarca M., Scaccia S., Simonetti E., and Di Bartolomeo A. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 49, Number 1-3, p.227-243, (1994)
The dynamics of the David Glacier and of the Drygalski ice tongue, Victoria Land, Antarctica [La dinamica del ghiacciaio di sbocco David e della sua lingua galleggiante Drygalski (Terra Vittoria, Antartide)], Frezzotti, M , Memorie - Societa Geografica Italiana, Volume 51, p.247-259, (1994)