Produzione Scientifica
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Impact of mixed-species forest plantations on soil mycobiota community structure and diversity in the Congolese coastal plains,
, PloS one, Volume 19, Number 10, p.e0311781, (2024)
Impact of proton irradiation on photoluminescent properties of C-doped ZrO2 films prepared by ALD,
, Vacuum, Jan-06-2024, Volume 224, p.113083, (2024)
The impact of the spatial resolution of vegetation cover on the prediction of airborne pollen concentrations over northern Italy,
, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Jan-08-2024, Volume 355, p.110153, (2024)
Implementation of an On-Line Reactive Source Apportionment (ORSA) Algorithm in the FARM Chemical-Transport Model and Application over Multiple Domains in Italy,
, Atmosphere, Jan-02-2024, Volume 15, Issue 2, Number 2, p.191, (2024)
In situ observations of supercooled liquid water clouds over Dome C, Antarctica, by balloon-borne sondes,
, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Volume 17, Number 17, p.5071 – 5089, (2024)
Incompatible insect technique: insights on potential outcomes of releasing contaminant females: a proof of concept under semi-field conditions,
, Pest Management Science, (2024)
Influence of deep stratosphere-to-troposphere transport on atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane at the Mt. Cimone WMO/GAW global station (2165 m asl, Italy): A multi-year (2015–2022) investigation,
, Atmospheric Research, 2024///, Volume 310, p.107627, (2024)
The influence of drying and storage conditions on the volatilome and cannabinoid content of Cannabis sativa L. inflorescences,
, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Volume 416, Number 16, p.3797 – 3809, (2024)
Influence of Process Parameters on Properties of Non-Reactive RF Magnetron-Sputtered Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films Used as Electrodes for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes,
, Crystals, Volume 14, Number 9, (2024)
Influence of Rare-Earth Inclusion on Structure and Properties of Ca/K-1144 IBSC,
, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Jan-05-2024, Volume 34, Issue 3, p.1 - 5, (2024)
Influence of wildfire emissions to carbon dioxide (CO2) observed at the Mt. Cimone station (Italy, 2165 m asl): A multi-year investigation,
, Atmospheric Environment, 2024///, Volume 330, p.120577, (2024)
Infrared radiative effects of desert dust in the Mediterranean during the long dust season of summer 2021,
, RADIATION PROCESSES IN THE ATMOSPHERE AND OCEAN, 2024, Volume 2988, Issue 1, Number 1, Thessaloniki, Greece, (2024)
Infrastructure Impact Assessment through Multi-Hazard Analysis at Different Scales: The 26 November 2022 Flood Event on the Island of Ischia and Debris Management,
, Land, Volume 13, Number 4, (2024)
Inhibition of intestinal inflammation and fibrosis by Scutellaria Baicalensis georgi and Boswellia serrata in human epithelial cells and fibroblasts,
, Immunity, Inflammation and Disease, Volume 12, Number 10, (2024)
Inhibitors derived from wheat straw hydrolysate can affect the production of succinic acid by Actinobacillus succinogenes,
, Process Biochemistry, Volume 147, p.228-239, (2024)
, Detritus, Volume 28, p.19-27, (2024)
Innovative graph-based video processing methodology for collapse early warning of historic masonry building,
, Acta IMEKO, Volume 13, Number 2, (2024)
Innovative Multilayer Electrospun Patches for the Slow Release of Natural Oily Extracts as Dressings to Boost Wound Healing,
, Pharmaceutics, Jan-02-2024, Volume 16, Issue 2, Number 2, p.159, (2024)
Innovative Virtual Reality Based Training in the Agri-Food Sector: Insights from METROFOOD-IT,
, 2024 7th IEEE International Humanitarian Technologies Conference, IHTC 2024, (2024)
Integration of QTL and transcriptome approaches for the identification of genes involved in tomato response to nitrogen deficiency,
, Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 75, Number 18, p.5880-5896, (2024)
Interannual variations in the (¹⁷O) signature of atmospheric CO₂ at two mid-latitude sites suggest a close link to stratosphere–troposphere exchange,
, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2024///, Volume 24, Issue 19, p.11005 - 11027, (2024)
Investigating the effects of the greenery increase on air temperature, ventilation and cooling energy demand in Melbourne with the Weather Research and Forecasting model and Local Climate Zones,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 953, (2024)
Investigating the Impact of the Parkinson’s-Associated GBA1 E326K Mutation on β-Glucocerebrosidase Dimerization and Interactome Dynamics Through an In Silico Approach,
, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 25, Number 21, (2024)
Investigating the representation of heatwaves from an ensemble of km-scale regional climate simulations within CORDEX-FPS convection,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 62, Number 6, p.4635 – 4671, (2024)
Involvement of Mitochondria in the Selective Response to Microsecond Pulsed Electric Fields on Healthy and Cancer Stem Cells in the Brain,
, International journal of molecular sciences, Volume 25, Number 4, (2024)