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Development of design guidelines for seismically isolated nuclear reactors and research and development work performed by ENEA, Martelli, Alessandro, Forni Massimo, Indirli Maurizio, Masoni Paolo, Spadoni Bruno, Bonacina Giuseppe, Di Pasquale Giacomo, Sano Tito, and Gluekler Emil L. , Nuclear Technology, Volume 97, Number 2, Snowbird, UT, USA, p.153-169, (1992)
Diffusivity and solubility of hydrogen isotopes in the martensitic steel DIN 1.4914 (MANET) after thermal exposure at 900 K, Reiter, F., Alberici S., Camposilvan J., Serra Emanuele, Forcey K.S., and Perujo A. , Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, Volume 1, Number 1, p.693-699, (1992)
DNA binding activity and inhibition of DNA-protein interactions. Differential effects of tetra-p-amidino-phenoxyneopentane and its 2′-bromo derivative, Nastruzzi, C., Menegatti E., Pastesini C., Cortesi R., Esposito E., Spanò M., Biagini R., Cordelli Eugenia, Feriotto G., and Gambari R. , Biochemical Pharmacology, Volume 44, Number 10, p.1985-1994, (1992)
Due diverse metodologie d’impiego dell’acaro predatore Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acarina Phytoseiidae) per il controllo biologico di Tetranychus urticae (Acarina Tetranychidae) su colture protette di fragola nel Lazio, Calvitti, Maurizio, Lozupone Francesco, and Correnti Angelo , Giornate Fitopatologiche 1992, Volume 1, Copanello (CZ), p.257-264, (1992)
Ecological conditions in the Orbetello Lagoon and suggested actions for its restoration, Bucci, M., Ghiara E., Gorelli V., Gragnani R., Izzo G., Morgana Josè Giancarlo, Naviglio L., and Uccelli Raffaella , Science of the Total Environment, Number SUPPL., p.1179-1188, (1992)
Effect of in vivo hyperthermia on thymocyte maturation and selection, Mansoor, S., Spanò M., Baschieri Selene, Cividalli A., Mosiello Lucia, and Doria G. , International Immunology, Volume 4, Number 2, p.227-232, (1992)
[The effect of the synthetic leu-enkephalin analog dalargin on the proliferative activity of glioma C6 cells and on the intensity of their DNA synthesis]., Slepko, N G., and Kozlova M V. , Tsitologiia, 1992, Volume 34, Issue 1, p.66-73, (1992)
Elementi maggiori, minori e in traccia nelle acque e nelle fumarole dell'Isola di Vulcano. Attività svolta dall U.R. ENEA nel periodo 1/7/1990-31/12/1991, Brondi, M., Caprioli Raffaela, De Cassan Maurizio, Ghiara E., Mignuzzi C., Orlandi C., ToRcini S., Dall'Aglio M., and F. Pagani , Convegno scientifico annuale del Gruppo Nazionale di Vulcanologia, 03/1992, Palermo, (1992)
Griseofulvin-induced aneuploidy and meiotic delay in female mouse germ cells. II. Cytogenetic analysis of one-cell zygotes, Marchetti, F., Tiveron C., Bassani B., and Pacchierotti Francesca , Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 266, Number 2, p.151-162, (1992)
Griseofulvin-induced aneuploidy and meiotic delay in female mouse germ cells. I. Cytogenetic analysis of metaphase II oocytes, Tiveron, C., Marchetti F., Bassani B., and Pacchierotti Francesca , Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 266, Number 2, p.143-150, (1992)
A high-yield procedure for isolation of metaphase chromosomes from root tips of Vicia faba L., Doležel, Jaroslav, Číhalíková J., and Lucretti Sergio , Planta, 1992///, Volume 188, p.93 - 98, (1992)
Hormonal Regulation of T Cell Differentiation in Aging Mice, Doria, G., Baschieri Selene, Goso C., Brunelli R., Zichella L., Spanò M., Fattorossi A., D'AMELIO R., and Frasca D. , Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 650, Number 1, p.121-124, (1992)
Il monitoraggio delle aree urbane e ruralli mediante stazioni puntiformi, Mastronardi, Danila, Coppola D., Tomasich C., and Carrabba Paola , Giornate Romane di Ornitologia, 12/1992, Roma, p.115-120, (1992)
Importance of the type of soil for the induction of micronuclei and the growth of primary roots of Vicia faba treated with the herbicides atrazine, glyphosate and maleic hydrazide, De Marco, Alessandra, De Simone C., Raglione M., Testa Antonella, and Trinca S. , Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology, Volume 279, Number 1, p.9-13, (1992)
In vivo responses of CD4+ and CD8+ cells to bacterial superantigens., Herrmann, T, Baschieri Selene, Lees R K., and MacDonald H R. , European journal of immunology, 1992 Jul, Volume 22, Number 7, p.1935-8, (1992)
Influence of growth supplements on lactic acid production in whey ultrafiltrate by Lactobacillus helveticus, Chiarini, L., Mara L., and Tabacchioni Silvia , Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1992///, Volume 36, p.461 - 464, (1992)
Late Pleistocene and Holocene geological evolution of the Majelama Valley alluvial fan (Velino Massi, Abruzzo) [Evoluzione geologica tardo-pleistocenica ed olocenica del conoide complesso di valle majelama (massiccio del velino, abruzzo)], Frezzotti, M, and Giraudi C. , Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 5, Number 1, p.33-50, (1992)
Liquid–solid extraction of butyltin compounds from marine samples, Chiavarini, Salvatore, Cremisini C., Ferri T., Morabito Roberto, and Ubaldi Carla , Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 6, Number 2, p.147-153, (1992)
Mean organ doses in diagnostic radiology from experimental measurements on Rando phantom, Antonini, Alessandro, Borio R., Chiocchini S., Cicioni R., P. Esposti Degli, Rongoni A., Sabatini P., Salvadori P., and Scampoli P. , Physica Medica, 1992///, Volume 8, p.25 - 29, (1992)
Measurement of radiation damage on organic scintillators caused by gamma-rays and its recovery time, Baccaro, S., D'Atanasio Paolo, Gennis M., Marini G., Mattioli M., Nigro A., and Talice S. , International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part, Volume 40, Number 6, p.585-587, (1992)
Metodiche comparative per la determinazione del consumo trofico in detritivori marini. Metodo ponderale VS emivita 32P. , Maura, Manganelli, Anna Barra Caracciolo, Daniela Cuna, and Loreto Rossi , V Congresso Naz. Soc. Italiana di Ecologia, Milano, Italy, September 2, 09/1992, Milano, p.505-508, (1992)
Model reactions for abiotic mercury(II) methylation: Kinetics of methylation of mercury(II) by mono‐, di‐, and tri‐methyltin in seawater, Cerrati, G., Bernhard M., and Weber J.H. , Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 6, Number 7, p.587-595, (1992)
Monitoring of organotins in the La Spezia Gulf-II. Results of the 1990 sampling campaigns and concluding remarks, Caricchia, A.M., Chiavarini Salvatore, Cremisini C., Fantini M., and Morabito Roberto , Science of the Total Environment, The, Volume 121, Number C, p.133-144, (1992)
Nidificazione del Rondone maggiore (Apus melba) a Napoli, Carone, M.T., and Carrabba Paola , Giornate Romane di Ornitologia, 12/1992, Volume 1, Roma, p.163, (1992)
Observations of correlated behavior of stratospheric ozone and aerosol at Thule during winter 1991‐1992, Di Sarra, Alcide, Cacciani M., Di Girolamo P., Fiocco G., Fuà D., Knudsen B., Larsen N., and Joergensen T.S. , Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 19, Number 18, p.1823-1826, (1992)