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Novel polymeric systems for lithium-ion batteries gel electrolytes I. Cross-linked polyfluorosilicone, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Alessandrini F., Passerini S., Caporiccio G., Boutevin B., and Guida-Pietrasanta F. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 50, Number 1, p.149-158, (2004)
Novel solid polymer electrolytes with single lithium-ion transport, Blazejczyk, A., Wieczorek W., Kovarsky R., Golodnitsky D., Peled E., Scanlon L.G., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, and Scrosati B. , Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 151, Number 10, p.A1762-A1766, (2004)
Numerical methods for design of bonded joints for ship structures, Wang, X., Mieth U., and Cappelletti Andrea , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Volume 218, Number 4, p.247-258, (2004)
Numerical modeling of the semidiurnal tidal exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar, Sannino, Gianmaria, Bargagli A., and Artale V. , Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans, Volume 109, Number 5, p.C05011 1-23 - C05011 23-23, (2004)
Observation of a Saharan dust event in the central Mediterranean with airborne and ground-based lidars, Cacciani, M., Di Iorio Tatiana, Sarra A.D., Fiocco G., Madonna F., and Pace Giandomenico , European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, Volume 1, Number 561, p.373-376, (2004)
Only a subset of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-promoted mouse skin papillomas are promotable by benzoyl peroxide, Mancuso, Mariateresa, Pazzaglia Simonetta, Tanori Mirella, Rebessi S., Di Majo V., Covelli V., and Saran Anna , Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 548, Number 1-2, p.35-45, (2004)
Optical fibre sensor for photosynthetic herbicides detection by time-resolved absorption, Andreu, Y., Baldini F., Domenici C., Giannetti A., Masci Domenica, and Mencaglia A. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2004///, Volume 5270, p.31 - 37, (2004)
Optimized biosensors based on purified enzymes and engineered yeasts: Detection of inhibitors of cholinesterases on grapes, Boni, A., Cremisini C., Magarò E., Tosi M., Vastarella W, and Pilloton R. , Analytical Letters, Volume 37, Number 8, p.1683-1699, (2004)
Optimized Sn/SnSb lithium storage materials, Mukaibo, H., Osaka T., Reale P., Panero S., Scrosati B., and Wachtler M. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 132, Number 1-2, p.225-228, (2004)
Osservazioni sul ruolo del fungo Fusarium larvarum Fuckel quale agente di contenimento biologico del diaspidide Targionia vitis (Signoret)(Rhynchota-Diaspididae) in Puglia, Baldacchino, Ferdinando , Informatore fitopatologico, Number 9, p.52–56, (2004)
Overexpression of superoxide dismutase 1 protects against β-amyloid peptide toxicity: Effect of estrogen and copper chelators, Celsi, F., Ferri A., Casciati Arianna, D'Ambrosi N., Rotilio G., Costa A., Volonté C., and Carrì M.T. , Neurochemistry International, Volume 44, Number 1, p.25-33, (2004)
PEO-based electrolyte membranes based on LiBC4O8 salt, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Zane D., and Scrosati B. , Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 151, Number 9, p.A1369-A1374, (2004)
Pesticides re-entry dermal exposure of workers in greenhouses., Caffarelli, Vincenzo, Conte E., Correnti Angelo, Gatti Rosanna, Musmeci Fabio, Morali G., Spagnoli G., Tranfo G., Triolo L., Vita M., et al. , Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences, 2004///, Volume 69, p.733 - 742, (2004)
Pharmaceuticals in the environment [L'inquinamento ambientale da farmaci.], G. De Martiis, Bellante, Bellante L., Chiavola A., D'Aprile L., and Sbaffoni Silvia , Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunità, Volume 16, Number 1-2, p.291-306, (2004)
Plant factory: production of single chain antibodies for application in oncology, Galeffi, Patrizia, Lombardi Alessio, Di Donato Monica, Latini Arianna, Polidori Gioia Petrighi, Rasi Chiara, Sperandei Maria, Cantale Cristina, and Giacomini Patrizio , ICABR 8th Inter. Conf. on Agricultural Biotechnology: International Trade and Domestic Production, Ravello, July 8 – 11, 2004, (2004)
Polar stratospheric clouds observed during the Airborne Polar Experiment-Geophysica Aircraft in Antarctica (APE-GAIA) campaign, Cairo, F., Adriani A., Viterbini M., Di Donfrancesco G., Mitev V., Matthey R., Bastiano M., Redaelli G., Dragani R., Ferretti R., et al. , Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, Volume 109, Number 7, p.D07204 1-13, (2004)
Population densities of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) in Turkey, Uygur, S., Smith L., Uygur F.N., Cristofaro M., and Balciunas J. , Weed Science, 2004///, Volume 52, p.746 - 753, (2004)
POSEIDON: An integrated system for analysis and forecast of hydrological, meteorological and surface marine fields in the Mediterranean area, Speranza, A., Accadia C., Casaioli M., Mariani S., Monacelli G., Inghilesi R., Tartaglione N., Ruti P.M., Carillo Adriana, Bargagli A., et al. , Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, Volume 27, Number 4, p.329-345, (2004)
Precipitation Estimation: From the RAO to EURAINSAT and Beyond, Levizzani, Vincenzo, Adamo C., Alberoni Pier Paolo, Antonini Andrea, Battaglia A., Bauer P., Buzzi A., Capacci D., Caracciolo Clelia, Cattani Elsa, et al. , Second MSG RAO Workshop, Salzburg, Austria 9 – 10 September 2004 (ESA SP-582, November 2004) , 01, (2004)
Predicting Host Plant Specificity of a Prospective Biological Control Agent: Ceratapion Basicorne, a Weevil Attacking Yellow Starthistle, Smith, L., Cristofaro M., Hayat Rustem, and Tronci Carlo , Ecological Society of America, Volume Ecological Society of America Proceedings, (2004)
Preparazione di materiali di riferimento agroalimentari. Primi risultati e valutazioni, Zappa, Giovanna, Portaro Nunzio, Gatti Rosanna, Sangiorgio Paola, Adriani A., Amico A., Carconi P., Palazzo S., and Troisi L. , Number 2004/22/BIOTEC, (2004)
Primi risultati nella permeabilizzazione in vivo delle uova di Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, Cirio, Ugo, Moretti Riccardo, Antonelli Marco, and Calvitti Maurizio , XIX Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia, Volume I, Catania, 10-15 Giugno 2002, p.705-710, (2004)
Produzione di ibridi F1 di carciofo mediante impiego di cloni maschiosterili, Stamigna, Catia, Micozzi F, Pandozy G, Crino P, and Saccardo F , Italus hortus, Volume 11, Number 5, p.29–33, (2004)
Rapid soft lithography by bottom-up enhanced capillarity, Pisignano, D., Di Benedetto Francesca, Persano L., Gigli G., and Cingolani R. , Langmuir, Volume 20, Number 12, p.4802-4804, (2004)