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Physical and electrochemical properties of binary ionic liquid mixtures: (1 - X) PYR 14TFSI-(x) PYR 14IM 14, Montanino, M., Moreno M., Alessandrini F., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Passerini S., Zhou Q., and Henderson W.A. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 60, p.163-169, (2012)
Plant-based vaccine delivery strategies, Lico, Chiara, Marusic Carla, Capuano F., Buriani G., Benvenuto Eugenio, and Baschieri Selene , Innovation in Vaccinology: From Design, Through to Delivery and Testing, Volume 9789400745438, Dordrecht, p.179-203, (2012)
PM10-biogenic fraction drives the seasonal variation of proinflammatory response in A549 cells, Camatini, M., Corvaja V., Pezzolato E., Mantecca P., and Gualtieri Maurizio , Environmental Toxicology, Volume 27, Number 2, p.63-73, (2012)
A portable sensor system for air pollution monitoring and malodours olfactometric control, Suriano, Domenico, Rossi R., Alvisi Marco, Cassano Gennaro, Pfister Valerio, Penza Michele, Trizio L., Brattoli M., Amodio M., and De Gennaro G. , Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 109 LNEE, Rome, p.87-92, (2012)
Potato virus X movement in Nicotiana benthamiana: New details revealed by chimeric coat protein variants, Betti, C., Lico Chiara, Maffi D., D'Angeli S., Altamura M.M., Benvenuto Eugenio, Faoro F., and Baschieri Selene , Molecular Plant Pathology, Volume 13, Number 2, p.198-203, (2012)
Potato virus X movement in Nicotiana benthamiana: new details revealed by chimeric coat protein variants., Betti, Camilla, Lico Chiara, Maffi Dario, D'Angeli Simone, Altamura Maria Maddalena, Benvenuto Eugenio, Faoro Franco, and Baschieri Selene , Mol Plant Pathol, 2012 Feb, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.198-203, (2012)
Potenzialità del grano saraceno "tartarico" quale ingrediente per la preparazione di alimenti funzionali, Antonini, Alessandro, Brunori Andrea, De Rossi P., Del Fiore Antonella, Presenti Ombretta, Procacci Silvia, Nobili Chiara, Tolaini Valentina, and Vitali Fabio , Biotecnologie , salute e nutrizione, 2012, Rimini, (2012)
Prenatal exposure to radiofrequencies: Effects of WiFi signals on thymocyte development and peripheral T cell compartment in an animal model, Laudisi, F., Sambucci M., Nasta F., Pinto Rosanna, Lodato R., Altavista P., Lovisolo G.A., Marino Carmela, and Pioli Claudio , Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 33, Number 8, p.652-661, (2012)
A prime/boost strategy by DNA/fowlpox recombinants expressing a mutant E7 protein for the immunotherapy of HPV-associated cancers, Radaelli, A., C. Morghen De Giuli, Zanotto C., Pacchioni S., Bissa M., Franconi Rosella, Massa Silvia, Paolini F., Muller A., and Venuti A. , Virus Research, Volume 170, Number 1-2, p.44-52, (2012)
Production of different glycosylation variants of the tumour-targeting mAb H10 in Nicotiana benthamiana: Influence on expression yield and antibody degradation, Lombardi, R., Donini Marcello, Villani Maria Elena, Brunetti P., Fujiyama K., Kajiura H., Paul M., Ma J.K.-C., and Benvenuto Eugenio , Transgenic Research, Volume 21, Number 5, p.1005-1021, (2012)
Prospective analysis of the invasive potential of the European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana (Den. & Schiff.) in California, Gutierrez, Andrew Paul, Ponti Luigi, Cooper M.L., Gilioli Gianni, Baumgärtner J., and Duso C. , Agricultural and Forest Entomology, (2012)
Protective effects of L-dopa and carbidopa combined treatments on human catecholaminergic cells, Colamartino, M., Padua L., Meneghini C., Leone S., Cornetta T., Testa Antonella, and Cozzi R. , DNA and Cell Biology, Volume 31, Number 11, p.1572-1579, (2012)
A quadruple mutant of Arabidopsis reveals a beta-carotene hydroxylation activity for LUT1/CYP97C1 and a regulatory role of xanthophylls on determination of the PSI/PSII ratio., Fiore, Alessia, Dall’osto Luca, Cazzaniga S., Diretto Gianfranco, Giuliano Giovanni, and Bassi Roberto , BMC plant biology, 2012 Apr 18, Volume 12, p.50, (2012)
A quadruple mutant of Arabidopsis reveals a β-carotene hydroxylation activity for LUT1/CYP97C1 and a regulatory role of xanthophylls on determination of the PSI/PSII ratio, Fiore, Alessia, Dall'Osto L., Cazzaniga S., Diretto Gianfranco, Giuliano Giovanni, and Bassi R. , BMC Plant Biology, Volume 12, (2012)
Radar cross section measurements of the human body for UWB radar applications, Piuzzi, E., Pisa S., D'Atanasio Paolo, and Zambotti Alessandro , 2012 IEEE I2MTC - International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Proceedings, Volume 25, Number 1, p.1290-1293, (2012)
The radiation bystander effect and its potential implications for human health, Mancuso, Mariateresa, Pasquali Emanuela, Giardullo Paola, Leonardi Simona, Tanori Mirella, Di Majo V., Pazzaglia Simonetta, and Saran Anna , Current Molecular Medicine, Volume 12, Number 5, p.613-624, (2012)
The radiation bystander effect and its potential implications for human health., Mancuso, Mariateresa, Pasquali Emanuela, Giardullo Paola, Leonardi Simona, Tanori Mirella, Di Majo V, Pazzaglia Simonetta, and Saran Anna , Curr Mol Med, 2012 Jun, Volume 12, Issue 5, p.613-24, (2012)
Raman lidar observations of a Saharan dust outbreak event: Characterization of the dust optical properties and determination of particle size and microphysical parameters, Di Girolamo, P., Summa D., Bhawar R., Di Iorio Tatiana, Cacciani M., Veselovskii I., Dubovik O., and Kolgotin A. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 50, p.66-78, (2012)
Realising the European network of biodosimetry (RENEB), Kulka, U., Ainsbury L., Atkinson M., Barquinero J.F., Barrios L., Beinke C., Bognar G., Cucu A., Darroudi F., Fattibene P., et al. , Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 151, Number 4, p.621-625, (2012)
Recent insights into plant-virus interactions through proteomic analysis, Di Carli, Mariasole, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Donini Marcello , Journal of Proteome Research, 2012, Volume 11, p.4765 - 4780, (2012)
Regional imprints of millennial variability during the MIS 3 period around Antarctica, Buiron, D., Stenni B., Chappellaz J., Landais A., Baumgartner M., Bonazza M., Capron E., Frezzotti M, Kageyama M., Lemieux-Dudon B., et al. , Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 48, p.99-112, (2012)
Risk analysis of a disused landfill as support tool for defining strategy and priority of the remediation actions, Palmeri, E., Mancini G., Luciano Antonella, and Viotti P. , Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 28, p.43-48, (2012)
RM per la valutazione delle caratteristiche organolettiche degli alimenti, Gatti, Rosanna, Sangiorgio Paola, Zappa Giovanna, and Zoani Claudia , TUTTO MISURE, 03/2012, Volume 1, (2012)
The role of FPGA-based architectures in the control room modernization process: Preliminary results of a case-study, Cappelli, M., Memmi F., Falconi Luca, Palomba M., Bove R., and Sepielli M. , International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE, Volume 4, Number 1, Anaheim, CA, p.653-660, (2012)
Scientific basis for the Soviet and Russian radiofrequency standards for the general public, Repacholi, M., Grigoriev Y., Buschmann J., and Pioli Claudio , Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 33, Number 8, p.623-633, (2012)