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Comparison of the performance of an eriophyid mite, Aceria salsolae, on nontarget plants in the laboratory and in the field, Marini, F., Vidović B., Lonis S., Wibawa M.I., de Lillo E., Kashefi J., Cristofaro M., and Smith L. , Biological Control, Volume 152, (2021)
A complex gene network mediated by ethylene signal transduction tfs defines the flower induction and differentiation in olea europaea l., Salimonti, Amelia, Forgione Ivano, Sirangelo Tiziana Maria, Puccio Guglielmo, Mauceri Antonio, Mercati Francesco, Sunseri Francesco, and Carbone Fabrizio , Genes, Volume 12, Number 4, (2021)
Compostiera, Velardi, Maria, and Fiorino Daniele , Number 102021000000509, (2021)
COMPUTATIONAL TESTS TO IMPROVE THE SPATIAL RESOLUTION OF THE ATMOSPHERIC TRANSFER MATRICES IN THE INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT MODEL MINNI, Briganti, Gino, Cappelletti Andrea, Piersanti Antonio, Ciancarella L., D'Isidoro Massimo, Adani Mario, Guarnieri G., Chinnici M., and D'Elia Ilaria , 20th conference on "Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes" , (2021)
The contribution and potential of Industrial Symbiosis for the ecological transition. SymbiosisUsers Network - Sun Proceedings of the fifth SUN Conference, October 27th 2021, La Monica, Marco, and Beltrani Tiziana , 2022, Rimini, (2021)
A Cooperation Project in Lesotho: Renewable Energy Potential Maps Embedded in a WebGIS Tool, Pasanisi, F., Righini Gaia, D'Isidoro Massimo, Vitali Lina, Briganti Gino, Grauso Sergio, Moretti Lorenzo, Tebano C., Zanini Gabriele, Mahahabisa Mabafokeng, et al. , Sustainability, Jan-09-2021, Volume 13, Issue 18, p.10132, (2021)
Correction To: Epidemiological derivation of flux-based critical levels for visible ozone injury in European forests (Journal of Forestry Research, (2020), 31, 5, (1509-1519), 10.1007/s11676-020-01191-x), Sicard, P., De Marco Alessandra, Carrari E., Dalstein-Richier L., Hoshika Y., Badea O., Pitar D., Fares S., Conte A., Popa I., et al. , Journal of Forestry Research, Volume 33, Number 5, p.1703, (2021)
Correction to: Fretting Wear and Scratch Resistance of Cold-Sprayed Pure Cu and Ti (Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, (2021), 10.1007/s13632-021-00758-2), Váz, R.F., Silvello A., Cavalière P.D., Dosta S., Cano I.G., Capodieci Laura, Rizzo Antonella, and Valerini D. , Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, (2021)
Correction to: Tenebrio molitor in the circular economy: a novel approach for plastic valorisation and PHA biological recovery (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2021), 28, 38, (52689-52701), 10.1007/s11356-021-15944-6), Sangiorgio, Paola, Verardi Alessandra, Dimatteo Salvatore, Spagnoletta Anna, Moliterni Stefania, and Errico Simona , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2021)
Correlation between elastic properties and morphology in short fiber composites by X-ray computed micro-tomography, Lionetto, F., Montagna F., Natali D., De Pascalis F., Nacucchi Michele, Caretto Flavio, and Maffezzoli A. , Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 140, (2021)
Corrigendum: “A new approach to testing potential leaching toxicity of fouling release coatings (FRCs)”. (Mar. Environ. Res. (2018) 141 (305–312), (S0141113618301314), (10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.09.024)), Piazza, V., Greco G., Gambardella C., Garaventa F., Massanisso P., Chiavarini Salvatore, and Faimali M. , Marine Environmental Research, Volume 168, (2021)
Corrigendum to “Characterization of WEEE plastics and their potential valorisation through the production of 3D printing filaments” (Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (2021) 9(4), (105532), (S2213343721005091), (10.1016/j.jece.2021.105532), Cafiero, Lorenzo M., De Angelis Doina, Di Dio M., Di Lorenzo P., Pietrantonio Massimiliana, Pucciarmati Stefano, Terzi R., Tuccinardi Letizia, Tuffi Riccardo, and Ubertini A. , Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, (2021)
Critical current and pinning features of a cakfe4 as4 polycrystalline sample, Galluzzi, A., Leo A., Masi A., Varsano F., Nigro A., Grimaldi G., and Polichetti M. , Materials, Volume 14, Number 21, (2021)
Curing and low-temperature combined post-harvest storage enhances anthocyanin biosynthesis in blood oranges, Carmona, L., Alquézar B., Diretto Gianfranco, Sevi F., Malara T., Lafuente M.T., and Peña L. , Food Chemistry, Volume 342, (2021)
Cynara cardunculus genotypes comparison for food and industry bioactive molecules recovery, Tolaini, Valentina, Procacci Silvia, Salazar Camila, and Crinò Paola , 2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress, (2021)
Da Opuntia ficus-indica e Capsicum spp. prodotti sostenibili per i beni culturali, Alisi, Chiara, Bacchetta Loretta, and Persia Franca , Rome, (2021)
Dating of the GV7 East Antarctic ice core by high-resolution chemical records and focus on the accumulation rate variability in the last millennium, Nardin, R., Severi M., Amore A., Becagli S., Burgay F., Caiazzo Laura, Ciardini Virginia, Dreossi G., Frezzotti M., Hong S.-B., et al. , Climate of the Past, Volume 17, Number 5, p.2073-2089, (2021)
Demolition and construction recycling unified management: the DECORUM platform for improvement of resource efficiency in the construction sector, Luciano, Antonella, Cutaia Laura, Cioffi F., and Sinibaldi C. , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 28, Number 19, p.24558-24569, (2021)
Design of a fluorescent and clickable Ag38(SRN3)24nanocluster platform: synthesis, modeling and self-assembling, Campi, G., Suber L., Righi G., Primitivo L., De Angelis M., Caschera D., Pilloni L., Del Giudice A., Palma A., Satta M., et al. , Nanoscale Advances, Volume 3, Number 10, p.2948-2960, (2021)
Determination of seasonal forecast skill in identifying extreme events of temperature, wind speed, and SPI, Palma, Massimiliano, Catalano Franco, Cionni Irene, and Petitta Marcello , EGU General Assembly, (2021)
Determination of seasonal forecast skill in identifying extreme events of temperature wind speed and SPI, Palma, Massimiliano, Catalano Franco, Cionni Irene, and Petitta Marcello , 9th SISC Annual Conference, (2021)
Development of a Multi-Dimensional Coastal Vulnerability Index: Assessing vulnerability to inundation scenarios in the Italian coast, Furlan, E., Pozza P.D., Michetti Melania, Torresan S., Critto A., and Marcomini A. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 772, p.144650, (2021)
Development of a Novel Assay Based on Plant-Produced Infectious Bursal Disease Virus VP3 for the Differentiation of Infected From Vaccinated Animals, Bortolami, A., Donini Marcello, Marusic Carla, Lico Chiara, C. Touzani Drissi, Gobbo F., Mazzacan E., Fortin A., Panzarin V.M., Bonfante F., et al. , Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 12, (2021)
The development of Antarctic tafoni: Relations between differential weathering rates and spatial distribution of thermal events, salts concentration and mineralogy, Ponti, S., Pezza Massimo, and Guglielmin M. , Geomorphology, Volume 373, (2021)
Development of Decellularized Oviductal Hydrogels as a Support for Rabbit Embryo Culture, Francés-Herrero, E., De Miguel-Gómez L., López-Martínez S., Campo H., Garcia-Dominguez X., Diretto Gianfranco, Faus A., Vicente J.S., Marco-Jiménez F., and Cervelló I. , Reproductive Sciences, Volume 28, Number 6, p.1644-1658, (2021)