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Monitoring of organotins in La Spezia Gulf I. Analytical methods and preliminary results (Summer 1989), Chiavarini, Salvatore, Cremisini C., Ferri T., Morabito Roberto, and Perini A. , Science of the Total Environment, The, Volume 101, Number 3, p.217-227, (1991)
New separation chemistry techniques for radioactive waste and other specific applications, Cecile, L., Casarci M., and Pietrelli L. , CEC and ENEA; Elsevier Applied Science, (1991)
Organotin compounds in marine mussels collected from italian coasts, Caricchia, A.M., Chiavarini Salvatore, Cremisini C., Morabito Roberto, and Scerbo R. , Analytical Sciences, Volume 7, Number Supplement, p.1193-1196, (1991)
Origin of aneuploidy in relation to disturbances of cell-cycle progression. II: Cytogenetic analysis of various parameters in mouse bone marrow cells after colchicine or hydroquinone treatment, Pacchierotti, Francesca, Bassani B., Leopardi P., and Zijno A. , Mutagenesis, Volume 6, Number 4, p.307-311, (1991)
’Phytoantibodies’: a general vector for the expression of immunoglobulin domains in transgenic plants, Benvenuto, Eugenio, Ordàs R.J., Tavazza Raffaela, Ancora Giorgio, Biocca S., Cattaneo A., and Galeffi Patrizia , Plant Molecular Biology, 1991///, Volume 17, p.865 - 874, (1991)
Radiation protection and restoration by the synthetic 163-171 nonapeptide of human interleukin 1 beta., Frasca, D., Baschieri Selene, Boraschi D., Tagliabue A, and Doria G. , Radiation research, 1991 Oct, Volume 128, p.43-7, (1991)
Radiation protection and restoration by the synthetic 163-171 nonapeptide of human interleukin 1β, Frasca, D., Baschieri Selene, Boraschi D., Tagliabue A., and Doria G. , Radiation Research, Volume 128, Number 1, p.43-47, (1991)
Radioactive waste treatment using precipitant in combination with solid-liquid separation techniques, Pietrelli, L., Kavanagh P., and Roofthooft R. , Luxembourg, p.87-100, (1991)
Recovery by ultrafiltration of a commercial enzyme for cellulose hydrolysis, Pizzichini, Massimo, Fabiani Claudio, and Sperandei Maria , Separation Science and Technology, 1991///, Volume 26, p.175 - 187, (1991)
Struttura della comunità ornitica svernante in un frutteto suburbano del napoletano, Carrabba, Paola, Fraissinet Maurizio, Carone M.T., De Pisi E., and Milone Mario , 6° Convegno Italiano d Ornitologia, 12/1994, Volume 1, Torino, p.516, (1991)
Territorial distribution of mortality from malignant pleural tumors in Lombardy [Distribuzione territoriale della mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura in Lombardia.], Di Paola, M., Mastrantonio Marina, Comba P., Marsili G., and Paoletti L. , Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Volume 27, Number 4, p.651-655, (1991)
Thermodynamic study of Langmuir antibody films for application to immunosensors, Ahluwalia, A., De Rossi D., Monici M., and Schirone Antonio , Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 6, Number 2, p.133-141, (1991)
Total and EDTA‐extractable element contents in ophiolitic soils from Tuscany (Italy), Angelone, Massimo, Vaselli O., Bini C., Coradossi N., and Pancani M.G. , Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, Volume 154, Number 3, p.217-223, (1991)
Transport of 131I and 137Cs from air to cows' milk produced in North-Western Italian farms following the Chernobyl accident, Spezzano, Pasquale, and Giacomelli R. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 13, Number 3, p.235-250, (1991)
Uptake of radiocesium by mushrooms, Borio, R., Chiocchini S., Cicioni R., P. Esposti Degli, Rongoni A., Sabatini P., Scampoli P., Antonini Alessandro, and Salvadori P. , Science of the Total Environment, 1991///, Volume 106, p.183 - 190, (1991)
Vinblastine-induced numerical chromosome changes and selection processes in mouse bone marrow cells, Gustavino, B., Bassani B., and Pacchierotti Francesca , Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 248, Number 1, p.45-50, (1991)
Absorption cross sections of ozone in the 590- to 610-nm region at T = 230 K and T = 299 K, Amoruso, A., Cacciani M., Di Sarra Alcide, and Fiocco G. , Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 95, Number D12, p.20,565-20,568, (1990)
Analysis of nonlinear internal waves observed by Landsat Thematic Mapper, Artale, V., Levi D., Marullo S., and Santoleri R. , Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 95, Number C9, p.16,065-16,073, (1990)
The aquiferous systems of spongia officinalis and (Cliona viridis (porifera) based on corrosion cast analysis, Burlando, B., Bavestrello G., Sarà M., and Cocito Silvia , Bolletino di zoologia, Volume 57, Number 3, p.233-239, (1990)
Axisymmetric toroidal equilibrium with flow and anisotropic pressure, Iacono, Roberto, Bondeson A., Troyon F., and Gruber R. , Physics of Fluids B, Volume 2, Number 8, p.1794-1803, (1990)
Breeding bird communities and anthropogenic influence in Campania, Milone, Mario, Carrabba Paola, Conti Paola, Mastronardi Danila, and Scala R. , XX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, 12/1990, Christchurch, New Zealand, (1990)
A carrot cell variant temperature sensitive for somatic embryogenesis reveals a defect in the glycosylation of extracellular proteins, F. Schiavo, Lo, Giuliano Giovanni, De Vries S.C., Genga A., Bollini R., Pitto L., Cozzani F., Nuti-Ronchi V., and Terzil M. , MGG Molecular & General Genetics, Volume 223, Number 3, p.385-393, (1990)
Chemical treatment of high-level radioactive liquid waste produced by an MTR reprocessing plant, Pietrelli, L., and Troiani F. , Waste Management, Volume 10, Number 2, p.103-109, (1990)
Ciclo annuale della comunità ornitica di una zona umida artificiale dell'Italia centrale, Biondi, M., Guerrieri G., and Pietrelli L. , Avocetta, Volume 14, p.11-26, (1990)