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Blue Energy Deployment Alliance

BLUE DEAL is an European project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the INTERREG MED programme, in the thematic area “Blue Growth”.BLEU DEAL aims to to overcome current technical and administrative restrictions for BE deployment and define proper requirements and procedures to support decisions and guarantee compliance with regulatory, environmental and social constraints.BLUE DEAL aims to identify best practices for planning, testing and managing procedures for the use of Blue Energy in Mediterranean regions and to establish a common plan for the portability of these technologies in the Mediterranean area.Based on outputs from the Interreg MED MAESTRALE and PELAGOS projects, BLUE DEAL foresights a series of transnational Labs to involve multi-sectorial stakeholders, perform participative planning processes and establish public-private alliances through open innovation actions. Project partners will share their interdisciplinary expertise, develop demonstrations in target regions and release feasible visions of prosperous and sustainable coastal development.With a budget of 2.8 million euros and 32 months of work ahead, BLUE DEAL integrates 13 partners from 7 countries and 9 different regions around the Mediterranean.On December 18 and 19, more than 35 experts have gathered at the headquarters of ENEA (Italian National Agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development) in Rome to celebrate the Kick off of this European project.

9 May, 2022: The regional evaluation committees have designated the teams that will participate in the international selection later this week, and compete to gain access to the finals, which will be held in Ravenna (Italy) on May 18th, during the Blue Deal Final Conference.

October 2020: Albania, main actor of the second Testing Lab of the BLUE DEAL project

On June, 15th 2020 the project has held the first BLUE DEAL Testing Lab virtually with the presence of 37 participants