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3rd TFTEI Annual Meeting - Rome, October, 20, 2017

The Task Force on Techno-Economic Issues (TFTEI) is a technical body of the UN-ECE Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (UN-ECE LRTAP), recently re-nominated Air Pollution Convention. Since 2006, the Task Force is co-chaired by Tiziano. PIGNATELLI, (Italy, ENEA-SSPT) and Jean-Guy BARTAIRE (France, CITEPA). The Task Force, established by the Executive Body of the Convention in 2015, was previously known as EGTEI (Expert Group on Techno-Economic Issues) existing since 2001.

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Event type Workshop
Attendance Hybrid event
Event starts 10/20/2017 - 16:33
Event ends 10/20/2017 - 16:33
Roma, RM, Italy
ENEA Sede Legale
Lungotevere Thaon Di Revel, 76 Directions

The Task Force on Techno-Economic Issues (TFTEI) is a technical body of the UN-ECE Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (UN-ECE LRTAP), recently re-nominated Air Pollution Convention. Since 2006, the Task Force is co-chaired by Tiziano. PIGNATELLI, (Italy, ENEA-SSPT) and Jean-Guy BARTAIRE (France, CITEPA). The Task Force, established by the Executive Body of the Convention in 2015, was previously known as EGTEI (Expert Group on Techno-Economic Issues) existing since 2001. According to the mandate, received by the Executive Body, TFTEI has its main tasks in collecting, validating and disseminating technical information (and where available also cost information) on the Best Available Tecniques (BAT) to abate the air pollutants regulated by the Protocols of the LRTAP Convention, for the benefit of the Parties to the Convention. The geographical scope of the Conventions includes 51 Parties, in US, Canada, Europe, Russian Federation and Central Asia.

The Task Force reports on its activities to the Working Group on Strategies and Review (WGSR), one of the three Subsidiary Bodies of the Convention. Periodically, TFTEI is assigned, by WGSR, the task of reviewing and updating the Annexes to the Protocols of the Convention (e.g. the Gothenburg Protocol). Several kind of experts attend the annual meeting of the Task Force, as designated by the Parties to the Convention, the European Industrial Associations, private enterprises, as well as experts from research Centres and Universities and members of other bodies of the Convention.   During the annual meeting, the progress in the implementation of the work plan, as adopted by the Executive Body, in Geneva, is discusses, as well as the Task Force activities included in the following 2-year work plan. The participation in the annual meeting is upon invitation by the co-chairs, only, and takes place in English (with translation in Russian for the Russian speaking experts).

A cura di: 
Redazione Dipartimento Sostenibilità dei Sistemi Produttivi e Territoriali
Ultimo aggiornamento: 19 June 2024