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1st International Workshop and Training School on the Sustainable Management of Plant Genetic Resources

Copertina evento

The EU-funded project Promoting a Plant Genetic Resources Community for Europe - PRO-GRACE aims to jumpstart a novel pan-European Research Infrastructure dedicated to conserving and characterizing plant genetic resources. In the frame of its activities, PRO-GRACE is organizing an International Workshop and Training School on the Sustainable Management of Plant Genetic Resources (PGRs). 

These will take place at the conference centre in the headquarters of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete, Greece from 3–6 October 2023.

Workshop 3-4 October

The Workshop will feature talks by PGR managers and research leaders from the public and private sectors, as well as discussion sessions dedicated to developing a concept for the prospective infrastructure and identifying the needs of its future utilizers.

Training school 5-6 October

The Entry Level Training School is addressed to managers of small PGR collections, breeders, and other people interested in PGR management, and will aim to provide basic training on the following topics:

  • Introduction to PGRs
  • Guidelines and principles for ex situ and in situ PGR management
  • Basic phytosanitary techniques
  • Informatic tools for accessing/providing information related to PGRs
  • Omics technologies for the management of PGRs


The  agenda for the Workshop and Training School is available here


Registration for the workshop, the training school, or both events, is still open – for online participation only – at this link­.

Registrants accepted to participate in person will be notified by mid/end-August. A limited number of subsistence fellowships (lodging + meals) will be provided to people who registered by 13 August, taking into account the representation of different geographical areas and sectors.

A teleconference link will be provided for late registrants or people unable to attend in person, enabling them to participate and ask questions remotely.

Link to the project factsheet

Reference personnel: 
Data evento: 
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 09:30 to Friday, October 6, 2023 - 14:30